If somebody left this message on your answering machine, would you consider it a threat?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
"You're gonna die" *click*.

I didn't even know it was on our machine until I checked, I think it was from a couple of days ago. I was considering posting it somewhere in audio format publicly but decided to post it in safe storage online and keep it close to the vest. Another threat of a few I've experienced by these cowards. It has never gone this far however. This is beyond harassment.

As I know the creeps keep tabs on me (I think I've ruffled their feathers lately with some direct, public allegations on social media) I want them to know I've let others know and will continue to let others know. It's going in my own "file" on them.

THIS is the type of abuses you deal with in a system that allows the most vile abuses in your most intimate pursuit. I have no choice but to take it seriously, and we will. Just know, I'm not making stuff up, and I'm sure some on here know the deal. I didn't ask to become this victim.
"You're gonna die" *click*.
We're all gonna die. It's a fact of life. Might be kinda rude to say it on the phone, but I would say take a hint, lock your doors at night, consider a burglar alarm, ask the neighbors if they saw or heard anything suspicious, that sort of thing.

The real professionals aren't going to take the time to call you on the phone and leave a message if they are actually planning to murder you, especially when a phone call or voice print might be traced.

Don't shoot the messenger.
Are you sure it wasn't left by your doctor?

Mine likes playing jokes like that.

(at least, I think she's joking)
"You're gonna die" *click*.

I didn't even know it was on our machine until I checked, I think it was from a couple of days ago. I was considering posting it somewhere in audio format publicly but decided to post it in safe storage online and keep it close to the vest. Another threat of a few I've experienced by these cowards. It has never gone this far however. This is beyond harassment.

As I know the creeps keep tabs on me (I think I've ruffled their feathers lately with some direct, public allegations on social media) I want them to know I've let others know and will continue to let others know. It's going in my own "file" on them.

THIS is the type of abuses you deal with in a system that allows the most vile abuses in your most intimate pursuit. I have no choice but to take it seriously, and we will. Just know, I'm not making stuff up, and I'm sure some on here know the deal. I didn't ask to become this victim.

You should report this to your local police, it is a threat and should be investigated. Stay safe.
"You're gonna die" *click*.
We're all gonna die. It's a fact of life. Might be kinda rude to say it on the phone, but I would say take a hint, lock your doors at night, consider a burglar alarm, ask the neighbors if they saw or heard anything suspicious, that sort of thing.

The real professionals aren't going to take the time to call you on the phone and leave a message if they are actually planning to murder you, especially when a phone call or voice print might be traced.

Don't shoot the messenger.
I agree.

I don't care how many masks you are wearing, shooting them leaves way too much forensic evidence.

It's messy.
"You're gonna die" *click*.
We're all gonna die. It's a fact of life. Might be kinda rude to say it on the phone, but I would say take a hint, lock your doors at night, consider a burglar alarm, ask the neighbors if they saw or heard anything suspicious, that sort of thing.

The real professionals aren't going to take the time to call you on the phone and leave a message if they are actually planning to murder you, especially when a phone call or voice print might be traced.

Don't shoot the messenger.

You see, that's the kind of excuse I thought. It was carefully worded, but in my opinion and the opinion of many I'm sure, not too carefully worded unfortunately for their sake. They didn't say "I'm going to kill you", but, the way they said die was mockingly, "you're gonna diiiiie" not over exaggerated, but, almost as if, "keep it up buddy" type of way. A direct warning.

This isn't as innocuous as saying to someone "take care of yourself man, it's dangerous out there". This went beyond that.

As was stated, unfortunately I refuse to go to the police right now. I did that once before with a guy hanging outside our home and the lack of curiosity on the part of the intake gave me all I needed to know. She wanted to know MY address, then basically gave me a "well if it continues contact us", of course the guy left immediately. I will decide my options of who I will blast with this. Rest assured, I'm going to make this known.

I turned down three different media options in the past (two of them I wasn't completely trusting of, one I didn't believe having my details in the paper would offset any value I would get at the time). If I knew it would continue to escalate, I would have taken the opportunity.

I've always held out hope for them to cut their losses, as we are both paying a price. Clearly state funded entities don't feel concerned about THEIR lives, opportunity or risk, so they care little how it impacts Canadas reputation or potential costs. Now with the changing of my name on top of so many incidents, it's clear this isn't on the desk of someone with any integrity.
It's disgusting to hear you have to put up with this.
since we don't know the nature of your conflict, it's impossible to ascertain the threat.
But anytime you get a threat like this, up your game somewhat as much as you can.

Get a reputable OC spray (if Canada allows it). Have a Louisville Slugger handy (assuming in Canada you can't have a gun easily)
Get video cameras around your home (if you don't already). Just be prepared for the cops to frequent your home asking for footage of every
neighborhood mishap.

Stay safe
I have had so many death threats in my career that the best I can manage is "get in line". When the office was representing Bittaker and Norris the tool box killers, people were sending us wire clothes hangars in bloody pillowcases. A phone message is rather pedestrian.
"You're gonna die" *click*.

I didn't even know it was on our machine until I checked, I think it was from a couple of days ago. I was considering posting it somewhere in audio format publicly but decided to post it in safe storage online and keep it close to the vest. Another threat of a few I've experienced by these cowards. It has never gone this far however. This is beyond harassment.

As I know the creeps keep tabs on me (I think I've ruffled their feathers lately with some direct, public allegations on social media) I want them to know I've let others know and will continue to let others know. It's going in my own "file" on them.

THIS is the type of abuses you deal with in a system that allows the most vile abuses in your most intimate pursuit. I have no choice but to take it seriously, and we will. Just know, I'm not making stuff up, and I'm sure some on here know the deal. I didn't ask to become this victim.

You have the equivalent of *69 in your province? Might be a place to start. See if you can find out where it's coming from.

EDIT - Sorry, *68 is call forwarding.
I have had so many death threats in my career that the best I can manage is "get in line". When the office was representing Bittaker and Norris the tool box killers, people were sending us wire clothes hangars in bloody pillowcases. A phone message is rather pedestrian.

Pedestrian in isolation, not after years of state abuse by the Creepy Ones.

It's makes no sense to reintroduce it. The reality is all abusive police states have the same types of agencies. They share two qualities: cowardice and they believe their abuses are legitimate because, "hey, we are the good guys". From the Gestapo to KGB, Stasi and Canadian police. They all have the same qualities.

They have their profile on me. They know I don't bother anyone, I'm easy going. They realize to get a response, it would be them who would have to initiate it. I would only be defending myself. Or, they just harass and have a good laugh behind my back or when they interfere with my career pursuit. Again, because that's what cowardly sons of dogs do.
Have you thought about getting another phone number?

God bless you always!!!


I'd have to get a new address, a new face, a new name (they did that for me already illegally), and/or a new existence.

This has been going on for a long time. During this time I've shared my experiences, even with the UN and International agencies. For my own part, I've noticed a significantly higher level of calling out of Canada on human rights (mainly natives and treatment of prisoners), along with a great loss of talent and global investment.

Hey, I am doing my part to share the truth. I think you'd have to be drunk to open up a business in Canada. If you do, the very least you should do is send over your own H.R and management.
"You're gonna die" *click*.

I didn't even know it was on our machine until I checked, I think it was from a couple of days ago. I was considering posting it somewhere in audio format publicly but decided to post it in safe storage online and keep it close to the vest. Another threat of a few I've experienced by these cowards. It has never gone this far however. This is beyond harassment.

As I know the creeps keep tabs on me (I think I've ruffled their feathers lately with some direct, public allegations on social media) I want them to know I've let others know and will continue to let others know. It's going in my own "file" on them.

THIS is the type of abuses you deal with in a system that allows the most vile abuses in your most intimate pursuit. I have no choice but to take it seriously, and we will. Just know, I'm not making stuff up, and I'm sure some on here know the deal. I didn't ask to become this victim.
well there is the fact that you will die someday,,,doesnt mean theyre going to kill you,,,
"You're gonna die" *click*.

I didn't even know it was on our machine until I checked, I think it was from a couple of days ago. I was considering posting it somewhere in audio format publicly but decided to post it in safe storage online and keep it close to the vest. Another threat of a few I've experienced by these cowards. It has never gone this far however. This is beyond harassment.

As I know the creeps keep tabs on me (I think I've ruffled their feathers lately with some direct, public allegations on social media) I want them to know I've let others know and will continue to let others know. It's going in my own "file" on them.

THIS is the type of abuses you deal with in a system that allows the most vile abuses in your most intimate pursuit. I have no choice but to take it seriously, and we will. Just know, I'm not making stuff up, and I'm sure some on here know the deal. I didn't ask to become this victim.
well there is the fact that you will die someday,,,doesnt mean theyre going to kill you,,,

Yeah, no. That was a threat to us. Not the first, but certainly the most morbid and direct.
"You're gonna die" *click*.

I didn't even know it was on our machine until I checked, I think it was from a couple of days ago. I was considering posting it somewhere in audio format publicly but decided to post it in safe storage online and keep it close to the vest. Another threat of a few I've experienced by these cowards. It has never gone this far however. This is beyond harassment.

As I know the creeps keep tabs on me (I think I've ruffled their feathers lately with some direct, public allegations on social media) I want them to know I've let others know and will continue to let others know. It's going in my own "file" on them.

THIS is the type of abuses you deal with in a system that allows the most vile abuses in your most intimate pursuit. I have no choice but to take it seriously, and we will. Just know, I'm not making stuff up, and I'm sure some on here know the deal. I didn't ask to become this victim.

I've been reading about your complaints of the Canadian Gov for awhile....
A lot of it sounds like gang stalking.
I have had so many death threats in my career that the best I can manage is "get in line". When the office was representing Bittaker and Norris the tool box killers, people were sending us wire clothes hangars in bloody pillowcases. A phone message is rather pedestrian.

Pedestrian in isolation, not after years of state abuse by the Creepy Ones.

It's makes no sense to reintroduce it. The reality is all abusive police states have the same types of agencies. They share two qualities: cowardice and they believe their abuses are legitimate because, "hey, we are the good guys". From the Gestapo to KGB, Stasi and Canadian police. They all have the same qualities.

They have their profile on me. They know I don't bother anyone, I'm easy going. They realize to get a response, it would be them who would have to initiate it. I would only be defending myself. Or, they just harass and have a good laugh behind my back or when they interfere with my career pursuit. Again, because that's what cowardly sons of dogs do.

Definitely gang stalking.
Any vandalism to your property?
I have had so many death threats in my career that the best I can manage is "get in line". When the office was representing Bittaker and Norris the tool box killers, people were sending us wire clothes hangars in bloody pillowcases. A phone message is rather pedestrian.

Pedestrian in isolation, not after years of state abuse by the Creepy Ones.

It's makes no sense to reintroduce it. The reality is all abusive police states have the same types of agencies. They share two qualities: cowardice and they believe their abuses are legitimate because, "hey, we are the good guys". From the Gestapo to KGB, Stasi and Canadian police. They all have the same qualities.

They have their profile on me. They know I don't bother anyone, I'm easy going. They realize to get a response, it would be them who would have to initiate it. I would only be defending myself. Or, they just harass and have a good laugh behind my back or when they interfere with my career pursuit. Again, because that's what cowardly sons of dogs do.

Definitely gang stalking.
Any vandalism to your property?
My car was bombed to rubble once. Fortunately I wasn't in it. But that was a different case. Our whole office knew what to expect just being there. I have always worked for law firms with an edge.
I have had so many death threats in my career that the best I can manage is "get in line". When the office was representing Bittaker and Norris the tool box killers, people were sending us wire clothes hangars in bloody pillowcases. A phone message is rather pedestrian.

Pedestrian in isolation, not after years of state abuse by the Creepy Ones.

It's makes no sense to reintroduce it. The reality is all abusive police states have the same types of agencies. They share two qualities: cowardice and they believe their abuses are legitimate because, "hey, we are the good guys". From the Gestapo to KGB, Stasi and Canadian police. They all have the same qualities.

They have their profile on me. They know I don't bother anyone, I'm easy going. They realize to get a response, it would be them who would have to initiate it. I would only be defending myself. Or, they just harass and have a good laugh behind my back or when they interfere with my career pursuit. Again, because that's what cowardly sons of dogs do.

Definitely gang stalking.
Any vandalism to your property?

Nothing that I can tell, though I had my bike stolen some time back (they had to open a large gate and wheel it out), a bag of dog waste left outside the door of our home the day my father in law died, someone went into our car some time back, the constant parking outside our home which has decreased a great deal, and a few other odd occurrences.

I had a guy follow me at the library, I typed it up here some time back, even the librarian noticed as I made her aware after I confronted him and he told me he knew where I lived.

Gangstalking is certainly a consideration and it is the type of activity expected of cowards.

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