If President Romney Had Bombed a Hospital

The anti war left are not anti war.....

If Romney had been elected in 2012 and in the year before his reelection campaign had bombed a hospital, decided to keep troops in Afghanistan, and had details of his robot assassin program leaked, things would probably look a little different today.

If Romney were president right now, the White House would be surrounded by protesters and candlelight peace vigils night and day. Some would wave American flags, some would wave signs calling for impeachment, some would have pictures caricaturing the president as Hitler or an animal. They would chant “Not in our name!”, or “Bring them home!”, or “Hey ho, hey ho, Romney has got to go!”

If Romney were president, nightly news reports on CBS, NBC, and ABC would have regular features on war crimes, quagmires, and collateral damage. CNN would be wall-to-wall with team coverage of protests, interviews of bombing witnesses, and Anderson Cooper walking through rubble in full body armor.

If Romney were president, every political analyst left of Judge Napolitano would be fretting over the war-weary public turning the upcoming election into a referendum against the president and his party. Vox and FiveThirtyEight would have maps showing how many Senate seats Republicans would lose because of the president’s sure-to-plummet approval rating. And then there’s MSNBC.

If Romney were president, MSNBC would be holding mock war crimes tribunals on Chris Hayes, explaining the ins and outs of the process with expert guests. Lena Dunham would be on Maddow every night aghast (but still giggling!) at this warmonger-in-chief. Chris Matthews would be yelling at Michael Moore, trying to find out when charges would be filed at the Hague.

If Romney were president, Democrats in Congress would be calling for hearings and investigations for each transgression: the bombing, troop levels, and drone policy. Chuck Schumer would hold daily press briefings scolding the wreckless president from behind the glasses perched precariously down his nose. Someone would accurately quote Sheila Jackson-Lee condeming the terrible bombing of the “orphanage in Pakistan”.

But Mitt Romney isn’t president, Barack Obama is, so no one cares.

Here's What Would Be Happening if President Romney Had Bombed a Hospital in Afghanistan | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government
More whining from the right – poor conservatives, hapless victims of the 'evil' media.

It cracks me up how bad you are at the English language and your complete and utter inability to learn how to use quote marks, and when not to use them. Again, you don't use quote marks for the voices in your head. You use quote marks when you are quoting someone's actual words.

Classic, you're so pompous with such an over-inflated ego, and yet you can't master high school English. Classic
Speculation fallacy. Whole OP full of 'em. Dismissed.

Actually Romney probably would have bombed Jeep factories that "moved to China". :rofl:

No speculation at all, there is a long and clear pattern by the leftist media to hold Republicans to a standard that no explanation is good enough and Democrats to a standard that no explanation is required

You just posted "no speculation at all" followed immediately by "there is a long and clear pattern".
I mean immediately. Naught but a comma intervening.

Do you ever actually read your own posts? You should. They're a hoot.

Check this out:

If Romney had been elected in 2012 and in the year before his reelection campaign had bombed a hospital, decided to keep troops in Afghanistan, and had details of his robot assassin program leaked, things would probably look a little different today.

If Romney were president right now, the White House would be surrounded by protesters and candlelight peace vigils night and day. Some would wave American flags, some would wave signs calling for impeachment, some would have pictures caricaturing the president as Hitler or an animal. They would chant “Not in our name!”, or “Bring them home!”, or “Hey ho, hey ho, Romney has got to go!”

If Romney were president, nightly news reports on CBS, NBC, and ABC would have regular features on war crimes, quagmires, and collateral damage. CNN would be wall-to-wall with team coverage of protests, interviews of bombing witnesses, and Anderson Cooper walking through rubble in full body armor.

If Romney were president, every political analyst left of Judge Napolitano would be fretting over the war-weary public turning the upcoming election into a referendum against the president and his party. Vox and FiveThirtyEight would have maps showing how many Senate seats Republicans would lose because of the president’s sure-to-plummet approval rating. And then there’s MSNBC.

If Romney were president, MSNBC would be holding mock war crimes tribunals on Chris Hayes, explaining the ins and outs of the process with expert guests. Lena Dunham would be on Maddow every night aghast (but still giggling!) at this warmonger-in-chief. Chris Matthews would be yelling at Michael Moore, trying to find out when charges would be filed at the Hague.

If Romney were president, Democrats in Congress would be calling for hearings and investigations for each transgression: the bombing, troop levels, and drone policy. Chuck Schumer would hold daily press briefings scolding the wreckless president from behind the glasses perched precariously down his nose. Someone would accurately quote Sheila Jackson-Lee condeming the terrible bombing of the “orphanage in Pakistan”.​

Now see if you can find a recurring verb in there. I made it bold.
Now tell me what tense that is.

"Future patternistic"?

I think my favourite is the "charges would be filed at The Hague". A future conditional based on another future conditional. Speculation fallacy-on-speculation fallacy hot action. Fallacies gone wild.

Order yours today.

Pop quiz --- what's this thing?


---- "Would" stove.​

You have way too much time on your hands
The anti war left are not anti war.....

If Romney had been elected in 2012 and in the year before his reelection campaign had bombed a hospital, decided to keep troops in Afghanistan, and had details of his robot assassin program leaked, things would probably look a little different today.

If Romney were president right now, the White House would be surrounded by protesters and candlelight peace vigils night and day. Some would wave American flags, some would wave signs calling for impeachment, some would have pictures caricaturing the president as Hitler or an animal. They would chant “Not in our name!”, or “Bring them home!”, or “Hey ho, hey ho, Romney has got to go!”

If Romney were president, nightly news reports on CBS, NBC, and ABC would have regular features on war crimes, quagmires, and collateral damage. CNN would be wall-to-wall with team coverage of protests, interviews of bombing witnesses, and Anderson Cooper walking through rubble in full body armor.

If Romney were president, every political analyst left of Judge Napolitano would be fretting over the war-weary public turning the upcoming election into a referendum against the president and his party. Vox and FiveThirtyEight would have maps showing how many Senate seats Republicans would lose because of the president’s sure-to-plummet approval rating. And then there’s MSNBC.

If Romney were president, MSNBC would be holding mock war crimes tribunals on Chris Hayes, explaining the ins and outs of the process with expert guests. Lena Dunham would be on Maddow every night aghast (but still giggling!) at this warmonger-in-chief. Chris Matthews would be yelling at Michael Moore, trying to find out when charges would be filed at the Hague.

If Romney were president, Democrats in Congress would be calling for hearings and investigations for each transgression: the bombing, troop levels, and drone policy. Chuck Schumer would hold daily press briefings scolding the wreckless president from behind the glasses perched precariously down his nose. Someone would accurately quote Sheila Jackson-Lee condeming the terrible bombing of the “orphanage in Pakistan”.

But Mitt Romney isn’t president, Barack Obama is, so no one cares.

Here's What Would Be Happening if President Romney Had Bombed a Hospital in Afghanistan | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government
More whining from the right – poor conservatives, hapless victims of the 'evil' media.

It cracks me up how bad you are at the English language and your complete and utter inability to learn how to use quote marks, and when not to use them. Again, you don't use quote marks for the voices in your head. You use quote marks when you are quoting someone's actual words.

Classic, you're so pompous with such an over-inflated ego, and yet you can't master high school English. Classic

Absolute fucking bullshit. Quote marks are commonly used to denote "so-called". Anyone even partially fluent in the language knows this.
The anti war left are not anti war.....

If Romney had been elected in 2012 and in the year before his reelection campaign had bombed a hospital, decided to keep troops in Afghanistan, and had details of his robot assassin program leaked, things would probably look a little different today.

If Romney were president right now, the White House would be surrounded by protesters and candlelight peace vigils night and day. Some would wave American flags, some would wave signs calling for impeachment, some would have pictures caricaturing the president as Hitler or an animal. They would chant “Not in our name!”, or “Bring them home!”, or “Hey ho, hey ho, Romney has got to go!”

If Romney were president, nightly news reports on CBS, NBC, and ABC would have regular features on war crimes, quagmires, and collateral damage. CNN would be wall-to-wall with team coverage of protests, interviews of bombing witnesses, and Anderson Cooper walking through rubble in full body armor.

If Romney were president, every political analyst left of Judge Napolitano would be fretting over the war-weary public turning the upcoming election into a referendum against the president and his party. Vox and FiveThirtyEight would have maps showing how many Senate seats Republicans would lose because of the president’s sure-to-plummet approval rating. And then there’s MSNBC.

If Romney were president, MSNBC would be holding mock war crimes tribunals on Chris Hayes, explaining the ins and outs of the process with expert guests. Lena Dunham would be on Maddow every night aghast (but still giggling!) at this warmonger-in-chief. Chris Matthews would be yelling at Michael Moore, trying to find out when charges would be filed at the Hague.

If Romney were president, Democrats in Congress would be calling for hearings and investigations for each transgression: the bombing, troop levels, and drone policy. Chuck Schumer would hold daily press briefings scolding the wreckless president from behind the glasses perched precariously down his nose. Someone would accurately quote Sheila Jackson-Lee condeming the terrible bombing of the “orphanage in Pakistan”.

But Mitt Romney isn’t president, Barack Obama is, so no one cares.

Here's What Would Be Happening if President Romney Had Bombed a Hospital in Afghanistan | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government
More whining from the right – poor conservatives, hapless victims of the 'evil' media.

It cracks me up how bad you are at the English language and your complete and utter inability to learn how to use quote marks, and when not to use them. Again, you don't use quote marks for the voices in your head. You use quote marks when you are quoting someone's actual words.

Classic, you're so pompous with such an over-inflated ego, and yet you can't master high school English. Classic

Absolute fucking bullshit. Quote marks are commonly used to denote "so-called". Anyone even partially fluent in the language knows this.

Quote marking the "left wing" media would make sense, quoting the "evil" media doesn't
The anti war left are not anti war.....

If Romney had been elected in 2012 and in the year before his reelection campaign had bombed a hospital, decided to keep troops in Afghanistan, and had details of his robot assassin program leaked, things would probably look a little different today.

If Romney were president right now, the White House would be surrounded by protesters and candlelight peace vigils night and day. Some would wave American flags, some would wave signs calling for impeachment, some would have pictures caricaturing the president as Hitler or an animal. They would chant “Not in our name!”, or “Bring them home!”, or “Hey ho, hey ho, Romney has got to go!”

If Romney were president, nightly news reports on CBS, NBC, and ABC would have regular features on war crimes, quagmires, and collateral damage. CNN would be wall-to-wall with team coverage of protests, interviews of bombing witnesses, and Anderson Cooper walking through rubble in full body armor.

If Romney were president, every political analyst left of Judge Napolitano would be fretting over the war-weary public turning the upcoming election into a referendum against the president and his party. Vox and FiveThirtyEight would have maps showing how many Senate seats Republicans would lose because of the president’s sure-to-plummet approval rating. And then there’s MSNBC.

If Romney were president, MSNBC would be holding mock war crimes tribunals on Chris Hayes, explaining the ins and outs of the process with expert guests. Lena Dunham would be on Maddow every night aghast (but still giggling!) at this warmonger-in-chief. Chris Matthews would be yelling at Michael Moore, trying to find out when charges would be filed at the Hague.

If Romney were president, Democrats in Congress would be calling for hearings and investigations for each transgression: the bombing, troop levels, and drone policy. Chuck Schumer would hold daily press briefings scolding the wreckless president from behind the glasses perched precariously down his nose. Someone would accurately quote Sheila Jackson-Lee condeming the terrible bombing of the “orphanage in Pakistan”.

But Mitt Romney isn’t president, Barack Obama is, so no one cares.

Here's What Would Be Happening if President Romney Had Bombed a Hospital in Afghanistan | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government
More whining from the right – poor conservatives, hapless victims of the 'evil' media.

It cracks me up how bad you are at the English language and your complete and utter inability to learn how to use quote marks, and when not to use them. Again, you don't use quote marks for the voices in your head. You use quote marks when you are quoting someone's actual words.

Classic, you're so pompous with such an over-inflated ego, and yet you can't master high school English. Classic

Absolute fucking bullshit. Quote marks are commonly used to denote "so-called". Anyone even partially fluent in the language knows this.

Quote marking the "left wing" media would make sense, quoting the "evil" media doesn't

Amazing that even this simplicity soars over your pointy head. :disbelief:

--- Without even scanning back to glean the context I can see that writing <the "evil" media> is obvious sarcasm, pointed at the addressed post, to mean "what you think is the evil media". Ain't friggin' rocket surgery; it's called irony.

noun: irony
the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
"“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony"
synonyms: sarcasm, causticity, cynicism, mockery, satire, sardonicism
"that note of irony in her voice"
5th post
The anti war left are not anti war.....

If Romney had been elected in 2012 and in the year before his reelection campaign had bombed a hospital, decided to keep troops in Afghanistan, and had details of his robot assassin program leaked, things would probably look a little different today.

If Romney were president right now, the White House would be surrounded by protesters and candlelight peace vigils night and day. Some would wave American flags, some would wave signs calling for impeachment, some would have pictures caricaturing the president as Hitler or an animal. They would chant “Not in our name!”, or “Bring them home!”, or “Hey ho, hey ho, Romney has got to go!”

If Romney were president, nightly news reports on CBS, NBC, and ABC would have regular features on war crimes, quagmires, and collateral damage. CNN would be wall-to-wall with team coverage of protests, interviews of bombing witnesses, and Anderson Cooper walking through rubble in full body armor.

If Romney were president, every political analyst left of Judge Napolitano would be fretting over the war-weary public turning the upcoming election into a referendum against the president and his party. Vox and FiveThirtyEight would have maps showing how many Senate seats Republicans would lose because of the president’s sure-to-plummet approval rating. And then there’s MSNBC.

If Romney were president, MSNBC would be holding mock war crimes tribunals on Chris Hayes, explaining the ins and outs of the process with expert guests. Lena Dunham would be on Maddow every night aghast (but still giggling!) at this warmonger-in-chief. Chris Matthews would be yelling at Michael Moore, trying to find out when charges would be filed at the Hague.

If Romney were president, Democrats in Congress would be calling for hearings and investigations for each transgression: the bombing, troop levels, and drone policy. Chuck Schumer would hold daily press briefings scolding the wreckless president from behind the glasses perched precariously down his nose. Someone would accurately quote Sheila Jackson-Lee condeming the terrible bombing of the “orphanage in Pakistan”.

But Mitt Romney isn’t president, Barack Obama is, so no one cares.

Here's What Would Be Happening if President Romney Had Bombed a Hospital in Afghanistan | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government
More whining from the right – poor conservatives, hapless victims of the 'evil' media.

It cracks me up how bad you are at the English language and your complete and utter inability to learn how to use quote marks, and when not to use them. Again, you don't use quote marks for the voices in your head. You use quote marks when you are quoting someone's actual words.

Classic, you're so pompous with such an over-inflated ego, and yet you can't master high school English. Classic

Absolute fucking bullshit. Quote marks are commonly used to denote "so-called". Anyone even partially fluent in the language knows this.

Quote marking the "left wing" media would make sense, quoting the "evil" media doesn't

Amazing that even this simplicity soars over your pointy head. :disbelief:

--- Without even scanning back to glean the context I can see that writing <the "evil" media> is obvious sarcasm, pointed at the addressed post, to mean "what you think is the evil media". Ain't friggin' rocket surgery; it's called irony.

noun: irony
the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
"“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony"
synonyms: sarcasm, causticity, cynicism, mockery, satire, sardonicism
"that note of irony in her voice"

Right, which in that case you don't use quote marks, my point. I didn't say I didn't get what he said, I said you don't quote it. you don't.

I always said the worst writers are English teachers and journalists. Thanks for proving me right ... again
More whining from the right – poor conservatives, hapless victims of the 'evil' media.

It cracks me up how bad you are at the English language and your complete and utter inability to learn how to use quote marks, and when not to use them. Again, you don't use quote marks for the voices in your head. You use quote marks when you are quoting someone's actual words.

Classic, you're so pompous with such an over-inflated ego, and yet you can't master high school English. Classic

Absolute fucking bullshit. Quote marks are commonly used to denote "so-called". Anyone even partially fluent in the language knows this.

Quote marking the "left wing" media would make sense, quoting the "evil" media doesn't

Amazing that even this simplicity soars over your pointy head. :disbelief:

--- Without even scanning back to glean the context I can see that writing <the "evil" media> is obvious sarcasm, pointed at the addressed post, to mean "what you think is the evil media". Ain't friggin' rocket surgery; it's called irony.

noun: irony
the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
"“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony"
synonyms: sarcasm, causticity, cynicism, mockery, satire, sardonicism
"that note of irony in her voice"

Right, which in that case you don't use quote marks, my point. I didn't say I didn't get what he said, I said you don't quote it. you don't.

I always said the worst writers are English teachers and journalists. Thanks for proving me right ... again

That would immediately improve if you gave it up and went into something you can handle.

Of course you quote it. That's what sets it apart to make it clear for the "literate" people.
It cracks me up how bad you are at the English language and your complete and utter inability to learn how to use quote marks, and when not to use them. Again, you don't use quote marks for the voices in your head. You use quote marks when you are quoting someone's actual words.

Classic, you're so pompous with such an over-inflated ego, and yet you can't master high school English. Classic

Absolute fucking bullshit. Quote marks are commonly used to denote "so-called". Anyone even partially fluent in the language knows this.

Quote marking the "left wing" media would make sense, quoting the "evil" media doesn't

Amazing that even this simplicity soars over your pointy head. :disbelief:

--- Without even scanning back to glean the context I can see that writing <the "evil" media> is obvious sarcasm, pointed at the addressed post, to mean "what you think is the evil media". Ain't friggin' rocket surgery; it's called irony.

noun: irony
the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
"“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony"
synonyms: sarcasm, causticity, cynicism, mockery, satire, sardonicism
"that note of irony in her voice"

Right, which in that case you don't use quote marks, my point. I didn't say I didn't get what he said, I said you don't quote it. you don't.

I always said the worst writers are English teachers and journalists. Thanks for proving me right ... again

That would immediately improve if you gave it up and went into something you can handle.

Of course you quote it. That's what sets it apart to make it clear for the "literate" people.

As I said, journalists are horrible writers, you're as bad as English teachers. The evidence is dropped on my doorstep every morning. And by reading your posts
Absolute fucking bullshit. Quote marks are commonly used to denote "so-called". Anyone even partially fluent in the language knows this.

Quote marking the "left wing" media would make sense, quoting the "evil" media doesn't

Amazing that even this simplicity soars over your pointy head. :disbelief:

--- Without even scanning back to glean the context I can see that writing <the "evil" media> is obvious sarcasm, pointed at the addressed post, to mean "what you think is the evil media". Ain't friggin' rocket surgery; it's called irony.

noun: irony
the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
"“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony"
synonyms: sarcasm, causticity, cynicism, mockery, satire, sardonicism
"that note of irony in her voice"

Right, which in that case you don't use quote marks, my point. I didn't say I didn't get what he said, I said you don't quote it. you don't.

I always said the worst writers are English teachers and journalists. Thanks for proving me right ... again

That would immediately improve if you gave it up and went into something you can handle.

Of course you quote it. That's what sets it apart to make it clear for the "literate" people.

As I said, journalists are horrible writers, you're as bad as English teachers. The evidence is dropped on my doorstep every morning. And by reading your posts

Should I wait another day for that sentence fragment to finish? Or is your keyboard pregnant? It skipped a period.

I am neither an English teacher nor a journalist, so I don't know why you keep bringing this up.
But I have been a newspaper editor if that's any help, and I never got anything below straight As in English. For me it was like an hour off. I never understood why my classmates had trouble with it, or why it was even a class. You must have been one of those flummoxed failures.

Oh well, my inability to demonstrate the obvious to you would seem to indicate I'd suck as a teacher. But then I never purported to be that --- as you did at the start of this.
10th post
The anti war left are not anti war.....

If Romney had been elected in 2012 and in the year before his reelection campaign had bombed a hospital, decided to keep troops in Afghanistan, and had details of his robot assassin program leaked, things would probably look a little different today.

nice whine....

now let's talk about what you wingers think would happen if 9/11 had happened on President Obama's watch.

now run along and be quiet.
15th post
Speculation fallacy. Whole OP full of 'em. Dismissed.

Actually Romney probably would have bombed Jeep factories that "moved to China". :rofl:

No speculation at all, there is a long and clear pattern by the leftist media to hold Republicans to a standard that no explanation is good enough and Democrats to a standard that no explanation is required

911 v Bengahazi...

Are you serious?
The anti war left are not anti war.....

If Romney had been elected in 2012 and in the year before his reelection campaign had bombed a hospital, decided to keep troops in Afghanistan, and had details of his robot assassin program leaked, things would probably look a little different today.

If Romney were president right now, the White House would be surrounded by protesters and candlelight peace vigils night and day. Some would wave American flags, some would wave signs calling for impeachment, some would have pictures caricaturing the president as Hitler or an animal. They would chant “Not in our name!”, or “Bring them home!”, or “Hey ho, hey ho, Romney has got to go!”

If Romney were president, nightly news reports on CBS, NBC, and ABC would have regular features on war crimes, quagmires, and collateral damage. CNN would be wall-to-wall with team coverage of protests, interviews of bombing witnesses, and Anderson Cooper walking through rubble in full body armor.

If Romney were president, every political analyst left of Judge Napolitano would be fretting over the war-weary public turning the upcoming election into a referendum against the president and his party. Vox and FiveThirtyEight would have maps showing how many Senate seats Republicans would lose because of the president’s sure-to-plummet approval rating. And then there’s MSNBC.

If Romney were president, MSNBC would be holding mock war crimes tribunals on Chris Hayes, explaining the ins and outs of the process with expert guests. Lena Dunham would be on Maddow every night aghast (but still giggling!) at this warmonger-in-chief. Chris Matthews would be yelling at Michael Moore, trying to find out when charges would be filed at the Hague.

If Romney were president, Democrats in Congress would be calling for hearings and investigations for each transgression: the bombing, troop levels, and drone policy. Chuck Schumer would hold daily press briefings scolding the wreckless president from behind the glasses perched precariously down his nose. Someone would accurately quote Sheila Jackson-Lee condeming the terrible bombing of the “orphanage in Pakistan”.

But Mitt Romney isn’t president, Barack Obama is, so no one cares.

Here's What Would Be Happening if President Romney Had Bombed a Hospital in Afghanistan | United Liberty | Free Market - Individual Liberty - Limited Government
More whining from the right – poor conservatives, hapless victims of the 'evil' media.
Poor Leftards hate to have their hypocrisy rubbed in their face.

Man, you're highly delusional... Bush bombed Hospitals, TV stations.. Everything...

He had a horrendous drone civilian casualty rate considering he was far more target rich than Obama...

So you are just making a fool of yourself.. Facts have you making an ass out of yourself...
look at the moronic left-wing losers engaging in their favorite pastime; bush obsession.

cowboy ted's charts and graphs are useless; obama changed the definition of militant in 2012 to make it appear there were lower casualties from drone strikes.

but ACTUAL REALITY is lost on left-wing nutjobs that WANT TO BE LIED TO.

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