If Only It Were Just "Taxes"


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Dad29 @ Dad29: If Only It Were Just "Taxes"

RenMan cites the really scary part (speaking of Leviathan)....

A Competitive Enterprise Institute working paper, “Tip of the Costberg: On the Invalidity of All Cost of Regulation Estimates and the Need to Compile Them Anyway,” assembles total federal regulatory costs of $1.8 trillion — equivalent to half the federal budget (tenthousandcommandments.com). Guarding against overregulation without representation could help bring that figure down. It is long past time we did so. --quoting WaTimes

That's just Federal costs. It's likely that State and Muni reg-costs are at least as much. Taxes are a mere pittance in comparison.

If you allow the Bush tax cuts to expire, you get approx 80 billion in more revenue a year. But we're running deficits at over a trillion dollars, so we talking about 8% of the problem and totally ignoring the other 92%!!! Drives me nuts.

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