Gov't regs estimated to pound private sector with $1.8T in costs


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
:eek: all this money sucked of the private sector. How many jobs could have been created with all that money?

Central Command:cuckoo:

America's businesses, the Obama administration has an unpleasant holiday surprise.


A new report on the government's regulatory actions was released just before Thanksgiving, and it contains more than 3,300 rules -- which the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) estimates will, together with other regulations, cost more than $1.8 trillion to implement on an annual basis.
At a time when the economy is still struggling to zoom out of its post-recession rut, businesses worry that the crush of regulation is another sandbag weighing down the recovery.

"Back in the '90s, the federal budget itself was not even $1.8 trillion," said Wayne Crews, vice president of policy for CEI. "Now we have this entire $1.8 trillion hidden tax, you could say, of government compliance and intervention cost imposed in the economy."

The latest monthly jobs report from the Labor Department showed gains in hiring in November, which helped push the unemployment rate down to 7 percent, a five-year low. But many of the new jobs added in the last several months were low wage, and more growth is needed for the economy to truly rebound.

Regulation Nation: Gov't regs estimated to pound private sector with $1.8T in costs | Fox News
That sucks 10% of the economy right off the top, and people wonder why this country is going to hell. I guess maobama didn't listen to his own fucking speech in Africa when he told them that an economy can't support government interference at that level.
Then they could REALLY screw and poison us- great idea, chumps of the greedy idiot

Yeah that's it, poison the very source that makes their money... :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I realize it is a foreign concept for you that todays businesses focus on customer service...

But who knows, maybe someday you'll get with the program...
Then they could REALLY screw and poison us- great idea, chumps of the greedy idiot

Yeah that's it, poison the very source that makes their money... :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I realize it is a foreign concept for you that todays businesses focus on customer service...

But who knows, maybe someday you'll get with the program...[/SIZE]

He's not capable of independent thinking:cuckoo:
Perfect brainwashed 70 per cent racist chumps of the greedy rich...Yup, there's isn't any corporate pollution and they don't care about profits, only to serve the public LOL...
Perfect brainwashed 70 per cent racist chumps of the greedy rich...Yup, there's isn't any corporate pollution and they don't care about profits, only to serve the public LOL...

The only thing perfect is my analogy of your stupidity and the body on my avi...
Perfect brainwashed 70 per cent racist chumps of the greedy rich...Yup, there's isn't any corporate pollution and they don't care about profits, only to serve the public LOL...

"Greedy rich"..."Greedy rich"..."Greedy rich"..Brainwashed clone. Can you actually think or are you just a parrot?
Perfect brainwashed 70 per cent racist chumps of the greedy rich...Yup, there's isn't any corporate pollution and they don't care about profits, only to serve the public LOL...

"Greedy rich"..."Greedy rich"..."Greedy rich"..Brainwashed clone. Can you actually think or are you just a parrot?

Parrott would definitely be above his pay grade, just ask Oblammer...

Government Regulations Are Killing Middle Class Opportunity

Since the 1930s, the federal government has seized more authority and imposed masses of new laws, rules, and regulations on all of us. Some of it was much needed. For example, the Environment Protection Agency did a great job of cleaning up our dirty air and contaminated water over a period of 30 years. Then, like all bureaucracies, they just couldn't stop being "helpful."

The result today is increasingly complex rules and regulations that are applied at levels that are well below where they have any value-adding impact. They simply drive up cost: cost to understand the rules (the average person can't understand the rules and regulations because they are written in a special language called bureaucratese--you must hire an expert who is fluent in the language for an explanation), cost to comply, and then added cost to the products or services you are selling.

Storm water regulations are a great example. If you built a house or a small office building, you are ultimately familiar with the requirements that cause you to hire an environmental engineer to assess the property, and then various measures you must take to limit storm water runoff, including detention ponds. I recently lost a sale on a residential lot that I own because the young couple could not afford to build a house and handle the $80,000-plus cost of complying with the storm water regulations on a seven acre lot that was nowhere close to a stream or other waterway

Government Regulations Are Killing Middle Class Opportunity - Economic Intelligence (

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