If Obama is Re-Elected.. predictions

Since it's obvious Obama is going to win, the real question is which way is Congress going to go. That will determine whether we stagnate like the last two years or if we actually get something done in the next two.

You must be in a thick fog, neighbor...:lol:

lol the only fog blowing is between your ears.

Obama is going to win because, love him or hate him, he is more charismatic than Romney. He's more of an entertainer and America elects entertainers. Look at the celebs who've gotten elected over the years. Romney is dull as dirt. So was McCain, Kerry and Gore. All dull. Bozo the Clown is more charismatic than Kerry and Gore which was why we got Bozo the Clown for 8 long, arduous years.

You vote on the charisma factor...I charumba...:cuckoo:... Democrats
You must be in a thick fog, neighbor...:lol:

lol the only fog blowing is between your ears.

Obama is going to win because, love him or hate him, he is more charismatic than Romney. He's more of an entertainer and America elects entertainers. Look at the celebs who've gotten elected over the years. Romney is dull as dirt. So was McCain, Kerry and Gore. All dull. Bozo the Clown is more charismatic than Kerry and Gore which was why we got Bozo the Clown for 8 long, arduous years.

You vote on the charisma factor...I charumba...:cuckoo:... Democrats
No, I don't. I usually vote party-line.
lol the only fog blowing is between your ears.

Obama is going to win because, love him or hate him, he is more charismatic than Romney. He's more of an entertainer and America elects entertainers. Look at the celebs who've gotten elected over the years. Romney is dull as dirt. So was McCain, Kerry and Gore. All dull. Bozo the Clown is more charismatic than Kerry and Gore which was why we got Bozo the Clown for 8 long, arduous years.

You vote on the charisma factor...I charumba...:cuckoo:... Democrats
No, I don't. I usually vote party-line.

again...oui charumba....:cuckoo:......:lol:
He's already promised to force Kyoto down our throats through Executive Order being he can't get it done through Congress. The Dictator Obama will then cause energy prices to nearly triple.. something he has longgggggggggggggggg wanted.
When Obama gets re-elected the amount of ass hurt from the fanatical conservatives in this country will be unlike anything ever seen before. The amount of crazy and paranoid conspiracy theories will make the birther bullshit look like Christmas morning. I'm interested to see so many tightly wound people with loose grasps on reality snap. Especially since they've been doing everything they can short of sticking their heads in the sand to convince them that Obama won't get another four years. The sociology is going to be fascinating.

Gun sales will go up and fanatical militias will increase. Death threats on the President will increase. The whack-jobs are about to get even whackier.

Gun sales will go up either way.
When Romney wins, we'll need protection from the crazy left shitters having a melt down because their messiah was beaten!!
Just 4 of my personal predictions..

1) middle-class taxes will be raised..

2) small businesses will close down in droves

3) doctors will start retiring in droves

4) even U3 unemployment with rise above 10%

Aren't you talking about the Clinton tax increase of 1993? Seems I've heard all this before, right before the strongest economy in my lifetime, till a Republican won the White House. Then well we all know what happened then we started getting our ass kicked at home and abroad.
Just 4 of my personal predictions..

1) middle-class taxes will be raised..

2) small businesses will close down in droves

3) doctors will start retiring in droves

4) even U3 unemployment with rise above 10%

Aren't you talking about the Clinton tax increase of 1993? Seems I've heard all this before, right before the strongest economy in my lifetime, till a Republican won the White House. Then well we all know what happened then we started getting our ass kicked at home and abroad.

I guess you wanted to keep it simple.. you missed 90% of the truth...:lol:
If Obama is reelected, I'll crack open that bottle of Usquaebach I got for my birthday. Haven't had it in almost 20 years, but this will be a good time sip and perhaps I'll light up a good cigar to go with it.
When Obama's reelected, I'll be on this board mocking all the idiots who said "never happen."
If Obama wins, were all screwed, hell, even our grandchildrens children are screwed..

I doubt it. We weren't screwed by the Greatest Generation.

True. It was the Boomers who effed us.

Thanks, Dad.

Who'd the boomers fuck? Us schmucks payed off our own social security (look at the trust fund). It was douche bags like Dubya who raided the fund to give his tax cuts to the wealthy. If anyone fucked us, it was the Xers. They are the generation of greed and fuck everyone else.
The difference between the Clinton years and the obama years is that during the Clinton administration it wasn't so bad in this country that companies weren't leaving at a record rate. Between overregulation as well as overtaxation, you will see an exodus of corporation's fleeing the United States that will make the wealthy leaving California look like a rainwater rivulet on a window.

If you want to know what it will look like, there is an accurate model in Greece. The Greeks never saw any difference until the EU said no more money. That's when it all fell apart. When China says not another dime, we follow the Grecian model and the Spanish model, for the same reasons, after that.
When the President is re-elected, life will go on as it has. The unemployment rate will continue to drop and we will maintain the job growth we've been experiencing over the last 30 months.

The question is, what will the Republicans in our legislature do now that their number one goal has failed.
The difference between the Clinton years and the obama years is that during the Clinton administration it wasn't so bad in this country that companies weren't leaving at a record rate. Between overregulation as well as overtaxation, you will see an exodus of corporation's fleeing the United States that will make the wealthy leaving California look like a rainwater rivulet on a window.

If you want to know what it will look like, there is an accurate model in Greece. The Greeks never saw any difference until the EU said no more money. That's when it all fell apart. When China says not another dime, we follow the Grecian model and the Spanish model, for the same reasons, after that.

There's less regulation and taxation now than in Clinton years. Thank Bush for that. How'd that work out? How many private sector jobs did Bush create?

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