If obama cared he would ask


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Since obama has no problem mandating that Amwericans buy certian things, why doesn't he use his position to ask American's to buy only American made products? What would be more patrioic then to buy only American products in hard economical times? The reason he doesn't because he wants another crisis he doesn't care about this country.

I started a thread on another board on how the economy could rebound without any guberment help maybe I placed it on the wrong board. But here's how obama can help the economy

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We know Obama doesn't listen. That's nothing new. What ever happened to Ralph Nader, I used to call him America's lobbyist?

Maybe we need O'Reilly for Fox News to take up the cause. BUY AMERICAN!! BE A PATRIOT!!

I read your link on building a home with American products and that was great, but we need a list of everyday items we buy at the store, canned good, jeans and t shirts, socks and every part of cars! Wouldn't be great if wealthy [people could put up advertisements in newspapers listing more and more manufactures coming bacvk to the US and now on the BUY AMERICAN LIST!

Remember how patriotic we all were after 9/11? Let's get that feeling again when we actively boycott well known products because they are made in China or elsewhere overseas! Write to stores and persuade them not to carry foreign goods. OWS can make a splash..Let's see what the patriots can do FOR the country. BUY AMERICAN!
What is an American made product?

Do you really think Made in the USA means it was made entirely in the US?
What would be more patrioic then to buy only American products in hard economical times? The reason he doesn't because he wants another crisis he doesn't care about this country.

econ 101 for you: Americans would be impoverished if they had to buy expensive, poorly made American union junk. That is why they buy foreign made.
Why do you think he would start listening now? He has never listened to the American people and what we want.
What would be more patrioic then to buy only American products in hard economical times? The reason he doesn't because he wants another crisis he doesn't care about this country.

econ 101 for you: Americans would be impoverished if they had to buy expensive, poorly made American union junk. That is why they buy foreign made.

Why do you hate America so much?
Why do you think he would start listening now? He has never listened to the American people and what we want.

I know that just want to make a point to his followrs that obama does not want to help the American economy, his only concern is to the world banker..
We know Obama doesn't listen. That's nothing new. What ever happened to Ralph Nader, I used to call him America's lobbyist?

Maybe we need O'Reilly for Fox News to take up the cause. BUY AMERICAN!! BE A PATRIOT!!

I read your link on building a home with American products and that was great, but we need a list of everyday items we buy at the store, canned good, jeans and t shirts, socks and every part of cars! Wouldn't be great if wealthy [people could put up advertisements in newspapers listing more and more manufactures coming bacvk to the US and now on the BUY AMERICAN LIST!

Remember how patriotic we all were after 9/11? Let's get that feeling again when we actively boycott well known products because they are made in China or elsewhere overseas! Write to stores and persuade them not to carry foreign goods. OWS can make a splash..Let's see what the patriots can do FOR the country. BUY AMERICAN!

true all so true
I would actually rate Obama as fairly protectionist. He is noticeably less enthusiastic about free trade agreements than Congressional Republicans. More importantly, he has chosen to bail out American businesses, perhaps most notably in the auto industry, which has the effect of favoring them over foreign competitors.

As to the specific plan of a "Buy American" rule, Obama did just that:

Republicans urge Obama to roll back “Buy American” public-works mandates | Financial Regulatory Forum
US-EU trade war looms as Barack Obama bill urges 'Buy American' - Telegraph

As the links demonstrate, Obama did indeed try to add "Buy American" rules to the stimulus, and met broad opposition.
I would actually rate Obama as fairly protectionist. He is noticeably less enthusiastic about free trade agreements than Congressional Republicans. More importantly, he has chosen to bail out American businesses, perhaps most notably in the auto industry, which has the effect of favoring them over foreign competitors.

As to the specific plan of a "Buy American" rule, Obama did just that:

Republicans urge Obama to roll back “Buy American” public-works mandates | Financial Regulatory Forum
US-EU trade war looms as Barack Obama bill urges 'Buy American' - Telegraph

As the links demonstrate, Obama did indeed try to add "Buy American" rules to the stimulus, and met broad opposition.

The only thing obama is pro American is pro union money from the union bosses.
Since obama has no problem mandating that Amwericans buy certian things, why doesn't he use his position to ask American's to buy only American made products? What would be more patrioic then to buy only American products in hard economical times? The reason he doesn't because he wants another crisis he doesn't care about this country.

I started a thread on another board on how the economy could rebound without any guberment help maybe I placed it on the wrong board. But here's how obama can help the economy


Well, since Obama hasn't mandated that Americans buy anything, I don't know why you would think he would start now.

Or, wait, you must be confused about the Affordable Care Act! Yeah, see, it doesn't mandate you buy anything. It mandates you have something. Very different.
Since obama has no problem mandating that Amwericans buy certian things, why doesn't he use his position to ask American's to buy only American made products? What would be more patrioic then to buy only American products in hard economical times? The reason he doesn't because he wants another crisis he doesn't care about this country.

I started a thread on another board on how the economy could rebound without any guberment help maybe I placed it on the wrong board. But here's how obama can help the economy


Well, since Obama hasn't mandated that Americans buy anything, I don't know why you would think he would start now.

Or, wait, you must be confused about the Affordable Care Act! Yeah, see, it doesn't mandate you buy anything. It mandates you have something. Very different.

Well, since Obama hasn't mandated that Americans buy anything, I don't know why you would think he would start now.

First mistake what is obamacare and the mandate that people must buy healthcare?
Since obama has no problem mandating that Amwericans buy certian things, why doesn't he use his position to ask American's to buy only American made products? What would be more patrioic then to buy only American products in hard economical times? The reason he doesn't because he wants another crisis he doesn't care about this country.

I started a thread on another board on how the economy could rebound without any guberment help maybe I placed it on the wrong board. But here's how obama can help the economy


Well, since Obama hasn't mandated that Americans buy anything, I don't know why you would think he would start now.

Or, wait, you must be confused about the Affordable Care Act! Yeah, see, it doesn't mandate you buy anything. It mandates you have something. Very different.

Well, since Obama hasn't mandated that Americans buy anything, I don't know why you would think he would start now.

First mistake what is obamacare and the mandate that people must buy healthcare?

Have you read the law? It doesn't say people have to buy anything. It says people have to have coverage. Meaning, anyone covered by a union plan or employer plan doesn't have to buy anything. They're set.
Well, since Obama hasn't mandated that Americans buy anything, I don't know why you would think he would start now.

Or, wait, you must be confused about the Affordable Care Act! Yeah, see, it doesn't mandate you buy anything. It mandates you have something. Very different.

Well, since Obama hasn't mandated that Americans buy anything, I don't know why you would think he would start now.

First mistake what is obamacare and the mandate that people must buy healthcare?

Have you read the law? It doesn't say people have to buy anything. It says people have to have coverage. Meaning, anyone covered by a union plan or employer plan doesn't have to buy anything. They're set.

Why is there court ruling that obamacare is unconstitutional because of the mandate you ignore? And yes I have read the law.

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