If Lies are Bad and Must be Squashed, Here are some of Team Biden's Thus Far

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
1. “Muslim Ban”. Muslims aren’t banned. Certain radical countries are, and all people no matter what their religion are banned, not just Muslims.

2. The Everyone-is-required-to-wear-a-mask-on-Fed-Property Mandate. He didn’t do it himself. He lectured about “setting an example” by wearing a mask. Well, I guess it wasn’t as important as he condemned and piously preached.

3. Psaki using Stats to Lie: She said “The Trump administration was given 36 million doses when they were in office for 38 days. They administered a total of about 17 million shots. That’s about less than 500,000 shots a day. What we’re proposing is to double that to about 1 million shots per day”.

Her problem is, the number over those 38 days increased, and is at roughly one million shots per day when Biden came into office. She purposefully just took an average instead of looking at the numbers per day. It’s a lie. There will be no sudden increase in vaccines per day because just before Biden took office the number was at what the Biden administration pledged.

Hey, if all lies must quashed leftists.. you have to condemn and fight ALL who lie and tell mistruths... ;)
1. “Muslim Ban”. Muslims aren’t banned. Certain radical countries are, and all people no matter what their religion are banned, not just Muslims.

2. The Everyone-is-required-to-wear-a-mask-on-Fed-Property Mandate. He didn’t do it himself. He lectured about “setting an example” by wearing a mask. Well, I guess it wasn’t as important as he condemned and piously preached.

3. Psaki using Stats to Lie: She said “The Trump administration was given 36 million doses when they were in office for 38 days. They administered a total of about 17 million shots. That’s about less than 500,000 shots a day. What we’re proposing is to double that to about 1 million shots per day”.

Her problem is, the number over those 38 days increased, and is at roughly one million shots per day when Biden came into office. She purposefully just took an average instead of looking at the numbers per day. It’s a lie. There will be no sudden increase in vaccines per day because just before Biden took office the number was at what the Biden administration pledged.

Hey, if all lies must quashed leftists.. you have to condemn and fight ALL who lie and tell mistruths... ;)
I don't know how obvious it has to be that Biden was set up perfectly. Trump bequeathed him 1M shots a day, so he has no metric to meet. Locked down, any opening will be welcomed, Job numbers are down due to covid, so as the scamdemic fades, the numbers will increase. Problem is--China Joe and Kameltoe's numbers will never reach Trump's pre-covid numbers.
“If Lies are Bad…”

That’s the problem: conservatives don’t believe lies are bad.

Conservatives perceive misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories, and lies as legitimate weapons of political war.
1. “Muslim Ban”. Muslims aren’t banned. Certain radical countries are, and all people no matter what their religion are banned, not just Muslims.

2. The Everyone-is-required-to-wear-a-mask-on-Fed-Property Mandate. He didn’t do it himself. He lectured about “setting an example” by wearing a mask. Well, I guess it wasn’t as important as he condemned and piously preached.

3. Psaki using Stats to Lie: She said “The Trump administration was given 36 million doses when they were in office for 38 days. They administered a total of about 17 million shots. That’s about less than 500,000 shots a day. What we’re proposing is to double that to about 1 million shots per day”.

Her problem is, the number over those 38 days increased, and is at roughly one million shots per day when Biden came into office. She purposefully just took an average instead of looking at the numbers per day. It’s a lie. There will be no sudden increase in vaccines per day because just before Biden took office the number was at what the Biden administration pledged.

Hey, if all lies must quashed leftists.. you have to condemn and fight ALL who lie and tell mistruths... ;)

1. Biden was right to end this policy. It was not needed as people who come to this country are automatically vetted.

2. Try a little common sense. This was a outdoor event and there was no audience. Someone who is in a office by themselves need not wear a mask. The difference is that Trump would hold a event with a large audiesnce in close proximity and not wearing masks.

3. Trump left the vaccine distribution program in a mess. That is clear.
1. “Muslim Ban”. Muslims aren’t banned. Certain radical countries are, and all people no matter what their religion are banned, not just Muslims.

2. The Everyone-is-required-to-wear-a-mask-on-Fed-Property Mandate. He didn’t do it himself. He lectured about “setting an example” by wearing a mask. Well, I guess it wasn’t as important as he condemned and piously preached.

3. Psaki using Stats to Lie: She said “The Trump administration was given 36 million doses when they were in office for 38 days. They administered a total of about 17 million shots. That’s about less than 500,000 shots a day. What we’re proposing is to double that to about 1 million shots per day”.

Her problem is, the number over those 38 days increased, and is at roughly one million shots per day when Biden came into office. She purposefully just took an average instead of looking at the numbers per day. It’s a lie. There will be no sudden increase in vaccines per day because just before Biden took office the number was at what the Biden administration pledged.

Hey, if all lies must quashed leftists.. you have to condemn and fight ALL who lie and tell mistruths... ;)

The first quid pro joe administration lie was when kneepads took the oath, the second was when slow joe took it, both lied their asses off. Shortly after slow joe started undermining our countries security, pissing off our allies, destroying jobs and making our people less safe with his illegal and unconstitutional executive orders. Of course the other commies will applaud the lawlessness.

1. Biden was right to end this policy. It was not needed as people who come to this country are automatically vetted.
We can disagree on if all are properly vetted coming into this country, but what is factually a lie is that it was a "Muslim ban"... it wasn't, Team Biden lied.

2. Try a little common sense. This was a outdoor event and there was no audience. Someone who is in a office by themselves need not wear a mask. The difference is that Trump would hold a event with a large audiesnce in close proximity and not wearing masks.
Hey, I'm told by the left there's no such thing. Haven't you heard? If you don't wear a mask, you're an anti-science grandma-killer. Biden and the left wield mask-wearing as a club and bash all. Despite scientific data, Biden has made mask-wearing the end-all be-all, and called out anyone who doesn't wear them. Now, he doesn't wear one. I have no personal problem with it, I'm a conservative. I believe people can make choices for themselves and decide when it's safe and when it is not to wear a mask. Biden doesn't think this, and he breaks his own rules. So, following his rules, he should be demonized and blamed for death. That's the standard the left has set. So, by all means, blame away. Do what you did to Trump when he didn't wear one out in public. I notice the media sure isn't.

3. Trump left the vaccine distribution program in a mess. That is clear.

Now you're back-peddling and leaving the point. Team Biden and CNN said "no plan". "No' as in not existing. That's by definition a lie. Just acknowledge it. Team Biden and CNN lied. It's okay, they do it all the time, just as all politicians do. We can critique the program, although I wonder if you even know anything about it. But, that's not what we're talking about.

Join with me and denounce lying. This is a lie.
2. The Everyone-is-required-to-wear-a-mask-on-Fed-Property Mandate. He didn’t do it himself. He lectured about “setting an example” by wearing a mask. Well, I guess it wasn’t as important as he condemned and piously preached.

Only hours after Biden lecturing the nation that's hilarious, what a classic Joe Biden :auiqs.jpg:

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