If Kavanaugh Is Somehow NOT Confirmed, This Guy Would Please The GOP As trump’s Next Choice

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Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

After her disquieting conversation with Hellmuth Kolb while sitting on a bench in her local Walmart, Tracy Nigh reported the 81-year-old Kolb to police. He had asked her if she was married and then began asking her if she would sell her daughter to him.

Kolb's first offer was $100,000, quickly followed by a second of $150,00. Receiving no immediate acceptance for the 150 grand, Kplb upped the ante to $200,000 when the understandably shocked Nigh was finally able to regain her composure, rise, and tell him “ ‘No, we have to go.’ “

Nigh told WKMG TV, “ ‘It seemed like a friendly conversation. He didn’t seem like a threat at first.’ “

“Nigh said when she and her daughter got up to leave, Kolb allegedly grabbed the girl’s wrist and kissed it, according to WJAX TV.”

Immediately following the incident, Nigh alerted store security. They found the store cameras had recorded Kolb’s actions and he was later identified by a credit card transaction.

But, since Kolb was only charged with simple battery and false imprisonment when he was booked into Florida’s Volusia County Jail, his appointment to the USSC should present nothing of concern to Republican Senators. After all, he was later released.

And, even though Kolb’s description DOES fit the suspect in at least one other report of a similar incident a month ago, when officers interviewed Kolb at his residence, the answers he gave them would satisfy even the most critical GOP Senator.

In his relies to officers’ questions he stated that he, “remembered sitting next to a mother and her daughter at the Walmart. He admitted complimenting the woman, but said he did not remember grabbing her daughter.”

Kolb DOES, indeed, fit the profile of the perfect trump era GOP nominee, for any position in government.

It’s a safe bet that Kolb, running as a staunch advocate of the Republicans’ pro-Big Business, pro-1%, and sexual predator-friendly agenda, would receive the support of nearly all those who wanted the idiot trump for president, Roy Moore for U.S. senator, and Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court justice. A “GOP Dream Team”.

Florida Man Attempts To Buy 8-Year-Old For $200,000 At Walmart: Police

Mean while Ford could not remember how many boys were there, tell her therapist it was 4 in 2012 and she did not name names then changing that to 2 and she knew both their names. She did not know WHERE it happened, did not know when it happened. She does not remember how she got to the gathering nor how she got home. If her story is to be believed she left her girlfriend there with no warning of what to expect. NOT ONE of the people she said were there REMEMBER it happening either. The door added to her house was added in 2008 LONG before her therapy session and was added to allow a business to have a private entrance not to alleviate her fear. She routinely flew across the Pacific and to Delaware from California with no fear of flying BEFORE claiming she could not make the meeting cause of her fear of flying. The Senate committee offered to fly to her but she claims she never heard that either. Her x Boyfriend testified UNDER oath she .lied under oath about not coaching someone on the polygraph as well.

After her disquieting conversation with Hellmuth Kolb while sitting on a bench in her local Walmart, Tracy Nigh reported the 81-year-old Kolb to police. He had asked her if she was married and then began asking her if she would sell her daughter to him.

Kolb's first offer was $100,000, quickly followed by a second of $150,00. Receiving no immediate acceptance for the 150 grand, Kplb upped the ante to $200,000 when the understandably shocked Nigh was finally able to regain her composure, rise, and tell him “ ‘No, we have to go.’ “

Nigh told WKMG TV, “ ‘It seemed like a friendly conversation. He didn’t seem like a threat at first.’ “

“Nigh said when she and her daughter got up to leave, Kolb allegedly grabbed the girl’s wrist and kissed it, according to WJAX TV.”

Immediately following the incident, Nigh alerted store security. They found the store cameras had recorded Kolb’s actions and he was later identified by a credit card transaction.

But, since Kolb was only charged with simple battery and false imprisonment when he was booked into Florida’s Volusia County Jail, his appointment to the USSC should present nothing of concern to Republican Senators. After all, he was later released.

And, even though Kolb’s description DOES fit the suspect in at least one other report of a similar incident a month ago, when officers interviewed Kolb at his residence, the answers he gave them would satisfy even the most critical GOP Senator.

In his relies to officers’ questions he stated that he, “remembered sitting next to a mother and her daughter at the Walmart. He admitted complimenting the woman, but said he did not remember grabbing her daughter.”

Kolb DOES, indeed, fit the profile of the perfect trump era GOP nominee, for any position in government.

It’s a safe bet that Kolb, running as a staunch advocate of the Republicans’ pro-Big Business, pro-1%, and sexual predator-friendly agenda, would receive the support of nearly all those who wanted the idiot trump for president, Roy Moore for U.S. senator, and Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court justice. A “GOP Dream Team”.

Florida Man Attempts To Buy 8-Year-Old For $200,000 At Walmart: Police


embellish much to feed your hatred???
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