If Jeb Bush is the Republican nominee, it guarantees a Democrat president for '16


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Let me be clear, I absolutely HATE the Bush family. To put things in perspective, maybe if given several melleniums, I might with an intense effort find one good thing to say about the Bush family...and even then, the odds of that happening, well, one would have better odds of finding a needle in a haystack.

So, the Bush family made an "offer to Mitt Romney he dare not refuse", Mitt, who was leading in the polls suddenly decides not to run in 2016. I'm no fan of Romney, but for him to drop out at this point speaks volumes as to what a rotten to the core the Bushit family really is.

My hatred of the Bush family is nothing new, all one has to do is look at my posting history to see that I have long hated the Bush family.

God help us if Jeb Bush makes enough threats and rigs enough voting machines to be the Republican nominee. If Jeb is the Republican nominee, I could care less if Bill Ayers is the Democrat nominee, I still won't vote for an America-hating treasonist pile of shit Bush.
I can say one good thing about them, they ain't maobama, and I would vote for Jeb the same number of times I voted for maobama. ZERO
I can say one good thing about them, they ain't maobama, and I would vote for Jeb the same number of times I voted for maobama. ZERO

The only difference between the Bush family and a truck load of shit is, after awhile, the truck load of shit stops stinking.
Understand one thing. Romney did not drop out. He was never in and announced that he would not be in.
If Jeb is the nominee I'll vote hillary out of principal and leave this shit party for good.
I doubt Jeb will be the nominee. He has to win the primaries first. Hopefully someone else will break away from the pack. Scott Walker looks good.
Let me be clear, I absolutely HATE the Bush family. To put things in perspective, maybe if given several melleniums, I might with an intense effort find one good thing to say about the Bush family...and even then, the odds of that happening, well, one would have better odds of finding a needle in a haystack.

So, the Bush family made an "offer to Mitt Romney he dare not refuse", Mitt, who was leading in the polls suddenly decides not to run in 2016. I'm no fan of Romney, but for him to drop out at this point speaks volumes as to what a rotten to the core the Bushit family really is.

My hatred of the Bush family is nothing new, all one has to do is look at my posting history to see that I have long hated the Bush family.

God help us if Jeb Bush makes enough threats and rigs enough voting machines to be the Republican nominee. If Jeb is the Republican nominee, I could care less if Bill Ayers is the Democrat nominee, I still won't vote for an America-hating treasonist pile of shit Bush.
I hope Hillary wins. She makes for a great leader. My worry is that she is a terrible campaigner. The gaffe she made about job creation was embarrassing but anyone intelligent knew what she actually MEANT to say. It's just unfortunate she didn't convey herself properly.
I doubt Jeb will be the nominee. He has to win the primaries first. Hopefully someone else will break away from the pack. Scott Walker looks good.

Bad choice. He carries way too much baggage. And he's a Teabircher from way back. The GOP will never give him the go ahead.

Try again. You would surprise just how much Christie is getting.
If all we have to choose from is Billary or Bush, then America loses. Bushes' are extreme New World Order, and the Clinton's are the Global Initiatives. You can be for the NWO or for the USA, but you cannot be for both. NWO globalists are against sovereignty and Constitutions, and borders.
Let me be clear, I absolutely HATE the Bush family. To put things in perspective, maybe if given several melleniums, I might with an intense effort find one good thing to say about the Bush family...and even then, the odds of that happening, well, one would have better odds of finding a needle in a haystack.

So, the Bush family made an "offer to Mitt Romney he dare not refuse", Mitt, who was leading in the polls suddenly decides not to run in 2016. I'm no fan of Romney, but for him to drop out at this point speaks volumes as to what a rotten to the core the Bushit family really is.

My hatred of the Bush family is nothing new, all one has to do is look at my posting history to see that I have long hated the Bush family.

God help us if Jeb Bush makes enough threats and rigs enough voting machines to be the Republican nominee. If Jeb is the Republican nominee, I could care less if Bill Ayers is the Democrat nominee, I still won't vote for an America-hating treasonist pile of shit Bush.
I hope Hillary wins. She makes for a great leader. My worry is that she is a terrible campaigner. The gaffe she made about job creation was embarrassing but anyone intelligent knew what she actually MEANT to say. It's just unfortunate she didn't convey herself properly.

Obama is an absolute imbecile whose only strength is bending over and letting his masters shove their hands up his ass and wiggle him around however they please.

Jeb Bush is dumber than a rock and absolutely unelectable.

Hillary Clinton, while I can care less about her gaffe, I believe she is very intelligent. However, I do not believe she would be a good leader as she would be far too polarizing and flat out shrill, condescending and arrogant. The Democrats need a far more down to earth candidate like Joe Manchin. I don't agree with several of his views, but I'd vote for him in a heartbeat over Bush, Christie or Hucksterbee.
Let me be clear, I absolutely HATE the Bush family. To put things in perspective, maybe if given several melleniums, I might with an intense effort find one good thing to say about the Bush family...and even then, the odds of that happening, well, one would have better odds of finding a needle in a haystack.

So, the Bush family made an "offer to Mitt Romney he dare not refuse", Mitt, who was leading in the polls suddenly decides not to run in 2016. I'm no fan of Romney, but for him to drop out at this point speaks volumes as to what a rotten to the core the Bushit family really is.

My hatred of the Bush family is nothing new, all one has to do is look at my posting history to see that I have long hated the Bush family.

God help us if Jeb Bush makes enough threats and rigs enough voting machines to be the Republican nominee. If Jeb is the Republican nominee, I could care less if Bill Ayers is the Democrat nominee, I still won't vote for an America-hating treasonist pile of shit Bush.
I hope Hillary wins. She makes for a great leader. My worry is that she is a terrible campaigner. The gaffe she made about job creation was embarrassing but anyone intelligent knew what she actually MEANT to say. It's just unfortunate she didn't convey herself properly.

What has she ever done? Where has she led exactly?
Let me be clear, I absolutely HATE the Bush family. To put things in perspective, maybe if given several melleniums, I might with an intense effort find one good thing to say about the Bush family...and even then, the odds of that happening, well, one would have better odds of finding a needle in a haystack.

So, the Bush family made an "offer to Mitt Romney he dare not refuse", Mitt, who was leading in the polls suddenly decides not to run in 2016. I'm no fan of Romney, but for him to drop out at this point speaks volumes as to what a rotten to the core the Bushit family really is.

My hatred of the Bush family is nothing new, all one has to do is look at my posting history to see that I have long hated the Bush family.

God help us if Jeb Bush makes enough threats and rigs enough voting machines to be the Republican nominee. If Jeb is the Republican nominee, I could care less if Bill Ayers is the Democrat nominee, I still won't vote for an America-hating treasonist pile of shit Bush.
I hope Hillary wins. She makes for a great leader. My worry is that she is a terrible campaigner. The gaffe she made about job creation was embarrassing but anyone intelligent knew what she actually MEANT to say. It's just unfortunate she didn't convey herself properly.

Obama is an absolute imbecile whose only strength is bending over and letting his masters shove their hands up his ass and wiggle him around however they please.

Jeb Bush is dumber than a rock and absolutely unelectable.

Hillary Clinton, while I can care less about her gaffe, I believe she is very intelligent. However, I do not believe she would be a good leader as she would be far too polarizing and flat out shrill, condescending and arrogant. The Democrats need a far more down to earth candidate like Joe Manchin. I don't agree with several of his views, but I'd vote for him in a heartbeat over Bush, Christie or Hucksterbee.

ANY Republican, with a halfway decent background, can beat the Hildebeast. The problem seems to be that the powers that run the party REFUSE to use her lies, her involvement in several murders, and her numerous problematic statements, such as this...


Her baggage, is Billy Boy, the easiest target to hit, especially with his new problems with sex slaves. Any decent pundit should be able to fetch dozens of facts that would enforce her unsuitability to be a president.


The dummycrats keep saying the right has a war on women, because we don't want contraceptives a paid for part of Obumacare, but they forget about Hillary's leadership in Bill's Bimbo Eruption Squad, which actually ruined the lives of many women...

There is so much more, her lies about Bosnia, Vince Foster, I'm DEAD BROKE, cattlegate, hell, I could produce enough to make people stop and think twice, you'd think some of these professionals involved in the game of politics would have an absolute field day!
Let me be clear, I absolutely HATE the Bush family. To put things in perspective, maybe if given several melleniums, I might with an intense effort find one good thing to say about the Bush family...and even then, the odds of that happening, well, one would have better odds of finding a needle in a haystack.

So, the Bush family made an "offer to Mitt Romney he dare not refuse", Mitt, who was leading in the polls suddenly decides not to run in 2016. I'm no fan of Romney, but for him to drop out at this point speaks volumes as to what a rotten to the core the Bushit family really is.

My hatred of the Bush family is nothing new, all one has to do is look at my posting history to see that I have long hated the Bush family.

God help us if Jeb Bush makes enough threats and rigs enough voting machines to be the Republican nominee. If Jeb is the Republican nominee, I could care less if Bill Ayers is the Democrat nominee, I still won't vote for an America-hating treasonist pile of shit Bush.
I hope Hillary wins. She makes for a great leader. My worry is that she is a terrible campaigner. The gaffe she made about job creation was embarrassing but anyone intelligent knew what she actually MEANT to say. It's just unfortunate she didn't convey herself properly.

What has she ever done? Where has she led exactly?
She led scores of Bimbo Coverups that shielded Bill from rape indictment.
If Jeb gets nominated all you republicans will be on the Bush bandwagon.

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