*If Islamic Brotherhood Take Egypt; Should USA Still Give It The 3 Billion A Year?*

*What Law Says We Have To Give Egypt 3 Billion A Year?*

  • 2. *Jimma Carter's Law* is that even legal???

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Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. But seems like a logical question.:clap2:
2. And can some one tell me what we get for the 3 billion a year?:confused:
3. And is it legal to give them this kinda cash?:confused:
4. And can we sue whoever instituted the giving of all this cash to Egypt?:confused:
5. The brotherhood, is out to kill Israel, and USA, are we good with that?:confused:
6. All these questions answered right here on USMB, and a bag-o-chips!:clap2:

Sorry bout that,

1. But seems like a logical question.:clap2:
2. And can some one tell me what we get for the 3 billion a year?:confused:
3. And is it legal to give them this kinda cash?:confused:
4. And can we sue whoever instituted the giving of all this cash to Egypt?:confused:
5. The brotherhood, is out to kill Israel, and USA, are we good with that?:confused:
6. All these questions answered right here on USMB, and a bag-o-chips!:clap2:


Article 2 of the US constitution.

Not saying I agree I'm just telling you where the government gained the authority to do this.
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The Muslim Brotherhood and the Future of Egypt
By: Dillon Burroughs; ©2011

Should the West be concerned at the Muslim Brotherhood’s heightened role in the protests and reformed government of Egypt? Based on past actions, the answer is a resounding yes.

According to The Jerusalem Post, a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt told the Arabic-language Iranian news network Al-Alam on Monday that he would like to see the Egyptian people prepare for war against Israel.[1]

Dore Gold of the Jerusalem Center for Public affairs notes the following concerns in his recent report "Since January 28, the Muslim Brotherhood's involvement has become more prominent, with its support of Mohamed El Baradei to lead the opposition forces against the government. In the streets of Cairo, Muslim Brotherhood demonstrators disdainfully call people like El Baradei "donkeys of the revolution" (hamir al-thawra) - to be used and then pushed away - a scenario that sees the Muslim Brotherhood exploit El Baradei in order to hijack the Egyptian revolution at a later stage.

There has been a great deal of confusion about the Muslim Brotherhood. In the years after it was founded in 1928, it developed a "secret apparatus" that engaged in political terrorism against Egyptian Copts as well as government officials. In December 1948, the Muslim Brotherhood assassinated Egyptian Prime Minister Mahmoud al-Nuqrashi Pasha. It also sought to kill Egyptian leader Abdul Nasser in October 1954.

Former Brotherhood Supreme Guide Muhammad Akef declared in 2004 his "complete faith that Islam will invade Europe and America." In 2001, the Muslim Brotherhood's publication in London, Risalat al-Ikhwan, featured at the top of its cover page the slogan: "Our Mission: World Domination." This header was changed after 9/11.

The current Supreme Guide, Muhammad Badi', gave a sermon in September 2010 stating that "the improvement and change that the [Muslim] nation seeks can only be attained through jihad and sacrifice and by raising a jihadi generation that pursues death, just as the enemies pursue life."[2]
But just who is the Muslim Brotherhood? Historically, the Muslim Brotherhood was, “founded in 1928 by the Egyptian schoolteacher/activist Hasan al-Banna (a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis), the Muslim Brotherhood (MB)—a Sunni entity—is one of the oldest, largest and most influential Islamist organizations in the world.”[3]

Throughout its history, the Muslim Brotherhood has been involved in various acts of violent jihad. For example, in December 1948, a Brotherhood member assassinated Egyptian Prime Minister Mahmud Fahmi Nuqrashi.[4] In 1954, Muslim Brotherhood member Abdul Munim Abdul Rauf tried to assassinate President Nasser.[5] The Brotherhood’s mission statement, which is permanently posted on its official Arabic-language website, defines the Brotherhood as a Muslim community (jama’ah) that preaches for and demands the rule of Allah’s law (tahkim shar’ allah).[6]

Many others have noted this as well. This week, Epicenter author Joel Rosenberg appeared on FOX News with Neil Cavuto to explain how the Muslim Brotherhood appears to be co-opting the non-violent protest of demonstrators in Cairo.[7] Though originally not highly involved, the Muslim Brotherhood now seems to see an opportunity to emerge as a major player as Egypt’s national leadership changes. As Rosenberg notes, the current American presidential administration will be put to the test to decide how to negotiate with the new potential leaders of Egypt’s government with the Muslim Brotherhood in the mix.

Simply put, if the Muslim Brotherhood is now claiming to be a non-violent participant in the reform government of Egypt, it will be a major break from its past tradition of jihadic acts of violence. Of significance to Western supporters of the Egyptian protest, it is important to note that democratic, free elections and religious freedom would not necessarily both follow from a change in Egyptian national leadership.

As many have learned from the War in Iraq, democratic elections in prominently Muslim nations can even lead to increased religious persecution among Christians or other non-Muslim religious groups. While we as Christians may support democracy in Egypt, we must be careful not to equate democracy with Christian liberty. In fact, if the Muslim Brotherhood takes a leadership role, some form of sharia law (law based on the teachings of the Qur’an) will be expected. Unfortunately, sharia law is the standard in eight of the top ten nations where Christians are most persecuted.[8]

Let us pray for freedom in Egypt. In doing so, may we show caution regarding those who attempt to step to provide leadership, particularly those from the Muslim Brotherhood. Ultimately, let us pray for those in Egypt who follow Christ to have the freedom to do so.

-Dillon Burroughs, staff writer for the Ankerberg Theological Research Institute

1.↑ Yaakov Lappin, “Muslim Brotherhood: Prepare Egyptians for War with Israel,” The Jerusalem Post, Feb. 1, 2011. Accessed at Muslim Brotherhood: ?Prepare Egyptians for war with Israel'.
2.↑ Dore Gold, “The Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian Crisis,” The Jerusalem Center for Public Affaira, Feb. 2, 2011. Accessed at: Jerusalem Issue Briefs-The Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian Crisis.
3.↑ From http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6386.
4.↑ Ibid.
5.↑ Ibid.
6.↑ Israel Elad-Altman, “The Crisis of the Arab Brotherhood, Current Trends, Nov. 29, 2007. Accessed at The Crisis of the Arab Brotherhood Current Trends in Islamist Ideology.
7.↑ Video available at .
8.↑ See Christian Persecution Blog: The Persecuted Church Global Report 2011.
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We shouldn't be giving them this cash now. So no,lets bring all of our cash and soldiers home where they belong. Egypt is for Egyptians.
Ohh we will fully support Egyopt becoming a "democarcy" up to the point where the muslim majority wins the elections and then cut them off like we did Palestine.
Yeah a war with Israel will really help the Egyptians get a better economy and more jobs.
historically war can be good for an economy.

We are in 2 wars, how come our economy is garbage? Iraq went to war with Iran for 8 years and was completely broke afterwards, this is not WW2 some companies and higher ups bring in cash for the wars but the average person sees none of it.
Ohh we will fully support Egyopt becoming a "democarcy" up to the point where the muslim majority wins the elections and then cut them off like we did Palestine.

well you know... democracy is a great thing so long as the people vote the way we want them to.
I don't think we should be giving out aid, when we could use that to get our debt down, and help our economy. If they want to go to war with Israel, God have mercy on them, cause the Israelis won't.
Sorry bout that,

1. But seems like a logical question.:clap2:
2. And can some one tell me what we get for the 3 billion a year?:confused:
3. And is it legal to give them this kinda cash?:confused:
4. And can we sue whoever instituted the giving of all this cash to Egypt?:confused:
5. The brotherhood, is out to kill Israel, and USA, are we good with that?:confused:
6. All these questions answered right here on USMB, and a bag-o-chips!:clap2:


What we get is the same thing we get for all the cash we give to most conservative dick-taters.... we get a promise of political stability in places that U.S. Business interests have a stake in exploiting the resources of.

That's why the spread of true liberal democracy scares the shit out of our well paid lobbyists and they're spending like crazy to convince congress to continue to prop up conservative dick-taters against the wills of the people.

IMHO, so long as we have to put it on a Chinese issued VISA card,we should quit giving "aid" to EVERYONE.

Israel Total 3,175

Egypt Total 1,550

Jordan Total 458

2 billion dollars a year is the exact price of the non-aggression pact signed by Israel and Egypt and Jordan.

Foreign aid to Egypt and Jordan is foreign aid to Israel in disguise. A delicate way used by the american government to say the US gives almost 6 billion dollars to Israel every year without provoking a heart attack in the average US taxpayer. :lol:

An awful lot of money considering the fact that the only thing America gets in return is a huge, smoldering pile of skyscraper rubble produced by a generation of young arabs growing up with the images of the daily carnage in Gaza and the West Bank.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. But seems like a logical question.:clap2:
2. And can some one tell me what we get for the 3 billion a year?:confused:
3. And is it legal to give them this kinda cash?:confused:
4. And can we sue whoever instituted the giving of all this cash to Egypt?:confused:
5. The brotherhood, is out to kill Israel, and USA, are we good with that?:confused:
6. All these questions answered right here on USMB, and a bag-o-chips!:clap2:


Article 2 of the US constitution.

Not saying I agree I'm just telling you where the government gained the authority to do this.

1. So its legal?
2. Doesn't sound right.:confused:

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. But seems like a logical question.:clap2:
2. And can some one tell me what we get for the 3 billion a year?:confused:
3. And is it legal to give them this kinda cash?:confused:
4. And can we sue whoever instituted the giving of all this cash to Egypt?:confused:
5. The brotherhood, is out to kill Israel, and USA, are we good with that?:confused:
6. All these questions answered right here on USMB, and a bag-o-chips!:clap2:


Article 2 of the US constitution.

Not saying I agree I'm just telling you where the government gained the authority to do this.

1. So its legal?
2. Doesn't sound right.:confused:


Well its constitutional.

Article 2, section 2, us constitution

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

It basically gives the president the authority to enter into treaties. The treaty could involve money from us to the other person in the treaty. Thats where the constitutional authority comes from.

Is giving aid in the spirit of the original intent? No, not according to the federalist papers.
Sorry bout that,

1. I think the government is out of line, doling out money to combatant nations.
2. And if we dole out money to friendly nations, we should be getting something for it.
3. Israel is going to have to be some sort of benefit to us common Americans in order for this to be fair for us to continue this, like free housing when we visit, maybe in the kibbutz's or something.
4. Don't get me wrong, I love the Jews maybe more than anyone who isn't a Jew, maybe more than a Jew, seeing all the self hating Jews I've seen.
5. We as the American tax payers need some perks, I don't know if there are any.
6. But all those nations we are handing out free money who hate us, man, all I got to say is, "All you dumb ass govenment people are some really stupid mofo's!!!!!":evil:
7. This has too stop, its ignorant, its not buying us good will, its not a benefit to those nations, the dictators keep most of it, and shares some with his higher up hinchmen, its another thing, it *IMMORAL*, you don't pay your son to be good, "Here son, behave yourself, and take this one hundred dollar bill, this time next week, if I don't have to raise my voice to you for bad behavior I will slip you another hundred son." its a *bribe* and agaisnt ***God***, and America doing this is breaking all sorts of *MORAL LAWS*, its a crime against ***God***, and everything *noble* and *good* in man.
8. In so saying that, which no other here could even come forth with, I am going to have to call, *Checkmate*!!!!!

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Originally posted by chesswarsnow
We as the American tax payers need some perks.

We've already been through that, Sasquatch.

The only "perk" the american taxpayer gets from all the money that goes directly to Israel and to buy "peace" with its neighbors is free building demolition provided by young arabs enraged with the carnage in Palestine.
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