If Guns Kill People...

Crazy people with guns kill people.

Crazy people must get back ground checked and keeped away from guns.

How do you find out if someone is crazy? How do you predict when someone will go crazy?
Best way to stop gun violence is to allow everyone to have a gun. Even a crazy person wouldn't try to pull something then.

We have the most guns in the world. Many places with few guns have much lower crime rates than us. When citizens arm up so do criminals. That is why our violent crime rate is increasing.
Is it your belief that disarming the law abiding will reduce crime? Do you think criminals will turn in their guns, if Uncle Sam requires it?
They have shown to kill more than 50 in one shooting and injure hundreds more. I don't see why anyone should legally own a weapon that dangerous.

That is EXCATLY the REASON these semi-automatic / automatic' weapons are singled out and used to promote anti-gun legislation the most despite being used in less than half of all murders - their use results in more people killed and injured AT ONE TIME.
Crazy people with guns kill people.

Crazy people must get back ground checked and keeped away from guns.

How do you find out if someone is crazy? How do you predict when someone will go crazy?
Best way to stop gun violence is to allow everyone to have a gun. Even a crazy person wouldn't try to pull something then.

We have the most guns in the world. Many places with few guns have much lower crime rates than us. When citizens arm up so do criminals. That is why our violent crime rate is increasing.

Law abiding citizens own guns to protect their property and life. Criminals obtain guns to kill and murder. There is a difference.
Crazy people with guns kill people.

Crazy people must get back ground checked and keeped away from guns.

How do you find out if someone is crazy? How do you predict when someone will go crazy?
Best way to stop gun violence is to allow everyone to have a gun. Even a crazy person wouldn't try to pull something then.

We have the most guns in the world. Many places with few guns have much lower crime rates than us. When citizens arm up so do criminals. That is why our violent crime rate is increasing.
Is it your belief that disarming the law abiding will reduce crime? Do you think criminals will turn in their guns, if Uncle Sam requires it?

They will have less a need for guns and gun violence will decrease.
They have shown to kill more than 50 in one shooting and injure hundreds more. I don't see why anyone should legally own a weapon that dangerous.

That is EXCATLY the REASON these semi-automatic / automatic' weapons are singled out and used to promote anti-gun legislation the most despite being used in less than half of all murders - their use results in more people killed and injured AT ONE TIME.

And completely overkill for defense so why provide a legal option for mass killers?
It's not evident?

I mean, every single other first world country has lower gun murders than the USA. By a long way. Some of those countries have more guns and some have less guns, those with more guns have a higher percentage of gun murders than those with less guns. Isn't that evident?

Or do we mean evident for people who don't wish to see the truth?
And our murder rate is at a 120 year low with a steep downward trend over the last 3 decades.

I don't know what our baseline murder rate is but there are more variables than guns in the equation.
As far back as I can find the US murder rate has always been higher than that of the UK and other European countries.

Why is that?

Fine, throw in irrelevant facts to counter my relevant facts.

Why not put in how many blow jobs the last NFL quarterback scored in the last Superbowl too for good measure?

The US has the HIGHEST MURDER RATE in the FIRST WORLD by A LONG FUCKING WAY. No matter how much this rate is going down, it's still the fucking highest murder rate and you seem to think that people's deaths are okay because... because... I fucking don't know.

And we always have had a higher murder rate.

If you look at our stats and our stats only your arguments fall apart.

We have more guns than ever but our murder rate is declining and if the trend continues we will set a record for the lowest murder rate in 120 years.
If one looks at the races committing gun violence, one finds that minorities are responsible for much of it. Blacks, though a small percentage of the population, commit a good portion of gun violence. Hispanics do too, but somewhat smaller even though they represent a greater percentage of the population than blacks.

I find it strange that the left is all about promoting racial issues, but they will never discuss the fact that blacks cause so much gun violence. Hypocrites!

It's no mystery that a small number of ultra violent urban areas account for a large number of murders and gun crimes that skew the totals
Yet this is never spoken of by the MSM or the ruling class. This could be an indication that they don't care about crime, but do want more control and power centralized in the federal government. Always a recipe for death and suffering.
Crazy people with guns kill people.

Crazy people must get back ground checked and keeped away from guns.

How do you find out if someone is crazy? How do you predict when someone will go crazy?
Best way to stop gun violence is to allow everyone to have a gun. Even a crazy person wouldn't try to pull something then.

We have the most guns in the world. Many places with few guns have much lower crime rates than us. When citizens arm up so do criminals. That is why our violent crime rate is increasing.

Law abiding citizens own guns to protect their property and life. Criminals obtain guns to kill and murder. There is a difference.
Law abiding until not. Criminals arm up because everyone else does. This leads to more death.
They will have less a need for guns and gun violence will decrease.
Yes because criminals will turn in their guns when they see law-abiding citizens don't have any, and the criminals will not try to acquire more.

Crazy people with guns kill people.

Crazy people must get back ground checked and keeped away from guns.

How do you find out if someone is crazy? How do you predict when someone will go crazy?
Best way to stop gun violence is to allow everyone to have a gun. Even a crazy person wouldn't try to pull something then.

We have the most guns in the world. Many places with few guns have much lower crime rates than us. When citizens arm up so do criminals. That is why our violent crime rate is increasing.

Law abiding citizens own guns to protect their property and life. Criminals obtain guns to kill and murder. There is a difference.
Law abiding until not. Criminals arm up because everyone else does. This leads to more death.

In France, the criminals slaughtered with guns, while the law abiding weren't allowed to own.
Crazy people with guns kill people.

Crazy people must get back ground checked and keeped away from guns.

How do you find out if someone is crazy? How do you predict when someone will go crazy?
Best way to stop gun violence is to allow everyone to have a gun. Even a crazy person wouldn't try to pull something then.

We have the most guns in the world. Many places with few guns have much lower crime rates than us. When citizens arm up so do criminals. That is why our violent crime rate is increasing.
Is it your belief that disarming the law abiding will reduce crime? Do you think criminals will turn in their guns, if Uncle Sam requires it?

They will have less a need for guns and gun violence will decrease.
Make the people defenseless so that criminals won't use guns on the people. Do you have any idea about what you speak?
Law abiding until not.
So you are arguing that law-abiding citizens should be disarmed because they are not guilty og anything YET ... but it is a safe bet they eventually will be?

How do you find out if someone is crazy? How do you predict when someone will go crazy?
Best way to stop gun violence is to allow everyone to have a gun. Even a crazy person wouldn't try to pull something then.

We have the most guns in the world. Many places with few guns have much lower crime rates than us. When citizens arm up so do criminals. That is why our violent crime rate is increasing.
Is it your belief that disarming the law abiding will reduce crime? Do you think criminals will turn in their guns, if Uncle Sam requires it?

They will have less a need for guns and gun violence will decrease.
Make the people defenseless so that criminals won't use guns on the people. Do you have any idea about what you speak?

There is a reason countries with strong gun control have much lower homicide rates.
Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people
Since we can't ban people, we have to go after the guns
People with knives kill people
People with hammer kill people
People with hands kill people
people with feet kill people
people with baseball bats kill people

PEOPLE kill people
People have always killed people
People will always kill people

This is one of those things you need to accept, you know like gravity.
Picture this if you will.....
The Vegas massacre of 50+ people using a knife.
The Vegas massacre of 50+ people using a hammer.
The Vegas massacre of 50+ people using hands.
The Vegas massacre of 50+ people using feet.
The Vegas massacre of 50+ people using a baseball bat.