If Graham-Cassidy isn't a purely partisan healthcare bill, I don't know what is

BREAKING: Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine says she's 'leaning against' Graham-Cassidy, cites major concerns.

I think Graham-Cassidy is officially called ‘the Screw You Jimmy Kimmel Act of 2017
The Repubs are now trying to buy off Murkowski with EXEMPTIONS for Alaska.

Alaska could get relief from Senate repeal bill's Medicaid cuts
Sounds a little like the Corn Husker kickbacks. It is hilarious that the left will scream about deals being made when one only has to look at how Obamacare passed in the first place.

What's funny is you opposing one and supporting the other.
ur not paying attention as usual or just telling fairy tales. I oppose both and support a Medicare type 80/20 plan, it would solve a lot if not all of our problems.

You, all I hear is Obamacare.
Take a look at the "winners and losers" by state if the Graham-Cassidy plan for gutting O-care passes.



By and large, there are a few exceptions, what the bill does is reduce funding to places where larger quantities of people live and increase it in places where fewer people live. It also "conveniently" happens that the lower population areas that will see increased funding are also "red states." (Though Trump won PA, MI, and WI, on the basis of one election cycle, it's hard to consider them "red" more so than, at best, "purple." That's why I used the 2012 "party" map.)

Who is it that's always complaining about redistributions of income and resources? I'll bet "dollars to donuts" those very same people don't much mind redistribution when it benefits their locality.

Interesting, since the CBO has not scored it yet.

The Republicans don't want a CBO score because they know what the result will be. More people losing coverage.
there is no way to get a positive CBO score. what is the CBO score with the failing obummerfail? it's all guesses. wow. about 25 million without coverage today? yep

BTW, before obummerfail only 12% were without coverage. it got worse under obummerfail. what did the CBO call out back then?

Bullshit. More people got covered under Obamacare. It did not get worse. Quite lying.
bullshit wimpy. fking look at the stats. fk I hate people who don't want to look up numbers like you.

How Many People are Still Uninsured in 2016?

"However, there are still an estimated 27 million people without health insurance. Who are they, and why aren’t they insured yet?"
Take a look at the "winners and losers" by state if the Graham-Cassidy plan for gutting O-care passes.



By and large, there are a few exceptions, what the bill does is reduce funding to places where larger quantities of people live and increase it in places where fewer people live. It also "conveniently" happens that the lower population areas that will see increased funding are also "red states." (Though Trump won PA, MI, and WI, on the basis of one election cycle, it's hard to consider them "red" more so than, at best, "purple." That's why I used the 2012 "party" map.)

Who is it that's always complaining about redistributions of income and resources? I'll bet "dollars to donuts" those very same people don't much mind redistribution when it benefits their locality.
That is really funny, you saying you don't know what a totally partisan bill is. IT'S OBAMACARE!!!!! Wow, bought and paid for by democrat pork passed in the middle of the night through strong arm tactics, THAT is partisan.
That is really funny, you saying you don't know what a totally partisan bill is.

Insofar as you think that's what I said, I haven't more to say to you on this thread topic because that is not at all what I said or implied.
I am sorry if I read your posts and get out of them what they actually say. Unless of course you are not the OP.

Title line of OP: If Graham-Cassidy isn't a purely partisan healthcare bill, I don't know

Sounds to me like you don't know that definition of partisan, I didn't see where you said otherwise.
Like the other 60 repeals of ObamaCare, this is just more theater for the rubes. The rubes NEVER get tired of this shit.

I mean, 60 times, and the tards STILL fall for it EVERY time! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Trump and the GOP massively hoaxed the creduloids. They never had a replacement for ObamaCare.

Trump's tiny hands are empty. He never intended to fulfill his promise. He spits and jizzes in the Tard Herd's faces, and they think it's raining. They lean back, open their mouths, and swallow.

With this hoax bill, and the last two hoax bills, they can tell the tards, "We tried but them durned libruls stopped us...somehow..." and the tards will lean back and swallow. Again.

Wow.. 3 "tards"!!!!!
Take a look at the "winners and losers" by state if the Graham-Cassidy plan for gutting O-care passes.



By and large, there are a few exceptions, what the bill does is reduce funding to places where larger quantities of people live and increase it in places where fewer people live. It also "conveniently" happens that the lower population areas that will see increased funding are also "red states." (Though Trump won PA, MI, and WI, on the basis of one election cycle, it's hard to consider them "red" more so than, at best, "purple." That's why I used the 2012 "party" map.)

Who is it that's always complaining about redistributions of income and resources? I'll bet "dollars to donuts" those very same people don't much mind redistribution when it benefits their locality.
That is really funny, you saying you don't know what a totally partisan bill is. IT'S OBAMACARE!!!!! Wow, bought and paid for by democrat pork passed in the middle of the night through strong arm tactics, THAT is partisan.
That is really funny, you saying you don't know what a totally partisan bill is.

Insofar as you think that's what I said, I haven't more to say to you on this thread topic because that is not at all what I said or implied.
I am sorry if I read your posts and get out of them what they actually say. Unless of course you are not the OP.

Title line of OP: If Graham-Cassidy isn't a purely partisan healthcare bill, I don't know

Sounds to me like you don't know that definition of partisan, I didn't see where you said otherwise.
Title line of OP: If Graham-Cassidy isn't a purely partisan healthcare bill, I don't know

Sounds to me like you don't know that definition of partisan, I didn't see where you said otherwise.

The title of the thread says, "If Graham-Cassidy isn't a purely partisan healthcare bill, I don't know what is."

Is English not your first language? If so, I understand why you don't understand that, idiomatically, the syntax I used is a sardonic way of saying "the Graham-Cassidy is a partisan healthcare bill."
Take a look at the "winners and losers" by state if the Graham-Cassidy plan for gutting O-care passes.



By and large, there are a few exceptions, what the bill does is reduce funding to places where larger quantities of people live and increase it in places where fewer people live. It also "conveniently" happens that the lower population areas that will see increased funding are also "red states." (Though Trump won PA, MI, and WI, on the basis of one election cycle, it's hard to consider them "red" more so than, at best, "purple." That's why I used the 2012 "party" map.)

Who is it that's always complaining about redistributions of income and resources? I'll bet "dollars to donuts" those very same people don't much mind redistribution when it benefits their locality.

Interesting, since the CBO has not scored it yet.

The Republicans don't want a CBO score because they know what the result will be. More people losing coverage.
there is no way to get a positive CBO score. what is the CBO score with the failing obummerfail? it's all guesses. wow. about 25 million without coverage today? yep

BTW, before obummerfail only 12% were without coverage. it got worse under obummerfail. what did the CBO call out back then?

Bullshit. More people got covered under Obamacare. It did not get worse. Quite lying.
bullshit wimpy. fking look at the stats. fk I hate people who don't want to look up numbers like you.

How Many People are Still Uninsured in 2016?

"However, there are still an estimated 27 million people without health insurance. Who are they, and why aren’t they insured yet?"

The question is not whether everyone is covered. The question is whether more people are insured. The answer is yes. Obamacare has covered more people.

The US Census Bureau confirms this.

"The uninsured rate decreased between 2014 and 2015 by 1.3 percentage points as measured by the CPS ASEC. In 2015, the percentage of people without health insurance coverage for the entire calendar year was 9.1 percent, or 29.0 million, lower than the rate and number of uninsured in 2014 (10.4 percent or 33.0 million).

The percentage of people with health insurance coverage for all or part of 2015 was 90.9 percent, higher than the rate in 2014 (89.6 percent)."

Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2015

Graham-Cassidy threatens that small gain.
Interesting, since the CBO has not scored it yet.

The Republicans don't want a CBO score because they know what the result will be. More people losing coverage.
there is no way to get a positive CBO score. what is the CBO score with the failing obummerfail? it's all guesses. wow. about 25 million without coverage today? yep

BTW, before obummerfail only 12% were without coverage. it got worse under obummerfail. what did the CBO call out back then?

Bullshit. More people got covered under Obamacare. It did not get worse. Quite lying.
bullshit wimpy. fking look at the stats. fk I hate people who don't want to look up numbers like you.

How Many People are Still Uninsured in 2016?

"However, there are still an estimated 27 million people without health insurance. Who are they, and why aren’t they insured yet?"

The question is not whether everyone is covered. The question is whether more people are insured. The answer is yes. Obamacare has covered more people.

The US Census Bureau confirms this.

"The uninsured rate decreased between 2014 and 2015 by 1.3 percentage points as measured by the CPS ASEC. In 2015, the percentage of people without health insurance coverage for the entire calendar year was 9.1 percent, or 29.0 million, lower than the rate and number of uninsured in 2014 (10.4 percent or 33.0 million).

The percentage of people with health insurance coverage for all or part of 2015 was 90.9 percent, higher than the rate in 2014 (89.6 percent)."

Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2015

Graham-Cassidy threatens that small gain.
no it doesn't, that is all bullshit. 27 million not covered means not covered, insured means covered you whiny lefturd fk. see smart folk know that the CBO is full of shit. we know 27 million aren't covered today, so not to have 13 million covered is a fking gain.
Interesting, since the CBO has not scored it yet.

The Republicans don't want a CBO score because they know what the result will be. More people losing coverage.
there is no way to get a positive CBO score. what is the CBO score with the failing obummerfail? it's all guesses. wow. about 25 million without coverage today? yep

BTW, before obummerfail only 12% were without coverage. it got worse under obummerfail. what did the CBO call out back then?

Bullshit. More people got covered under Obamacare. It did not get worse. Quite lying.
bullshit wimpy. fking look at the stats. fk I hate people who don't want to look up numbers like you.

How Many People are Still Uninsured in 2016?

"However, there are still an estimated 27 million people without health insurance. Who are they, and why aren’t they insured yet?"

The question is not whether everyone is covered. The question is whether more people are insured. The answer is yes. Obamacare has covered more people.

The US Census Bureau confirms this.

"The uninsured rate decreased between 2014 and 2015 by 1.3 percentage points as measured by the CPS ASEC. In 2015, the percentage of people without health insurance coverage for the entire calendar year was 9.1 percent, or 29.0 million, lower than the rate and number of uninsured in 2014 (10.4 percent or 33.0 million).

The percentage of people with health insurance coverage for all or part of 2015 was 90.9 percent, higher than the rate in 2014 (89.6 percent)."

Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2015

Graham-Cassidy threatens that small gain.

How many billions of dollars did that small gain cost?
The meat puppet faggot care law wasn't a purely partisan bill?


Hopefully the democrooks lose even more senate seats and all the republicrat traitors like McLame won't matter.
Please Jimmy Kimmel, stay out of politics. Leave the important stuff to reality TV stars with a knack for bankrupting casinos.
Americans want single-payer/universal coverage until they see what it costs, then unless committed to Leftist ideology they don't.
Take a look at the "winners and losers" by state if the Graham-Cassidy plan for gutting O-care passes.



By and large, there are a few exceptions, what the bill does is reduce funding to places where larger quantities of people live and increase it in places where fewer people live. It also "conveniently" happens that the lower population areas that will see increased funding are also "red states." (Though Trump won PA, MI, and WI, on the basis of one election cycle, it's hard to consider them "red" more so than, at best, "purple." That's why I used the 2012 "party" map.)

Who is it that's always complaining about redistributions of income and resources? I'll bet "dollars to donuts" those very same people don't much mind redistribution when it benefits their locality.

ACA was a partisan Democrat bill.

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