If God doesn't exist...

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Did Jesus Christ really "rise from the dead" or is that just another parable? I guess, according to the religious folks, only the stories from the Bible that have been proven untrue are the "parables?" ;)

Rising from the dead is a metaphor.

First Jesus rose from the death and entombment of false religious beliefs and degrading religious practices. He then ascended bodily into heaven, the highest sphere of intelligences, as he walked through life until he was killed. After three days, according to scripture, he rose again and appeared in dreams to his disciples which convinced them that Jesus survived physical death.

Their belief was that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing and communicating with Jesus in dreams after he died was proof enough to them that Jesus was alive and well and in the realm of God, literally.

Have you read the Bible? I've read it, and while I don't remember specific "quotes and passages," I remember the gist of it and the specific fantastical stories.
Did Jesus Christ really "rise from the dead" or is that just another parable? I guess, according to the religious folks, only the stories from the Bible that have been proven untrue are the "parables?" ;)

Rising from the dead is a metaphor.

First Jesus rose from the death and entombment of false religious beliefs and degrading religious practices. He then ascended bodily into heaven, the highest sphere of intelligences, as he walked through life until he was killed. After three days, according to scripture, he rose again and appeared in dreams to his disciples which convinced them that Jesus survived physical death.

Their belief was that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing and communicating with Jesus in dreams after he died was proof enough to them that Jesus was alive and well and in the realm of God, literally.

And where did the Ten Commandments come from?
And if all of these stories are supposed to be "parables," then what did Jesus die on the cross for? What is original sin if the Adam and Eve story is only a "parable?" Sorry but it just doesn't add up when you take off the blinders and use logic and intellect.
Did Jesus Christ really "rise from the dead" or is that just another parable? I guess, according to the religious folks, only the stories from the Bible that have been proven untrue are the "parables?" ;)

Rising from the dead is a metaphor.

First Jesus rose from the death and entombment of false religious beliefs and degrading religious practices. He then ascended bodily into heaven, the highest sphere of intelligences, as he walked through life until he was killed. After three days, according to scripture, he rose again and appeared in dreams to his disciples which convinced them that Jesus survived physical death.

Their belief was that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing and communicating with Jesus in dreams after he died was proof enough to them that Jesus was alive and well and in the realm of God, literally.

That's not what it says in the Bible. It specifically states that Jesus actually awoke from the dead. There were allegedly women there who witnessed it and saw his tomb was empty!
This quote is from Anonymous (I do not know which one since there are quite a few who preferred to remain nameless)
"Sacred texts are full of analogies and metaphors all mixed up with plain facts, so it's difficult to tell what is to be interpreted literally and what is to be deciphered. And everyone seems to take the literal parts metaphorically and the metaphorical parts literally."
Ponder that statement if you wish.
This stuff didn't make sense when I was a child and it STILL makes no sense. So what did Jesus die on the cross for? Or is that just a story too? He didn't really die on the cross for some imagined "slight" to some God?
That's fine if some of you do not want to think about it and want to follow some ancient men's book from thousands of years ago, but anyone who opens their eyes and looks can see it makes absolutely no sense at all. Too many contradictions.
That's fine if some of you do not want to think about it and want to follow some ancient men's book from thousands of years ago, but anyone who opens their eyes and looks can see it makes absolutely no sense at all. Too many contradictions.
Again, that's where "contradictions" are coming from:
And everyone seems to take the literal parts metaphorically and the metaphorical parts literally."
That's fine if some of you do not want to think about it and want to follow some ancient men's book from thousands of years ago, but anyone who opens their eyes and looks can see it makes absolutely no sense at all. Too many contradictions.
Again, that's where "contradictions" are coming from:
And everyone seems to take the literal parts metaphorically and the metaphorical parts literally."

That is a weak explanation, sorry.
Never knowing that God exist or the Swede God even I have voices in my life and then Swede God do nothing before I started to hate Swede God and Jumala and Jumalauta and Christ because I've been irritation over eating silence off course nobody like to be irritation over silence when man eat food.
That's fine if some of you do not want to think about it and want to follow some ancient men's book from thousands of years ago, but anyone who opens their eyes and looks can see it makes absolutely no sense at all. Too many contradictions.
Again, that's where "contradictions" are coming from:
And everyone seems to take the literal parts metaphorically and the metaphorical parts literally."

I've noticed that you still haven't addressed my specific question about original sin and what it says in the Bible about Jesus. Did Jesus die on the cross or not? Is the Adam and Eve story a "parable" or not? Do you believe these fantastical stories to be true? What about the Ten Commandments? Where did those come from? God who revealed himself to Moses in the form of a burning bush? Come on.
Never knowing that God exist or the Swede God even I have voices in my life and then Swede God do nothing before I started to hate Swede God and Jumala and Jumalauta and Christ because I've been irritation over eating silence off course nobody like to be irritation over silence when man eat food.
That was a good one, thank you….
The only "facts" interspersed throughout the Bible may be names and places. The stories are all a bunch of bullshit. None of them are true!!!
Did you just say "bullshit?" :lol:
Come on decipher the metaphors and read literal things literally then you have your answers.

Oh okay, so which ones are "metaphors" and which ones are truths?
The only "facts" interspersed throughout the Bible may be names and places. The stories are all a bunch of bullshit. None of them are true!!!
Did you just say "bullshit?" :lol:
Come on decipher the metaphors and read literal things literally then you have your answers.

Face it. You believe in ridiculous stories written in a book thousands of years ago by ignorant men who did not understand the way the world really works. It's a scam. The biggest and most successful scam ever to be pulled in history. You are just afraid to examine it and admit to that, understandably so.
Face it. You believe in ridiculous stories written in a book thousands of years ago by ignorant men who did not understand the way the world really works. It's a scam. The biggest and most successful scam ever to be pulled in history. You are just afraid to examine it and admit to that, understandably so.
I did not affirm that I believe in anything but it doesn't mean I don't believe in anything.
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