If Einstein posted here

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
If Albert Einstein had tried to explain his theory of relativity on a political forum, he would have gotten responses like these:

1. What are you smoking, dude?
2. A patent clerk watching the trains go by. Just another overpaid government bureaucrat with too much time on his hands.
3. It’s just a theory.
4. Anybody can sit in a comfy chair and write down ideas. Come back when you’ve created jobs or actually accomplished something.
5. Spend all you time thinking about the universe? Not much happening in the bedroom, right?
He would say "Hey Billy! I found another "Time for Beany" episode on youtube!"

One day he and Eddington went to the beach, walking bare feet on the shore in a delightful afternoon with fresh breeze and sunny sky.

The seagulls flying continually around while they were talking about their lives, their projects, and more.

At one moment Eddington saw a dead seagull right on the sand near them and said:

-Look! a dead seagull!

Einstein lifted up his head looking at the sky from one side to another asking:

-Where?... where?...

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