If democrats Were Smart, What Should They Say To Barry?

They should say,

Treat the Republicans the way they've treated you. Make Mitch McConnell a one term Senate majority leader. Don't let the GOP check off a single item on their list of promises.
As a left wing radical, Obama has the power to destroy the national Democratic Party for the next decade. If he can't or won't do a turnaround like Clinton, he should resign and claim racism in order to deflect attention away from his abysmal record.
So, you have failed to actually examine policy, law and history.
And you have failed to make a coherent point.

I can see how that would be difficult for someone that does not understand what communism actually means.
I don't think you can see anything, since your posts thus far have been nothing more than psycho babble.

Ah yes, I recognize you. Your major problem is that your head is entirely too far up your ass.
And there we have it... you've completely run out of stupid things to say, so it's on to insults.

You are the classic, typical, garden variety, progtard twit. B'bye.

I'm your worst nightmare. Don't forget it.
And you have failed to make a coherent point.

I can see how that would be difficult for someone that does not understand what communism actually means.
I don't think you can see anything, since your posts thus far have been nothing more than psycho babble.

Ah yes, I recognize you. Your major problem is that your head is entirely too far up your ass.
And there we have it... you've completely run out of stupid things to say, so it's on to insults.

You are the classic, typical, garden variety, progtard twit. B'bye.

I'm your worst nightmare. Don't forget it.

Are you referring to your physical attributes?
I can see how that would be difficult for someone that does not understand what communism actually means.
I don't think you can see anything, since your posts thus far have been nothing more than psycho babble.

Ah yes, I recognize you. Your major problem is that your head is entirely too far up your ass.
And there we have it... you've completely run out of stupid things to say, so it's on to insults.

You are the classic, typical, garden variety, progtard twit. B'bye.

I'm your worst nightmare. Don't forget it.

Are you referring to your physical attributes?

I am way out of your league. So, don't even go there.
If Democrats were smart they would have spent the past six years rallying behind the President when he tried to offer compromises. Instead, they complained that he was giving too much to Republicans. They cried and complained that the Republicans were being obstructionists. But the Democrats have been just as obstructionist as the Republicans. Every time the President has called for and suggested compromises the Democrats have said "Oh no, we don't want to compromise, and if you're not going to stand with us then we're going to abandon you and feed you to the sharks." Now after six years of their strategy going badly, they tried to dump the blame on the President, thinking that the public was dumb enough to fall for it.

Well if you remember when GW Bush was president, it was his way or no way. But with Obama we have to offset any spending we want with cuts in other programs or tax breaks to the rich. Lets see if the GOP ever take back the White House if they are as frugal as they are when its Democrats who want to spend some money.

Democrats at least spend the money in America and they give it to Americans who aren't going to take the money to Switzerland.
I don't think you can see anything, since your posts thus far have been nothing more than psycho babble.

Ah yes, I recognize you. Your major problem is that your head is entirely too far up your ass.
And there we have it... you've completely run out of stupid things to say, so it's on to insults.

You are the classic, typical, garden variety, progtard twit. B'bye.

I'm your worst nightmare. Don't forget it.

Are you referring to your physical attributes?

I am way out of your league. So, don't even go there.

You have a stripper name. My stripper name would be Sealy Edinburgh. Dogs name and street you grew up on. LOL
Ah yes, I recognize you. Your major problem is that your head is entirely too far up your ass.
And there we have it... you've completely run out of stupid things to say, so it's on to insults.

You are the classic, typical, garden variety, progtard twit. B'bye.

I'm your worst nightmare. Don't forget it.

Are you referring to your physical attributes?

I am way out of your league. So, don't even go there.

You have a stripper name. My stripper name would be Sealy Edinburgh. Dogs name and street you grew up on. LOL


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