If Clinton hadn't sold missile secrets for chinese campaign,


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
the Gorelick Memo would not have been needed and "C.I.A. officials of deliberately withholding crucial documents and photographs of Qaeda operatives from the F.B.I."

Known as the Gorelick Memo...
"As Deputy Attorney General under Bill Clinton from 1994 to 1997 Jamie Gorelick wrote the memo that created the now infamous “Gorelick Wall.” A 1995 memo she wrote, stated explicitly that they would “go beyond what is legally required, [to] prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.”

These rules were, shortly after their creation, expanded to regulate such communications in future counter-terrorism investigations.
It set a procedure where various intelligence operations could not share information with each other.

Jamie Gorelick’s wall barred anti-terror investigators from accessing the computer of Zacarias Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker, already in custody on an immigration violation shortly before 9/11.
At the time, an enraged FBI investigator wrote a prophetic memo to headquarters about the wall
‘Whatever has happened to this — someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain problems…..especially since the biggest threat to us UBL [Usama bin Laden], is getting the most protection.
Breitbart News: Big Government

Here is what Richard A. Clark, former counter-terrorism advisor for both the Clinton and Bush Administrations, testified to in prepared remarks before the Sept. 11 Commission on March 24, 2004:
“In retrospect, we know that there was information available to some in the FBI and CIA that al Qida [sic] operatives had entered the United States. That information was not shared with the senior FBI counter-terrorism official (Dale Watson) or with me, despite the heightened state of concern in the Counter-terrorism Security Group.”
Could 9/11 Have Been Prevented? The Gorelick Memo and What We Knew

NOW WHY did the Gorelick Memo and subsequent WALL come into being???

It should be noted that when Gorelick penned the aforementioned memo, President Clinton was extremely worried about ongoing FBI and CIA investigations into illegal Chinese contributions that had been made to his presidential campaign. Both the FBI and the CIA were churning up evidence damaging to the Democratic Party, its fundraisers, the Chinese, and ultimately the Clinton administration itself.
The Wall of Separation between Law-Enforcement and Intelligence - Discover the Networks

9/11 would not have occurred!
July 15, 1998
Majority Leader Trent Lott said a Senate probe has found that China received sensitive technology and military advantages under what he described as a "wholly inadequate" system of U.S. export controls.

June 25, 1998
Hughes Electronics Corp., the world's largest satellite-builder and a favorite of U.S. trade officials, has gotten almost all it has sought from the Clinton administration on China deals, through in-your-face lobbying tactics and a revolving-door hiring policy for officials departing key agencies.

May 23, 1998
President Clinton gave the go-ahead in February to a U.S. company's satellite launch in China despite staff concerns that granting such approval might be seen as letting the company "off the hook" in a Justice Department investigation of whether it previously provided unauthorized assistance to China's ballistic missile program.

May 21, 1998
In a series of nearly unanimous votes, the House said President Clinton failed to act in "the national interest" earlier this year when he gave permission for a Chinese satellite launch to a U.S. aerospace firm with close Democratic ties, and moved to block him from approving similar exports.

Washingtonpost.com: Key Stories on Chinese Missile Allegations

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