If Biden Would Have Run His Presidential Campaign Based On What He Was REALLY Going To Do, Would You Have Still Voted For Him?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I am going to impose an Open Border Policy.

I am going to set a new illegal immigration record by helping traffic 2 MILLION illegals into the US in 1 year.

I am going to create a Humanity Crisis.

  • I am going to encourage parents to sell their children to Cartels and Coyotes who will physical and sexually abuse 80% of the children under their custody and leave many more dead along the way.
  • I am going to pack children into Biden Kiddie Cages, pack 100 children into a cage designed to hold 25, force them to sleep in shifts on the floor, provide water they can’t drink, not enough food, and prevent the media or the American people from seeing any of it.
  • I’m going to pack kids on a bus for 3 days until I decide where to take them, dumping them off in the US without letting local and state agencies know they are coming.
  • Lie our ass off by continuously declaring ‘The Border Is closed’
I am going to surrender our border security – ceding it to Cartels and Coyotes.

I am going to surrender our National security.

In my 1st few days as President I am going to:

  • Send more American troops to fight Barry’s illegal war in Syria
  • Surrender our energy independence, making us dependent again on nations who hate the US / our enemies, forcing our gas prices to go up the highest it has been in years
  • Put thousands of Americans out of work – promise to give them Green Energy jobs but never do
  • Pay Americans NOT to go to work
  • Shut down our pipeline while giving my blessing to Russia’s pipeline that will allow Russia to put a strangle-hold on our allies’ energy
  • Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords that hurts the US
  • Commit to Obama’s personal Treaty with Iran that makes the world less safe
Impose a new tax hike on citizens and businesses to achieve the highest tax rate of any G7 or OECD nation

Lie to you about a tax hike that will result in no American making less than $400k having to pay 1 dime extra in taxes, which, again, is a lie

Propose a $5.5 TRILLION dollar Democrats self-enriching deficit-adding fiscally irresponsible piece of legislation – an ‘Infrastructure’ bill in which only 7% of the money actually going to construction on roads, bridges, and actual infrastructure

I am going to promise to get COVID-19 under control, fail to do so, declare victory over it in July 2021, withhold life-saving drugs because Trump proposed them, claim vaccines did not exist until I became President

I will use COVID-19 to trample Americans’ civil and Constitutional rights, oppress them through Un-Constitutional edicts, abusive punishment to enforce these edicts, use the virus to destroy over 50% of minority-owned small businesses, wipe out all of the successes experienced under Trump, and force millions of Americans back onto Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps

I will refuse to hold foreign enemies who attack us accountable, to refuse to protect Americans or the US – I will not stand up to Putin for Russia’s sonic attacks that leave Americans brain damaged. I will not stand up to Putin for Russia committing cyberwarfare attacks against the US, halting food and energy distribution in the US. I will instead give him a list of our top 18 infrastructure targets and beg him not to attack THOSE.

I will conduct a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, get 13 US troops un-necessarily killed, will break my promise to NOT leave Afghanistan until all Americans and allies are evacuated, and I will leave hundreds of Americans and allies behind, in the ‘mercy’ of terrorists. I will attempt to stop private rescue operations from leaving Afghanistan and from entering the US.

I want to alienate and offend our allies until they pull their Ambassadors, be found in ‘Contempt of Parliament’ in the UK, and have the UK declare they will not support any more US military operations as long as I am President

By the start of my 10th month in office I want to have the lowest approval rating or almost any President ever, having 60% of Americans disapproving of my job performance and have over 50% of Americans say they think I am too incompetent to do my job as President

I will constantly tell the world I am not in control, how I am told what reporters I can call on, what questions I can answer or not, and allow them to cut my microphone off if I start rambling or answering questions I am not supposed to.

I will not keep my promise that while as President my family will completely sever all links to foreign nations, especially our enemies. Hunter will keep his financial stake in the CCP and will ‘sell art’ to unknown buyers.

I will earn every dime the CCP and Russia paid my family and me prior to the campaign and during the campaign…


If Biden had been completely honest and would have told the American people exactly what he was really going to do as President, would YOU have still voted for him? Would 80+ MILLION voters still have voted for him?

The ghettos will now be here forever. One reason for all the new programs. And Progs who have a few dollars will keep leaving the higher tax areas when they can if they have to or want to.
Americans may not have known he was going to be the biggest Marxist Tool and failed President in US history, but they did know he was a compromised, criminal, dementia-ravaged racist pedo, leading more and more Americans to believe as Biden's failed Presidency continues to nose dive that there is no way Biden legitimately got 80 Million votes.
I am going to impose an Open Border Policy.

I am going to set a new illegal immigration record by helping traffic 2 MILLION illegals into the US in 1 year.

I am going to create a Humanity Crisis.

  • I am going to encourage parents to sell their children to Cartels and Coyotes who will physical and sexually abuse 80% of the children under their custody and leave many more dead along the way.
  • I am going to pack children into Biden Kiddie Cages, pack 100 children into a cage designed to hold 25, force them to sleep in shifts on the floor, provide water they can’t drink, not enough food, and prevent the media or the American people from seeing any of it.
  • I’m going to pack kids on a bus for 3 days until I decide where to take them, dumping them off in the US without letting local and state agencies know they are coming.
  • Lie our ass off by continuously declaring ‘The Border Is closed’
I am going to surrender our border security – ceding it to Cartels and Coyotes.

I am going to surrender our National security.

In my 1st few days as President I am going to:

  • Send more American troops to fight Barry’s illegal war in Syria
  • Surrender our energy independence, making us dependent again on nations who hate the US / our enemies, forcing our gas prices to go up the highest it has been in years
  • Put thousands of Americans out of work – promise to give them Green Energy jobs but never do
  • Pay Americans NOT to go to work
  • Shut down our pipeline while giving my blessing to Russia’s pipeline that will allow Russia to put a strangle-hold on our allies’ energy
  • Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords that hurts the US
  • Commit to Obama’s personal Treaty with Iran that makes the world less safe
Impose a new tax hike on citizens and businesses to achieve the highest tax rate of any G7 or OECD nation

Lie to you about a tax hike that will result in no American making less than $400k having to pay 1 dime extra in taxes, which, again, is a lie

Propose a $5.5 TRILLION dollar Democrats self-enriching deficit-adding fiscally irresponsible piece of legislation – an ‘Infrastructure’ bill in which only 7% of the money actually going to construction on roads, bridges, and actual infrastructure

I am going to promise to get COVID-19 under control, fail to do so, declare victory over it in July 2021, withhold life-saving drugs because Trump proposed them, claim vaccines did not exist until I became President

I will use COVID-19 to trample Americans’ civil and Constitutional rights, oppress them through Un-Constitutional edicts, abusive punishment to enforce these edicts, use the virus to destroy over 50% of minority-owned small businesses, wipe out all of the successes experienced under Trump, and force millions of Americans back onto Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps

I will refuse to hold foreign enemies who attack us accountable, to refuse to protect Americans or the US – I will not stand up to Putin for Russia’s sonic attacks that leave Americans brain damaged. I will not stand up to Putin for Russia committing cyberwarfare attacks against the US, halting food and energy distribution in the US. I will instead give him a list of our top 18 infrastructure targets and beg him not to attack THOSE.

I will conduct a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, get 13 US troops un-necessarily killed, will break my promise to NOT leave Afghanistan until all Americans and allies are evacuated, and I will leave hundreds of Americans and allies behind, in the ‘mercy’ of terrorists. I will attempt to stop private rescue operations from leaving Afghanistan and from entering the US.

I want to alienate and offend our allies until they pull their Ambassadors, be found in ‘Contempt of Parliament’ in the UK, and have the UK declare they will not support any more US military operations as long as I am President

By the start of my 10th month in office I want to have the lowest approval rating or almost any President ever, having 60% of Americans disapproving of my job performance and have over 50% of Americans say they think I am too incompetent to do my job as President

I will constantly tell the world I am not in control, how I am told what reporters I can call on, what questions I can answer or not, and allow them to cut my microphone off if I start rambling or answering questions I am not supposed to.

I will not keep my promise that while as President my family will completely sever all links to foreign nations, especially our enemies. Hunter will keep his financial stake in the CCP and will ‘sell art’ to unknown buyers.

I will earn every dime the CCP and Russia paid my family and me prior to the campaign and during the campaign…


If Biden had been completely honest and would have told the American people exactly what he was really going to do as President, would YOU have still voted for him? Would 80+ MILLION voters still have voted for him?

I'm pretty sure that the woke dems and the communist chinese still would have stuffed the ballot boxes for him.
I am going to impose an Open Border Policy.

I am going to set a new illegal immigration record by helping traffic 2 MILLION illegals into the US in 1 year.

I am going to create a Humanity Crisis.

  • I am going to encourage parents to sell their children to Cartels and Coyotes who will physical and sexually abuse 80% of the children under their custody and leave many more dead along the way.
  • I am going to pack children into Biden Kiddie Cages, pack 100 children into a cage designed to hold 25, force them to sleep in shifts on the floor, provide water they can’t drink, not enough food, and prevent the media or the American people from seeing any of it.
  • I’m going to pack kids on a bus for 3 days until I decide where to take them, dumping them off in the US without letting local and state agencies know they are coming.
  • Lie our ass off by continuously declaring ‘The Border Is closed’
I am going to surrender our border security – ceding it to Cartels and Coyotes.

I am going to surrender our National security.

In my 1st few days as President I am going to:

  • Send more American troops to fight Barry’s illegal war in Syria
  • Surrender our energy independence, making us dependent again on nations who hate the US / our enemies, forcing our gas prices to go up the highest it has been in years
  • Put thousands of Americans out of work – promise to give them Green Energy jobs but never do
  • Pay Americans NOT to go to work
  • Shut down our pipeline while giving my blessing to Russia’s pipeline that will allow Russia to put a strangle-hold on our allies’ energy
  • Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords that hurts the US
  • Commit to Obama’s personal Treaty with Iran that makes the world less safe
Impose a new tax hike on citizens and businesses to achieve the highest tax rate of any G7 or OECD nation

Lie to you about a tax hike that will result in no American making less than $400k having to pay 1 dime extra in taxes, which, again, is a lie

Propose a $5.5 TRILLION dollar Democrats self-enriching deficit-adding fiscally irresponsible piece of legislation – an ‘Infrastructure’ bill in which only 7% of the money actually going to construction on roads, bridges, and actual infrastructure

I am going to promise to get COVID-19 under control, fail to do so, declare victory over it in July 2021, withhold life-saving drugs because Trump proposed them, claim vaccines did not exist until I became President

I will use COVID-19 to trample Americans’ civil and Constitutional rights, oppress them through Un-Constitutional edicts, abusive punishment to enforce these edicts, use the virus to destroy over 50% of minority-owned small businesses, wipe out all of the successes experienced under Trump, and force millions of Americans back onto Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps

I will refuse to hold foreign enemies who attack us accountable, to refuse to protect Americans or the US – I will not stand up to Putin for Russia’s sonic attacks that leave Americans brain damaged. I will not stand up to Putin for Russia committing cyberwarfare attacks against the US, halting food and energy distribution in the US. I will instead give him a list of our top 18 infrastructure targets and beg him not to attack THOSE.

I will conduct a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, get 13 US troops un-necessarily killed, will break my promise to NOT leave Afghanistan until all Americans and allies are evacuated, and I will leave hundreds of Americans and allies behind, in the ‘mercy’ of terrorists. I will attempt to stop private rescue operations from leaving Afghanistan and from entering the US.

I want to alienate and offend our allies until they pull their Ambassadors, be found in ‘Contempt of Parliament’ in the UK, and have the UK declare they will not support any more US military operations as long as I am President

By the start of my 10th month in office I want to have the lowest approval rating or almost any President ever, having 60% of Americans disapproving of my job performance and have over 50% of Americans say they think I am too incompetent to do my job as President

I will constantly tell the world I am not in control, how I am told what reporters I can call on, what questions I can answer or not, and allow them to cut my microphone off if I start rambling or answering questions I am not supposed to.

I will not keep my promise that while as President my family will completely sever all links to foreign nations, especially our enemies. Hunter will keep his financial stake in the CCP and will ‘sell art’ to unknown buyers.

I will earn every dime the CCP and Russia paid my family and me prior to the campaign and during the campaign…


If Biden had been completely honest and would have told the American people exactly what he was really going to do as President, would YOU have still voted for him? Would 80+ MILLION voters still have voted for him?

There is no Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass with an uniform rule of naturalization.
I am going to impose an Open Border Policy.

I am going to set a new illegal immigration record by helping traffic 2 MILLION illegals into the US in 1 year.

I am going to create a Humanity Crisis.

  • I am going to encourage parents to sell their children to Cartels and Coyotes who will physical and sexually abuse 80% of the children under their custody and leave many more dead along the way.
  • I am going to pack children into Biden Kiddie Cages, pack 100 children into a cage designed to hold 25, force them to sleep in shifts on the floor, provide water they can’t drink, not enough food, and prevent the media or the American people from seeing any of it.
  • I’m going to pack kids on a bus for 3 days until I decide where to take them, dumping them off in the US without letting local and state agencies know they are coming.
  • Lie our ass off by continuously declaring ‘The Border Is closed’
I am going to surrender our border security – ceding it to Cartels and Coyotes.

I am going to surrender our National security.

In my 1st few days as President I am going to:

  • Send more American troops to fight Barry’s illegal war in Syria
  • Surrender our energy independence, making us dependent again on nations who hate the US / our enemies, forcing our gas prices to go up the highest it has been in years
  • Put thousands of Americans out of work – promise to give them Green Energy jobs but never do
  • Pay Americans NOT to go to work
  • Shut down our pipeline while giving my blessing to Russia’s pipeline that will allow Russia to put a strangle-hold on our allies’ energy
  • Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords that hurts the US
  • Commit to Obama’s personal Treaty with Iran that makes the world less safe
Impose a new tax hike on citizens and businesses to achieve the highest tax rate of any G7 or OECD nation

Lie to you about a tax hike that will result in no American making less than $400k having to pay 1 dime extra in taxes, which, again, is a lie

Propose a $5.5 TRILLION dollar Democrats self-enriching deficit-adding fiscally irresponsible piece of legislation – an ‘Infrastructure’ bill in which only 7% of the money actually going to construction on roads, bridges, and actual infrastructure

I am going to promise to get COVID-19 under control, fail to do so, declare victory over it in July 2021, withhold life-saving drugs because Trump proposed them, claim vaccines did not exist until I became President

I will use COVID-19 to trample Americans’ civil and Constitutional rights, oppress them through Un-Constitutional edicts, abusive punishment to enforce these edicts, use the virus to destroy over 50% of minority-owned small businesses, wipe out all of the successes experienced under Trump, and force millions of Americans back onto Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps

I will refuse to hold foreign enemies who attack us accountable, to refuse to protect Americans or the US – I will not stand up to Putin for Russia’s sonic attacks that leave Americans brain damaged. I will not stand up to Putin for Russia committing cyberwarfare attacks against the US, halting food and energy distribution in the US. I will instead give him a list of our top 18 infrastructure targets and beg him not to attack THOSE.

I will conduct a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, get 13 US troops un-necessarily killed, will break my promise to NOT leave Afghanistan until all Americans and allies are evacuated, and I will leave hundreds of Americans and allies behind, in the ‘mercy’ of terrorists. I will attempt to stop private rescue operations from leaving Afghanistan and from entering the US.

I want to alienate and offend our allies until they pull their Ambassadors, be found in ‘Contempt of Parliament’ in the UK, and have the UK declare they will not support any more US military operations as long as I am President

By the start of my 10th month in office I want to have the lowest approval rating or almost any President ever, having 60% of Americans disapproving of my job performance and have over 50% of Americans say they think I am too incompetent to do my job as President

I will constantly tell the world I am not in control, how I am told what reporters I can call on, what questions I can answer or not, and allow them to cut my microphone off if I start rambling or answering questions I am not supposed to.

I will not keep my promise that while as President my family will completely sever all links to foreign nations, especially our enemies. Hunter will keep his financial stake in the CCP and will ‘sell art’ to unknown buyers.

I will earn every dime the CCP and Russia paid my family and me prior to the campaign and during the campaign…


If Biden had been completely honest and would have told the American people exactly what he was really going to do as President, would YOU have still voted for him? Would 80+ MILLION voters still have voted for him?

AHm,... clears throat. You cannot talk to dead people.
I am going to impose an Open Border Policy.

I am going to set a new illegal immigration record by helping traffic 2 MILLION illegals into the US in 1 year.

I am going to create a Humanity Crisis.

  • I am going to encourage parents to sell their children to Cartels and Coyotes who will physical and sexually abuse 80% of the children under their custody and leave many more dead along the way.
  • I am going to pack children into Biden Kiddie Cages, pack 100 children into a cage designed to hold 25, force them to sleep in shifts on the floor, provide water they can’t drink, not enough food, and prevent the media or the American people from seeing any of it.
  • I’m going to pack kids on a bus for 3 days until I decide where to take them, dumping them off in the US without letting local and state agencies know they are coming.
  • Lie our ass off by continuously declaring ‘The Border Is closed’
I am going to surrender our border security – ceding it to Cartels and Coyotes.

I am going to surrender our National security.

In my 1st few days as President I am going to:

  • Send more American troops to fight Barry’s illegal war in Syria
  • Surrender our energy independence, making us dependent again on nations who hate the US / our enemies, forcing our gas prices to go up the highest it has been in years
  • Put thousands of Americans out of work – promise to give them Green Energy jobs but never do
  • Pay Americans NOT to go to work
  • Shut down our pipeline while giving my blessing to Russia’s pipeline that will allow Russia to put a strangle-hold on our allies’ energy
  • Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords that hurts the US
  • Commit to Obama’s personal Treaty with Iran that makes the world less safe
Impose a new tax hike on citizens and businesses to achieve the highest tax rate of any G7 or OECD nation

Lie to you about a tax hike that will result in no American making less than $400k having to pay 1 dime extra in taxes, which, again, is a lie

Propose a $5.5 TRILLION dollar Democrats self-enriching deficit-adding fiscally irresponsible piece of legislation – an ‘Infrastructure’ bill in which only 7% of the money actually going to construction on roads, bridges, and actual infrastructure

I am going to promise to get COVID-19 under control, fail to do so, declare victory over it in July 2021, withhold life-saving drugs because Trump proposed them, claim vaccines did not exist until I became President

I will use COVID-19 to trample Americans’ civil and Constitutional rights, oppress them through Un-Constitutional edicts, abusive punishment to enforce these edicts, use the virus to destroy over 50% of minority-owned small businesses, wipe out all of the successes experienced under Trump, and force millions of Americans back onto Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps

I will refuse to hold foreign enemies who attack us accountable, to refuse to protect Americans or the US – I will not stand up to Putin for Russia’s sonic attacks that leave Americans brain damaged. I will not stand up to Putin for Russia committing cyberwarfare attacks against the US, halting food and energy distribution in the US. I will instead give him a list of our top 18 infrastructure targets and beg him not to attack THOSE.

I will conduct a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, get 13 US troops un-necessarily killed, will break my promise to NOT leave Afghanistan until all Americans and allies are evacuated, and I will leave hundreds of Americans and allies behind, in the ‘mercy’ of terrorists. I will attempt to stop private rescue operations from leaving Afghanistan and from entering the US.

I want to alienate and offend our allies until they pull their Ambassadors, be found in ‘Contempt of Parliament’ in the UK, and have the UK declare they will not support any more US military operations as long as I am President

By the start of my 10th month in office I want to have the lowest approval rating or almost any President ever, having 60% of Americans disapproving of my job performance and have over 50% of Americans say they think I am too incompetent to do my job as President

I will constantly tell the world I am not in control, how I am told what reporters I can call on, what questions I can answer or not, and allow them to cut my microphone off if I start rambling or answering questions I am not supposed to.

I will not keep my promise that while as President my family will completely sever all links to foreign nations, especially our enemies. Hunter will keep his financial stake in the CCP and will ‘sell art’ to unknown buyers.

I will earn every dime the CCP and Russia paid my family and me prior to the campaign and during the campaign…


If Biden had been completely honest and would have told the American people exactly what he was really going to do as President, would YOU have still voted for him? Would 80+ MILLION voters still have voted for him?

These stupid uneducted Moon Bats love all those despicable things. Great progressive agenda for them.
The OP is completely false and people wanted trump gone.
The OP is completely false and people wanted trump gone.

I'm sure that is your opinion.

But most Americans really want a cognitively capable President who doesn't crap himself at the Vatican, IMHO.

Brandon's ideas aren't nearly as popular as you imagine.
Speaking as the first Democrack to chime in without cowardly hiding behind Trump, such as in post 11, our kind votes for whomever we're told free of all an any issues the candidate throws at us. All we require is someone else thinks an idea sounds cool and we're happy to change on a dime, because we don't stand for anything short the absurd.

Don't believe for a second we're rational people, fuck we haven't been able to defend Biden since day one, but that's not important to us. What's important is the fact we're really dumb mother fuckers, and far too dependent on others to provide a reasonable answer to the OP. Fuck I'm even lucky to write a coherent sentence.
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I am going to impose an Open Border Policy.

I am going to set a new illegal immigration record by helping traffic 2 MILLION illegals into the US in 1 year.

I am going to create a Humanity Crisis.

  • I am going to encourage parents to sell their children to Cartels and Coyotes who will physical and sexually abuse 80% of the children under their custody and leave many more dead along the way.
  • I am going to pack children into Biden Kiddie Cages, pack 100 children into a cage designed to hold 25, force them to sleep in shifts on the floor, provide water they can’t drink, not enough food, and prevent the media or the American people from seeing any of it.
  • I’m going to pack kids on a bus for 3 days until I decide where to take them, dumping them off in the US without letting local and state agencies know they are coming.
  • Lie our ass off by continuously declaring ‘The Border Is closed’
I am going to surrender our border security – ceding it to Cartels and Coyotes.

I am going to surrender our National security.

In my 1st few days as President I am going to:

  • Send more American troops to fight Barry’s illegal war in Syria
  • Surrender our energy independence, making us dependent again on nations who hate the US / our enemies, forcing our gas prices to go up the highest it has been in years
  • Put thousands of Americans out of work – promise to give them Green Energy jobs but never do
  • Pay Americans NOT to go to work
  • Shut down our pipeline while giving my blessing to Russia’s pipeline that will allow Russia to put a strangle-hold on our allies’ energy
  • Rejoin the Paris Climate Accords that hurts the US
  • Commit to Obama’s personal Treaty with Iran that makes the world less safe
Impose a new tax hike on citizens and businesses to achieve the highest tax rate of any G7 or OECD nation

Lie to you about a tax hike that will result in no American making less than $400k having to pay 1 dime extra in taxes, which, again, is a lie

Propose a $5.5 TRILLION dollar Democrats self-enriching deficit-adding fiscally irresponsible piece of legislation – an ‘Infrastructure’ bill in which only 7% of the money actually going to construction on roads, bridges, and actual infrastructure

I am going to promise to get COVID-19 under control, fail to do so, declare victory over it in July 2021, withhold life-saving drugs because Trump proposed them, claim vaccines did not exist until I became President

I will use COVID-19 to trample Americans’ civil and Constitutional rights, oppress them through Un-Constitutional edicts, abusive punishment to enforce these edicts, use the virus to destroy over 50% of minority-owned small businesses, wipe out all of the successes experienced under Trump, and force millions of Americans back onto Welfare, Unemployment, and Food Stamps

I will refuse to hold foreign enemies who attack us accountable, to refuse to protect Americans or the US – I will not stand up to Putin for Russia’s sonic attacks that leave Americans brain damaged. I will not stand up to Putin for Russia committing cyberwarfare attacks against the US, halting food and energy distribution in the US. I will instead give him a list of our top 18 infrastructure targets and beg him not to attack THOSE.

I will conduct a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, get 13 US troops un-necessarily killed, will break my promise to NOT leave Afghanistan until all Americans and allies are evacuated, and I will leave hundreds of Americans and allies behind, in the ‘mercy’ of terrorists. I will attempt to stop private rescue operations from leaving Afghanistan and from entering the US.

I want to alienate and offend our allies until they pull their Ambassadors, be found in ‘Contempt of Parliament’ in the UK, and have the UK declare they will not support any more US military operations as long as I am President

By the start of my 10th month in office I want to have the lowest approval rating or almost any President ever, having 60% of Americans disapproving of my job performance and have over 50% of Americans say they think I am too incompetent to do my job as President

I will constantly tell the world I am not in control, how I am told what reporters I can call on, what questions I can answer or not, and allow them to cut my microphone off if I start rambling or answering questions I am not supposed to.

I will not keep my promise that while as President my family will completely sever all links to foreign nations, especially our enemies. Hunter will keep his financial stake in the CCP and will ‘sell art’ to unknown buyers.

I will earn every dime the CCP and Russia paid my family and me prior to the campaign and during the campaign…


If Biden had been completely honest and would have told the American people exactly what he was really going to do as President, would YOU have still voted for him? Would 80+ MILLION voters still have voted for him?

NO, I supported him in the primaries, then he went straight to the socialists and perverts and broke a telephone pole off in the backside of the blue collar workers. It was the most stupid support and vote I have ever done. I left the general ballot blank on everything above the county level because there isn't a single person in either major party worth spitting on, let alone to vote for. If a cartoonist drew a cartoon of biden bent over a table with Pelosi, Cortez and Sanders enjoying a strap on orgy on him, it would be the most accurate meme of the century. The artist could use that stupid, sick fricking smile he uses when he has nothing to say in his own defense.

Now that the left has been exposed for teaching and wanting to teach 4 and 5 year old boys to want to cut off their own dingers, every last one of them should be in prison for child abuse.
Bullshit. I would have voted for him. trump was authoritarian and had he got a second term you would have found out.
They voted against Trump. Almost no one voted for Biden. I cannot fathom why the right cannot get that through their heads. Trump is the best way to elect democrats, period.
They voted against Trump. Almost no one voted for Biden. I cannot fathom why the right cannot get that through their heads. Trump is the best way to elect democrats, period.
I voted for both.
The OP is completely false and people wanted trump gone.
I had to re-read it to make sure I was correct to say that there is not one single factual error or even omission in the OP.

But you're right about the second part of your sentence. Democrats wanted Trump gone so bad that they were willing to anything . . . anything . . . to win.

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