If Bernie Sanders wins the New York Democratic primary, some super delegates vow to support Clinton


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
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Before shorts get in a knot, this is by party rules and the nominee is the party's nominee not necessarily the one picked through the primaries. Why else have Super Delegates? So them saying they will stick with whom they already have chosen, is within the established DNC rules.

What that means is, those who think it is BS do not have to participate in the system or at least, speak out against the system. Until they do the DNC will do as they wish.

New York superdelegates largely back Clinton over Sanders

Maybe the system really is rigged.

At least a half-dozen Democratic superdelegates in New York State who have already decided to support Hillary Clinton said Tuesday they would maintain their allegiance to her — regardless of the results of the Empire State’s primary.
She's the ex senator from there so no way will Bernie win but the superdelegates are already committed no mater what. Libs do not believe in democracy.
She's the ex senator from there so no way will Bernie win but the superdelegates are already committed no mater what. Libs do not believe in democracy.

I am not a Sanders supporter but wouldn't it be lovely if he won NY?
She's the ex senator from there so no way will Bernie win but the superdelegates are already committed no mater what. Libs do not believe in democracy.

I am not a Sanders supporter but wouldn't it be lovely if he won NY?
Why? He's not a Democrat. He has never campaigned nor raised money for Democrats. The press has left him completely alone. They haven't challenged him on any of his kookier policies. I feel like the Democrats are being set up.
She's the ex senator from there so no way will Bernie win but the superdelegates are already committed no mater what. Libs do not believe in democracy.

I am not a Sanders supporter but wouldn't it be lovely if he won NY?
Why? He's not a Democrat. He has never campaigned nor raised money for Democrats. The press has left him completely alone. They haven't challenged him on any of his kookier policies. I feel like the Democrats are being set up.

Clinton has to go. She won't go to jail or even be indicted so the people must do the job the government say they do.
She's the ex senator from there so no way will Bernie win but the superdelegates are already committed no mater what. Libs do not believe in democracy.

I am not a Sanders supporter but wouldn't it be lovely if he won NY?
Why? He's not a Democrat. He has never campaigned nor raised money for Democrats. The press has left him completely alone. They haven't challenged him on any of his kookier policies. I feel like the Democrats are being set up.

Clinton has to go. She won't go to jail or even be indicted so the people must do the job the government say they do.
I don't know what you are saying. Go to jail for what?
She's the ex senator from there so no way will Bernie win but the superdelegates are already committed no mater what. Libs do not believe in democracy.

I am not a Sanders supporter but wouldn't it be lovely if he won NY?
Why? He's not a Democrat. He has never campaigned nor raised money for Democrats. The press has left him completely alone. They haven't challenged him on any of his kookier policies. I feel like the Democrats are being set up.

Clinton has to go. She won't go to jail or even be indicted so the people must do the job the government say they do.
I don't know what you are saying. Go to jail for what?
Can you use the search function? There are probably 50,000 threads.
She's the ex senator from there so no way will Bernie win but the superdelegates are already committed no mater what. Libs do not believe in democracy.

I am not a Sanders supporter but wouldn't it be lovely if he won NY?
Why? He's not a Democrat. He has never campaigned nor raised money for Democrats. The press has left him completely alone. They haven't challenged him on any of his kookier policies. I feel like the Democrats are being set up.

Clinton has to go. She won't go to jail or even be indicted so the people must do the job the government say they do.
I don't know what you are saying. Go to jail for what?
Can you use the search function? There are probably 50,000 threads.

He's playing dumb, and I am not sure about the playing part.
She's the ex senator from there so no way will Bernie win but the superdelegates are already committed no mater what. Libs do not believe in democracy.

I am not a Sanders supporter but wouldn't it be lovely if he won NY?
He'll never win NY. The establishment is against him.


Why Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Want Your Vote
“Frankly, if I were a hedge fund manager, I would not vote for Bernie Sanders.” —Bernie Sanders

When asked before a speech in Keene, N.H., what he would say to reassure the Bloomberg Businessweek readers who work on Wall Street, or have millions of dollars, or run a hedge fund, and might be afraid he wants to tax them back to the Carter Age, Sanders puts down the manila folder containing his talk, which he delivers without a TelePrompTer. “I’m not going to reassure them,” he says. “Their greed, their recklessness, their illegal behavior has destroyed the lives of millions of Americans. Frankly, if I were a hedge fund manager, I would not vote for Bernie Sanders. And I would contribute money to my opponents to try to defeat him.” Then the only socialist ever elected to the U.S. Senate goes back to working on his prepared remarks.
She's the ex senator from there so no way will Bernie win but the superdelegates are already committed no mater what. Libs do not believe in democracy.

I am not a Sanders supporter but wouldn't it be lovely if he won NY?
He'll never win NY. The establishment is against him.


Why Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Want Your Vote
“Frankly, if I were a hedge fund manager, I would not vote for Bernie Sanders.” —Bernie Sanders

When asked before a speech in Keene, N.H., what he would say to reassure the Bloomberg Businessweek readers who work on Wall Street, or have millions of dollars, or run a hedge fund, and might be afraid he wants to tax them back to the Carter Age, Sanders puts down the manila folder containing his talk, which he delivers without a TelePrompTer. “I’m not going to reassure them,” he says. “Their greed, their recklessness, their illegal behavior has destroyed the lives of millions of Americans. Frankly, if I were a hedge fund manager, I would not vote for Bernie Sanders. And I would contribute money to my opponents to try to defeat him.” Then the only socialist ever elected to the U.S. Senate goes back to working on his prepared remarks.

By that parameter Wall Street has every reason to vote for Mrs. Tuzla Clinton. She will take care of them.
The DNC party elite do not care about the will of the people.
She's the ex senator from there so no way will Bernie win but the superdelegates are already committed no mater what. Libs do not believe in democracy.

I am not a Sanders supporter but wouldn't it be lovely if he won NY?
He'll never win NY. The establishment is against him.


Why Bernie Sanders Doesn’t Want Your Vote
“Frankly, if I were a hedge fund manager, I would not vote for Bernie Sanders.” —Bernie Sanders

When asked before a speech in Keene, N.H., what he would say to reassure the Bloomberg Businessweek readers who work on Wall Street, or have millions of dollars, or run a hedge fund, and might be afraid he wants to tax them back to the Carter Age, Sanders puts down the manila folder containing his talk, which he delivers without a TelePrompTer. “I’m not going to reassure them,” he says. “Their greed, their recklessness, their illegal behavior has destroyed the lives of millions of Americans. Frankly, if I were a hedge fund manager, I would not vote for Bernie Sanders. And I would contribute money to my opponents to try to defeat him.” Then the only socialist ever elected to the U.S. Senate goes back to working on his prepared remarks.

By that parameter Wall Street has every reason to vote for Mrs. Tuzla Clinton. She will take care of them.
They've been lining her pockets for a while. $250,000 for a 20 minute speech to people that know banking better than she does is payola, pure and simple.
Tammany Hall seems to have lost some of it's influence.......... :eusa_whistle:
Poor ole Bernie. When are people gonna get it? Hillary Clinton was promised the Nomination back when she agreed on a peace deal with Hussein Obama. She got the S.O.S. job and promised Nomination, in exchange for not rockin the boat anymore. Sanders never had a chance.
He has closed the delegate gap. Though it's still a pipe dream that he will be nominated, except in the case where Clinton is indicted.
Poor ole Bernie. When are people gonna get it? Hillary Clinton was promised the Nomination back when she agreed on a peace deal with Hussein Obama. She got the S.O.S. job and promised Nomination, in exchange for not rockin the boat anymore. Sanders never had a chance.

I think Obama knows that Mrs. Clinton will be going down with an indictment. That is why he is holding off an endorsement.
Poor ole Bernie. When are people gonna get it? Hillary Clinton was promised the Nomination back when she agreed on a peace deal with Hussein Obama. She got the S.O.S. job and promised Nomination, in exchange for not rockin the boat anymore. Sanders never had a chance.

I think Obama knows that Mrs. Clinton will be going down with an indictment. That is why he is holding off an endorsement.

Depends on what the deal was. There's certainly no love lost between him and the Clintons. I mean, Bill Clinton recently basically said Hussein's 8yrs was a nightmare. But Hussein could just be waiting till the Nomination process if finalized before endorsing anyone. Who knows?
Before shorts get in a knot, this is by party rules and the nominee is the party's nominee not necessarily the one picked through the primaries. Why else have Super Delegates? So them saying they will stick with whom they already have chosen, is within the established DNC rules.

What that means is, those who think it is BS do not have to participate in the system or at least, speak out against the system. Until they do the DNC will do as they wish.

New York superdelegates largely back Clinton over Sanders

Maybe the system really is rigged.

At least a half-dozen Democratic superdelegates in New York State who have already decided to support Hillary Clinton said Tuesday they would maintain their allegiance to her — regardless of the results of the Empire State’s primary.

It does not surprise me and Clinton along with the Democratic Party will discover just like the GOP will that going against the will of the people will not end with a happy ending ( well unless you are at a Filipino message parlor )...

They tell us to make our choice but if the two big political parties disagree they will toss the will of the people for their choice instead, so why the hell do we have Primaries and Caucuses in the first damn place?

Just to have the illusion of having a voice in the process?
She's the ex senator from there so no way will Bernie win but the superdelegates are already committed no mater what. Libs do not believe in democracy.

I am not a Sanders supporter but wouldn't it be lovely if he won NY?
Why? He's not a Democrat. He has never campaigned nor raised money for Democrats. The press has left him completely alone. They haven't challenged him on any of his kookier policies. I feel like the Democrats are being set up.

Which is his "kookiest" policy, in your opinion?
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