IDF: War crime charges over Gaza offensive are 'legal terror'


Free: Mudholes Stomped
Jan 8, 2007
War crimes charges brought abroad against Israeli soldiers and officers involved in Operation Cast Lead are nothing but "legal terrorism," Col. Liron Liebman, who heads the military prosecution's international law department, said Wednesday.

Liebman, who recently replaced Col. Pnina Sharvit-Baruch, was speaking at the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in Jerusalem about the role of the law in fighting terror.

There is little chance that war crimes charges abroad will end in conviction, or, for that matter, in acquittal, since procedural issues will end up derailing the allegations before they reach that stage, Liebman told Haaretz. But that doesn't much matter to those bringing the charges, he said.
"The goal is achieved when the charges are publicized," Liebman said. "The objective is to cause damage to morale, more than legal damage."

In Spain, for instance, legal charges are being brought over the Gaza war. Liebman says this is no coincidence: The country was the site of major protests against Israel while the fighting was taking place.

IDF: War crime charges over Gaza offensive are 'legal terror' - Haaretz - Israel News

The irony is nothing short of amazing.

I think corporations do something similar when it comes to 'slander' where they can use the legal system to make it very tough on anyone who tries to bring a charge against them, I cannot remember the article - but if I find it I shall post it. Basically, threatening people works. Sad to say.
To make a charge you have to have leagal status over them.

Nobody in Europe has such status regaurding israel or any other country for that matter, unless a crime is committed within their borders.

Just because they allow it does not give them such a right.

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