IDF Snipers having fun shooting Palestinian children.

It is a You Tube video available directly from You Tube. It is not from the Middle East Media Center. Just google "Israeli sniper + children" and there are a bunch of such videos, including this one.

You only use pro-Israeli sites. U.S. media is pro-Israeli, Israeli media is pro Israeli. Read some neutral media from continental Europe for once.

Like the BBC perhaps, or the Guardian. Both shown to be anti semitic and pro islam .
It is a You Tube video available directly from You Tube. It is not from the Middle East Media Center. Just google "Israeli sniper + children" and there are a bunch of such videos, including this one.

You only use pro-Israeli sites. U.S. media is pro-Israeli, Israeli media is pro Israeli. Read some neutral media from continental Europe for once.

Like the BBC perhaps, or the Guardian. Both shown to be anti semitic and pro islam .

And once again you show your abject stupidity by claiming the video comes from youtube, when in fact it comes from whoever uploaded it to youtube. Youtube is not the source, as I said you don't eben know what a source is, it is the carrier. The source is the uploader that could be Abbas for all you know.

keep trying one day you might get it right

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