IDF preps for ground strike


Gold Member
Dec 26, 2015
Well this should be interesting.

So its a classic example of a defensive operation. The Gazans have been working on preparations to attack Israel. So Israel is preparing to respond.

IDF warns Hamas is focusing on one major terror tunnel

The Gazans will surely complain bitterly that this is all just more Israeli aggression and forget to mention that its a direct response to their own military build up amid countless threats to annihilate Israel.

Its a classic situation. Israel according to international law ;--) has the right to defend itself
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Well this should be interesting.

So its a classic example of a defensive operation. The Gazans have been working on preparations to attack Israel. So Israel is preparing to respond.

IDF warns Hamas is focusing on one major terror tunnel

The Gazans will surely complain bitterly that this is all just more Israeli aggression and forget to mention that its a direct response to their own a military build up amid countless threats to annihilate Israel.

Its a classic situation. Israel according to international law ;--) has the right to defend itself
As long as the IDF maintains the illegal and immoral blockade, you cannot claim self defense.

This story is just another in a long line of false flag operations. Just a made up, BS report (like the killing of the 3 teens). Israel wants to attack Gaza again, so they make this crap up to justify their aggression.

From your own link:
...30 drills which are digging down to search for the tunnels based on intelligence information.

Notice they don't say what that "intelligence information" says, or who its from, or how they got the information. How convenient.

And just what are the results of these "30 drills"?

From your own link:
However, currently there are still no results to show for the efforts.

Why am I not surprised?
Well this should be interesting.

So its a classic example of a defensive operation. The Gazans have been working on preparations to attack Israel. So Israel is preparing to respond.

IDF warns Hamas is focusing on one major terror tunnel

The Gazans will surely complain bitterly that this is all just more Israeli aggression and forget to mention that its a direct response to their own a military build up amid countless threats to annihilate Israel.

Its a classic situation. Israel according to international law ;--) has the right to defend itself

I really don't know what the problem is...

Then Israel knows where the tunnel is, flood the fucking thing and fill it with concrete!

Or is this just more zionut propaganda to somehow try and justify attacking MOSTLY civilians in Gaza...

Oh, and, tunnel progress of 50m per day? Seriously? The biggest, most high tech tunnel digging machine in the world can only achieve around 6.5m per day!
Again the premise of your opinion is based on a lie

UN finds blockade legal,d.cGc
Well this should be interesting.

So its a classic example of a defensive operation. The Gazans have been working on preparations to attack Israel. So Israel is preparing to respond.

IDF warns Hamas is focusing on one major terror tunnel

The Gazans will surely complain bitterly that this is all just more Israeli aggression and forget to mention that its a direct response to their own a military build up amid countless threats to annihilate Israel.

Its a classic situation. Israel according to international law ;--) has the right to defend itself
As long as the IDF maintains the illegal and immoral blockade, you cannot claim self defense.

This story is just another in a long line of false flag operations. Just a made up, BS report (like the killing of the 3 teens). Israel wants to attack Gaza again, so they make this crap up to justify their aggression.

From your own link:
...30 drills which are digging down to search for the tunnels based on intelligence information.

Notice they don't say what that "intelligence information" says, or who its from, or how they got the information. How convenient.

And just what are the results of these "30 drills"?

From your own link:
However, currently there are still no results to show for the efforts.

Why am I not surprised?

Again the premise of your opinion is based on a lie

UN finds blockade legal,d.cGc

So until you are able to accept that Israel's embargo is perfectly legal then your opinions based on a failure to recognize this fact simply don't stand up to scrutiny

Well this should be interesting.

So its a classic example of a defensive operation. The Gazans have been working on preparations to attack Israel. So Israel is preparing to respond.

IDF warns Hamas is focusing on one major terror tunnel

The Gazans will surely complain bitterly that this is all just more Israeli aggression and forget to mention that its a direct response to their own a military build up amid countless threats to annihilate Israel.

Its a classic situation. Israel according to international law ;--) has the right to defend itself

I really don't know what the problem is...

Then Israel knows where the tunnel is, flood the fucking thing and fill it with concrete!

Or is this just more zionut propaganda to somehow try and justify attacking MOSTLY civilians in Gaza...

Oh, and, tunnel progress of 50m per day? Seriously? The biggest, most high tech tunnel digging machine in the world can only achieve around 6.5m per day!


Your comment is based on ignorance. 50 meters a day isn't all that hard through the type of soils they have in Gaza.

The fastest of the Chunnel boring machines did about 75 meters a day. Throwing all safety and environmental considerations to the wind I'm not surprised the Israeli's estimate the pali's might be able to do a little better than half that.

The simple fact is Israel is within its legal rights to defend itself agains aggressive acts, and tunneling under a border is definitely an aggressive act.
So, Billo_Really , what do you think is the proper response to a tunnel built to attack Israeli citizens on their sovereign land?
You just can't stop pushing that BS Palmer Report? That report has been debunked and denounced so many times, one wonders why you keep bringing it up? Because that's all you got!

A report from a panel that wasn't even commissioned to determine the legality of the blockade; a panel that had no experts in international law; a panel that did have a serious conflict of interest with their panel member Uribe; a panel that based most of its conclusions on an even more biased Turkel report.

Another UN commission, that was brought together to determine the legality of the blockade; did have international experts on it, with a legal support group to boot; not only found the blockade illegal, but a crime against humanity in the form of collective punishment.

You go ahead and stick that Palmer report where it hurts the most. And you can add this BS tunnel story with it. And that's what this is, a BS tunnel story.
So predictable in the denial Billo. But again its not hard to show exactly why and where your bigotry and racism is blinding you once again

Hamas Rebuilding Tunnel Network, Admits it Used ...

Hamas admits it is rebuilding terror tunnels —

Hamas Focuses on Rebuilding Tunnels as Gazans Suffer ...

Hamas' Tunnel Network: A Massacre in the Making

Hamas | BBC Watch

Hamas admits rebuilding tunnel network in wake of Gaza conflict ...

Hamas: The “Merchants of War” Who Seek to Destroy Israel |

So again if you just could let go of the hate long enough you might realize that the racism and bigotry aren't doing your education here any good at all.

the reality is very simple. The Arab Muslim colonists are preparing an attack against Israel and Israel is within its rights to defend itself by engaging those preparations.
So, Billo_Really , what do you think is the proper response to a tunnel built to attack Israeli citizens on their sovereign land?
You need to first prove a tunnel is being dug; then prove it's being used for terrorist activity; then we'll continue this conversation.

I'm not going to waste my time on this lame ass hypothetical.

Well, given that Hamas and the participating Gazans have built tunnels before, and given that they have been used to commit terror attacks (what other use do you think they might have going into Israel?) -- its a perfectly valid question.
The Caroline Case - Avalon Project

Israel's right of preemption is well spelled out in international law. The Caroline test.

The requirements found here are that of necessity and proportionality.

The UN spells out the right of self defense in art 51. Which the US gov interprets as

The Legal Basis for Preemption - Council on Foreign ...

The United States has long held that, consistent with Article 51 and customary international law, a state may use force in self-defense: 1. if it has been attacked, or 2. if an armed attack is legitimately deemed to be imminent. This interpretation is also consistent with our domestic notion of self-defense as applied in the criminal and tort law contexts.
End Quote

The Israeli's have done everything they can to ensure that the Gazans can't act aggressively, even building a 20+' wall as well as instituting an embargo in cooperation with Egypt.

Having exhausted all posible means or maintaining the peace Israel is well within its rights to respond to the Gazan threat of tunnels leading into Israel.

The clock is ticking.
The simple fact is Israel is within its legal rights to defend itself agains aggressive acts, and tunneling under a border is definitely an aggressive act.

Strangely enough...

I said that Israel should flood the tunnels and pour in a few tons of concrete...

However, the oppressed will always fight back...
According to whom is self defense not allowed (regardless of a blocade) when attacked within one's own border?
It's not self defense and you cannot say, "...regardless of the bloc[k]ade...", because nothing happens in a vacuum. The rockets are a direct response to Israeli aggression.

Saying the Israeli's have a right to self defense, while maintaining this illegal and immoral blockade and occupation, is the same thing as saying an assassin telling the cops, "...that he had no choice but to kill his target after breaking into the home and finding more resistance from the owner than anticipated, because he was in fear for his life."

In that case, it was the home owner who had the right of self defense, not the assassin. In this case, it's the Pals who have the right to self defense.

They also have the right to build tunnels in order to salvage their economy. Israel has no right punishing over 1.5 million people, because it didn't like the results of a fair and democratic election.
So predictable in the denial Billo. But again its not hard to show exactly why and where your bigotry and racism is blinding you once again

Hamas Rebuilding Tunnel Network, Admits it Used ...

Hamas admits it is rebuilding terror tunnels —

Hamas Focuses on Rebuilding Tunnels as Gazans Suffer ...

Hamas' Tunnel Network: A Massacre in the Making

Hamas | BBC Watch

Hamas admits rebuilding tunnel network in wake of Gaza conflict ...

Hamas: The “Merchants of War” Who Seek to Destroy Israel |

So again if you just could let go of the hate long enough you might realize that the racism and bigotry aren't doing your education here any good at all.

the reality is very simple. The Arab Muslim colonists are preparing an attack against Israel and Israel is within its rights to defend itself by engaging those preparations.

(which is well within my right as a USMB member)
Zone 2 posting rule:
Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject,
in addition to any flame.

This isn't about me and you still haven't stated why I would hate Jews? You just keep repeating it, because you're an irresponsible prick, who enjoys making baseless accusations.


And quite conversely, if the Pals are building tunnels, its to bring in necessary food and materials in order to sustain their daily lives, not commit these "alleged" terrorist attacks you keep pushing.

You gotta love this...

From your own link:
Earlier this month, an Al-Qassam Brigades spokesperson announced at a rally that “the tunnels of Al-Qassam are fine, thank God. Our men will begin the next battle with their feet on the ground in Nahal Oz….and the other settlements around Gaza.”

...the Zionist wants us to believe an Al-Qassam spokeperson (to whom they do not name), would announce the location of their next planned attack? I mean, who does that?

You gotta love their enthusiasm for Hasbara.

This is just repeating the previous article.

This one is about 3 people Israel arrested for building...

From your own link:
"...a business infrastructure to fund the smuggling, involving purchases as well as payments, via several banks in the West Bank in a bid to circumvent the tight supervision of commodities entering Gaza." a "bid to circumvent tight supervision of commodities entering Gaza". Not committing terrorist acts, as you claim.

This is nothing more than hasbara propaganda.

Can you explain, how Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, knew of this alleged upcoming attack by Hamas?

You gotta be shitting me? That article has nothing to do with this tunnel BS.

You post a blog from a competing message board?

I hate to break it to you skippy, but USMB rules clearly state...

"No Linking to, discussing, or promoting other Message Boards Anywhere on the Site."
...which you just did!

Another hasbara hit piece. I will give it credit for at least admitting the following...

From your own link:
Hamas, it is argued, has changed it colors. It is now ready, the theory goes, to reject its own charter and accept a two-state solution.
...but you'd rather point to some outdated, 40 year old document.

Now lets review...

Out of 7 links you provided, 2 were about the same report; 3 were just hasbara BS; 1 had nothing to do with the tunnels; and 1 was a clear violation of forum rules. But you want us to think you posted 7 articles proving your claim?

(which is well within my right as a USMB member)
Zone 2 posting rule:
Each post must contain content relevant to the thread subject,
in addition to any flame.

Nice try, troll boy!
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The Caroline Case - Avalon Project

Israel's right of preemption is well spelled out in international law. The Caroline test.

The requirements found here are that of necessity and proportionality.

The UN spells out the right of self defense in art 51. Which the US gov interprets as

The Legal Basis for Preemption - Council on Foreign ...

The United States has long held that, consistent with Article 51 and customary international law, a state may use force in self-defense: 1. if it has been attacked, or 2. if an armed attack is legitimately deemed to be imminent. This interpretation is also consistent with our domestic notion of self-defense as applied in the criminal and tort law contexts.
End Quote

The Israeli's have done everything they can to ensure that the Gazans can't act aggressively, even building a 20+' wall as well as instituting an embargo in cooperation with Egypt.

Having exhausted all posible means or maintaining the peace Israel is well within its rights to respond to the Gazan threat of tunnels leading into Israel.

The clock is ticking.
The Bush Doctrine is illegal.

And Israel hasn't exhausted anything, as long as it maintains its illegal and immoral blockade and occupation of Gaza.

Now, get back on your own topic...
Well, given that Hamas and the participating Gazans have built tunnels before, and given that they have been used to commit terror attacks (what other use do you think they might have going into Israel?) -- its a perfectly valid question.
Yes it is.

And given that Israel has maintained an illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza since 2006, Gazans have every right to build tunnels and attack Israel.

Israel deserves to be attacked!

Israel has no one else to blame but itself, for these attacks.

And this "blame" will stop when Israel ends its brutal occupation and blockade, not before.

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