IDF preps for ground strike

You're not going to get a reasoned, quality answer from that turd, and the longer it is present the more convinced I am that it is a shell/ghost account of the forum mods. No respectable forum would tolerate a poster like that, as every other one I participate in bans white supremists and racists like this garbage almost immediately, yet this filth has been granted a stay of years. Says as much about this forum as it does the poster.
Get back on topic, troll.

Do you have anything to say about IDF aggression?
Are you operating under the delusion that you have any say whatsoever in gauging what constitutes On-Topic and what does not?

You cannot counter Hamas' own public declarations that they are tunneling, so you twist and squirm in the wind, and emote all over the place, like a diarrhetic old woman.

Your persistent attacks upon your fellow posters would be actionable in virtually any other message board setting of my long experience.

Pity that it isn't actionable here.

Hamas is digging more tunnels; the damned fools.

After the Major Ass-Kicking and Throat-Cutting they received at the hands of the IDF, in the Summer of 2014, any sane militia would not be publicly advertising such activity.

Then again, the knuckle-draggers of Hamas (and Fatah) aren't exactly known for being the brightest crayons in the box.

Time to get crackin', apparently, on another fun-filled episode of Kill-the-Neanderthals... your Hamas butt-buddies... the higher the body-count, the better, and the more fun.
Billo_Really, et al,

I notice that you keep saying this.

As long as the IDF maintains the illegal and immoral blockade, you cannot claim self defense.

I would like to know specifically, what you are cite as the source of your assertion that the 2009 Notice of Blockade is "illegal."

What citation do you have that counters: UN Security Council Resolution S/RES/2220 (2015):

Recalling its resolutions 1196 (1998), 1209 (1998), 1467 (2003) and 2117 (2013), the statements of its President of 25 April 2012 (S/PRST/2012/16), 19 March 2010 (S/PRST/2010/6), of 14 January 2009 (S/PRST/2009/1), of 29 June 2007 (S/PRST/2007/24), of 17 February 2005 (S/PRST/2005/7), of 19 January 2004 (S/PRST/2004/1), of 31 October 2002 (S/PRST/2002/30), of 31 August 2001 (S/PRST/2001/21) and of 24 September 1999 (S/PRST/1999/28), as well as other relevant resolutions of the Council and statements of its President, including on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, women and peace and security and children in armed conflict,
Expressing its determination to implement existing and to take further practical steps to prevent the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons, including in support of other ongoing processes,

1. Welcomes efforts made by Member States, regional and subregional organizations in addressing the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons, and encourages the establishment or strengthening, where appropriate, of subregional and regional cooperation, coordination and information sharing mechanisms, in particular, trans-border customs cooperation and networks for information-sharing, with a view to preventing, combating, and eradicating illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons;

2. Reiterates that the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons fuel conflict and have devastating impact on the protection of civilians, reiterates its demand that all parties to armed conflict comply strictly with the obligations applicable to them under international humanitarian law, international human rights law and international refugee law, and S/RES/2220 (2015) 15-08130 5/9 stresses the need for parties to take all required measures to avoid civilian casualties, respect and protect the civilian population;

3. Reemphasizes its call on parties to armed conflict, in this regard, to comply with obligations under international humanitarian law to respect and protect humanitarian personnel, facilities and relief consignments, and to take measures to eradicate the negative impact of the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons on humanitarian actors, and to take all required steps to facilitate the safe, rapid and unimpeded passage of relief consignments, equipment and personnel;
What citation do you have that counters the:

Firearms Protocol S/2008/258

23. The Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (General Assembly resolution 55/255), offers a regulatory framework to the challenges posed by the proliferation of illicit firearms and ammunition.

24. This “Firearms Protocol” (new 2005 international instrument to regulate the illicit manufacturing and trafficking of small arms) requires States to criminalize offences such as the illicit manufacture and trafficking of firearms and ammunition and the falsification or obliteration of markings on firearms. It requires States to implement control measures on the firearms trade and asks States to consider regulating the activities of brokers. It sets out uniform international standards for the movement of firearms; promotes cooperation and the exchange of information at the national, regional and global levels, including on firearms identification, detection and tracing; and promotes the development of an international system to manage commercial shipments.

25. The Firearms Protocol has not only become a global standard in the area of action against transnational organized crime, but also an instrument which complements and reinforces the implementation of both the Programme of Action and the International Tracing Instrument (see sections immediately below). Presently, it has 52 signatories and 72 parties.
Again, the Hostile Arab Palestinians, Jihadist, Insurgents, Terrorists, and other asymmetric activities that use handguns, pistols, sub-machine guns and light missiles to weaken regional security, destabilize sub-regional safety, should not be permitted the unobstructed access to SALW. Additionally, under Chapter VII, Israel has the absolute and "inherent right of individual self-defense" when armed HoAPs attack in violation of the Article 68, Fourth Geneva Convention; solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, where HoAP performed acts of espionage, or acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offences which have caused the death of one or more persons.

When the HoAP, Jihadist, Insurgents, Terrorists, and other asymmetric activities, with a long and violent background and history of performing such criminal acts, Israel (as the Occupying Power) is required, under Article 43 of the Hague Regulation, to take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country.

Again, what do you cited that negates or relieves Israel of these responsibilities or expressly exempts the HoAP, Jihadist, Insurgents, Terrorists, and other asymmetric activities from complying with international law?

Most Respectfully,
Let me put this as basically as I can...

"You cannot claim self defense,
if you're the one starting the fight!"

...and the belligerent occupation, is what started this fight.

BTW, Palestinian resistance, is not a...

"...misuse of small arms and light weapons..."

Also, the Firearms Protocol, has nothing to do with the Pals right to resist an occupation by a foreign power.

Once again you find a cut off point that supports your ideology and ignore all things that happened before this time. The Palestinians engaged in violence and terrorism before 1967 so starting the fight, in fact you can go back to when islam was in its infancy and mo'mad commanded the genocide of the Jews in Mecca and Medina. Before this time there was no fighting between the Jews and arab muslims and the two factions were at peace. It was the arab muslims that broke the peace and have lived by the command in the koran and hadiths to " KILL THE JEWS "

Which foreign power is that then as the UN did not need to create a Jewish agency to get round the rules appertaining to length of habitation before being classed as a refugee. The arab muslims did not have the requisite 2 years habitation as they were deserters from the arab league armies.

By the way the Jews of Israel have the self same right to resist the occupation of Jewish land by foreign arab muslims and to defend against this occupation by any means at their disposal. You see dildo International law applies equally to all sides, so you MUST grant it to the Jews or lose because of racist bias and Jew hatred.
You're not going to get a reasoned, quality answer from that turd, and the longer it is present the more convinced I am that it is a shell/ghost account of the forum mods. No respectable forum would tolerate a poster like that, as every other one I participate in bans white supremists and racists like this garbage almost immediately, yet this filth has been granted a stay of years. Says as much about this forum as it does the poster.
Get back on topic, troll.

Do you have anything to say about IDF aggression?

Do you have anything to say about Palestinian war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and ethnic cleansing. All proven by looking at population numbers in Palestine. As for IDF aggression try looking at the reasons behind it, how would you react if your neighbour was trying to murder your children so they could steal your land. As that is the declared intent of the Palestinians in regards to Israel and the Jews.
Art 51 has nothing to do with collective punishment, its about a nations right to defend itself.
That's right. So when Israel collectively punishes all of Gaza, you cannot point to Article 51 and say it allows Israel to do that.

You can when you show that the Palestinians are the ones attacking and in breach of international law. Then when you also show they are committing war crimes and crimes against humanity you can point to article 51 and say this allows for punative action against Palestine and its people within the boundaries laid down by the IHL and Geneva conventions.

It is not collective punishment as the people have the right to leave gaza any time they want, and when their leaders are prepared to let them leave. So while hamas has the borders closed on the gaza side they are the ones collectively punishing the Palestinians, and that is who you should be looking to for your hatreds
As long as the IDF maintains the illegal and immoral blockade, you cannot claim self defense.


According to whom is self defense not allowed (regardless of a blocade) when attacked within one's own border?
the Palestinians aren't allowed a defense?
Sure, unless it's an offense.
and it just so happens that you guys will never lay any blame at israel's feet, pretending that all the problems are caused bythe Palestinians.

it would have been more honest for you to say 'no'
As long as the IDF maintains the illegal and immoral blockade, you cannot claim self defense.


According to whom is self defense not allowed (regardless of a blocade) when attacked within one's own border?
the Palestinians aren't allowed a defense?
Sure, unless it's an offense.
and it just so happens that you guys will never lay any blame at israel's feet, pretending that all the problems are caused bythe Palestinians.

it would have been more honest for you to say 'no'
It seems as if it is very difficult for you to follow, so I'll use less words:

If attacked, there is a right to defense.

Nothing else matters.
Much better, to use it as a legitimate excuse to kill a few hundred Hamas scum... the more they kill now, the fewer they'll have to kill later.
you're a good nazi

No a good tactician that sees killing as many of the enemy as you can now as a way to shorten the inevitable war that is around the corner. If the Palestinians want to wave a sword around while facing semi automatic guns then they are the morons and cant complain when they get shot.
As long as the IDF maintains the illegal and immoral blockade, you cannot claim self defense.


According to whom is self defense not allowed (regardless of a blocade) when attacked within one's own border?
the Palestinians aren't allowed a defense?
Sure, unless it's an offense.
and it just so happens that you guys will never lay any blame at israel's feet, pretending that all the problems are caused bythe Palestinians.

it would have been more honest for you to say 'no'
It seems as if it is very difficult for you to follow, so I'll use less words:

If attacked, there is a right to defense.

Nothing else matters.
and they have been attacked. some would say they are under perpetual attack.
the Palestinians aren't allowed a defense?
Sure, unless it's an offense.
and it just so happens that you guys will never lay any blame at israel's feet, pretending that all the problems are caused bythe Palestinians.

it would have been more honest for you to say 'no'
It seems as if it is very difficult for you to follow, so I'll use less words:

If attacked, there is a right to defense.

Nothing else matters.
and they have been attacked. some would say they are under perpetual attack.
Poor breathless antisemite just can't win.
who is an antisemite?

so are you saying the palestinians have never been attacked by israel?
that blockades and funds withholding and mass arrests and military operations aren't attacks?
Much better, to use it as a legitimate excuse to kill a few hundred Hamas scum... the more they kill now, the fewer they'll have to kill later.
you're a good nazi
Nope... war is a dirty business... Hamas are a legitimate military target... you've back the wrong horse, Muslim-lover...
at least I'm not a nazi like yourself wanting to use a tunnel as an excuse to kill as many people as possible.

you don't love muslims?
The object of war is to kill the enemy.

Your side has already lost... Rump Palestine is a walking corpse that doesn't yet know that it's dead... you've backed the wrong horse, Muzzie-lover.

Enjoy the show, as the IDF roasts another several hundred of your spiritual brethren (Hamas)...

1,000 Hamas Crispy Critters... comin' right up.
The object of war is to kill the enemy.

Your side has already lost... Rump Palestine is a walking corpse that doesn't yet know that it's dead... you've backed the wrong horse, Muzzie-lover.
you dont love muslims?
how would you describe your feelings for muslims, just out of curiosity?
I wouldn't.
come on. take a shot at it. I'd hate for there to be any misunderstanding

because from where I'm sutting it looks like you refer to Palestinians as sub-human, want to see as many as possible killed, believe it is the destiny of one nation to dominate and destroy them, use religious slurs against them and use the term 'muzzie-lover' as a pejorative against others.

so how are you not a nazi?
Thank you for your feedback.

Now, on with the show...

The only good Hamas is a dead Hamas...

And, from time to time, the IDF is obliged to take out the trash, over there...

Given that the dumbass Hamas militia insists on digging another set of tunnels...

We can look forward to more fun like the Gaza War of 2014, in the coming weeks and months...

The best thing for these Hamas scum is a bullet in the back of the head, or, failing that, an IDF arty-shell up the ass...
at least I'm not a nazi like yourself wanting to use a tunnel as an excuse to kill as many people as possible.

But you excuse the tunnel being used to kill as many israelis as possible, so what does that make you, idiot asshole?
have i? where?
i just think the Palestinians are allowed to defend themselves

#1-you have not condemned the building of the tunnels
#2-the tunnels and indiscriminate rocket fire are both War Crimes, neither are methods of defense in any way.

When you are able to unequivocably condemn those, then you can join the adult conversation.
at least I'm not a nazi like yourself wanting to use a tunnel as an excuse to kill as many people as possible.

But you excuse the tunnel being used to kill as many israelis as possible, so what does that make you, idiot asshole?
have i? where?
i just think the Palestinians are allowed to defend themselves

#1-you have not condemned the building of the tunnels
#2-the tunnels and indiscriminate rocket fire are both War Crimes, neither are methods of defense in any way.

When you are able to unequivocably condemn those, then you can join the adult conversation.
1. have you condemned israel's blockade?
2. israel has killed far more civilians. do you comsider that a war crime?
If they knew where the tunnel was then they could just invade gaza and spend the next 12 months filling the tunnel with concrete. That is after flooding the Palestinians out of their homes. Hold on that would be illegal according to you and be a breach of non existent international laws.

What a fucking idiot you are Phoney...

What? They don't know where the tunnel is? How do they know it even exists then?

No need to invade Gaza to fill the tunnel... IF the tunnel exists then it's not that difficult to find! Bore a hole and flood the tunnel... Then bore a bigger hole and fill it with concrete.... Simple...

Where did I say it was "illegal"? Making up your own BS as usual!

Once again you show that you have no idea about the subject matter by using your "zionut" made up word hoping that it will incite another moron to be violent towards the Jews. Your reading of very old communist books on disinformation shows that you are still living the 1960's and have the same left wing bias as was prevalent in those days.

Ah you want to play the "made up word" game again? YOU LOST LAST TIME.... YOU WILL LOSE THIS TIME!

Want me to post the links AGAIN that show you a liar zionut prick?

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