IDF finally breaks silence and speaks out about Israeli atrocities in the OPT

There is nothing to discuss about the "occupation" for 2 reasons. The first, the land is Jewish, and will, in Israeli eyes, stay that way. When you ask, or in many cases, don't ask, but FORCE, Jews to give up Jewish land, you need to do it while showing that this action does not risk lives on the Jewish side.

You yell "end the occupation" to grand Palestinians freedom, right? Well, freedom for the Palestinians, while on the other hand, they continue terrorizing Jews.

That's not a great deal for us.

In 2005, thousands of Jews were expelled from JEWISH LAND, in exchance of Palestinians starting to terrorize southerner residents. where is the "peace" people promised? the understanding? better negotiatons? Nada. Gurnisht. Dozens of Jews died thanks to that brilliant disangagement, yet you want us to expell MORE Jews?

Ha.! AS IF!

The Hamas calls always. day after day, together with Arabs and Muslim worldwide, to destroy Israel and haunt the Jews, yet the only reaction is bashing Jews; Israel will not and SHOULD NOT give up 1 SQUARE of Jewish land as long as Hamas and Palestinians won't give up terror! They want the blockade to end? let them give up terror! SIMPLE AS THAT. no more expelling Jews from their lands just to satisfy the Anti-Israelis. That is not the answer.!
The West Bank and Gaza are not Jewish land and never will be. This is backed by international law.

You're lucky I'm not President or I would have the USS Ronald Reagan parked off your coast line and the marines in the OPT driving you god-damn Israeli's back to Israel. And there's no use bitching about the actions I take, because after 45 years of you people giving a big FU to the rest of the planet, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK!

The West Bank and Gaza are not Jewish land and never will be. This is backed by international law.

You're lucky I'm not President or I would have the USS Ronald Reagan parked off your coast line and the marines in the OPT driving you god-damn Israeli's back to Israel. And there's no use bitching about the actions I take, because after 45 years of you people giving a big FU to the rest of the planet, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK!

LB, why limit the consideration to the West Bank or Gaza? None of the land of Palestine belongs to the Ashkenazi pirates....these shameless c***s have succeeded in not only maintaining a criminal occupation of Palestine for 64 years---they correspondingly occupy the historical narrative through Jewish pressure groups that wield remarkable clout.....the irony is that Jews are exactly as the Nazis described them 75 years ago: insects that infiltrate, and poison any thriving culture

The West Bank and Gaza are not Jewish land and never will be. This is backed by international law.

You're lucky I'm not President or I would have the USS Ronald Reagan parked off your coast line and the marines in the OPT driving you god-damn Israeli's back to Israel. And there's no use bitching about the actions I take, because after 45 years of you people giving a big FU to the rest of the planet, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK!

LB, why limit the consideration to the West Bank or Gaza? None of the land of Palestine belongs to the Ashkenazi pirates....these shameless c***s have succeeded in not only maintaining a criminal occupation of Palestine for 64 years---they correspondingly occupy the historical narrative through Jewish pressure groups that wield remarkable clout.....the irony is that Jews are exactly as the Nazis described them 75 years ago: insects that infiltrate, and poison any thriving culture
Does anyone really think that Loinboy cares about the Arabs? This board is his big chance to get at the Jews. Most of those with his mind set no doubt are here for the same reason, and they think they are fooling the rest of us. Meanwhile, I wonder if Schizo, who is the one who thinks like a Nazi, realizes that many Christian Arabs moved to South America in the 1800's to get away from Muslim oppression.
Articles: The Arabs of South America

And of course this little Nazi Schizo doesn't care at all what is happening to the Christians in the Muslim world. If it isn't something he can blame on the Jews, it just isn't important to him.

Pakistan Christian Post
HouseFly....ever reminisce about killing gentle Asian children in Vietnam???....even then your Zionist bloodlust must have been insatiable....
Does anyone really think that Loinboy cares about the Arabs?
You're right, I don't! I don't care about "the jews", either. And I even care less about Israeli's. None of them impact my daily life. With that being said, for what reason would I be hating any of them?

You play this "jew card" so much, you're nothing but the "boy who cried wolf". There's nothing behind it and no reason for it. I've said to you many times to give me a reason as to why would I hate jews and you've never been able to come up with a logical answer. But I have one for you...

...the only reason you play the "jew card" is to deflect criticism of Israeli.
That's it! That's all it is.

This board is his big chance to get at the Jews.
If this is my "big chance", as you say:

What about the jews who spoke out in the OP, did I get after them?

What about the jews in the thread I started, "Israel loves Iran", did I get after them?

What about "Rabbi's for Human Rights", do I get after them?​
They're all jews, why haven't I taken shots at them?

While you're pondering over those questions, what about YOU, THE BIG JEW DEFENDER? Do you really care about jews? Is this a mission you're on, to defend them against anti-semitism? Or any un-just treatment?

I don't think so! And your comments on the following jewish group, will prove I'm right!

JVP deplores Rachel Corrie verdict

Sydney Levy, Director of Advocacy at Jewish Voice for Peace said: ”We at JVP deplore Judge Gershon’s verdict, and we applaud the Corrie family and their legal team for successfully putting on trial Israel’s flawed justice system. This verdict is yet another flagrant disregard for international law by Israel, which is obligated, as are all countries, to take all feasible precautions to spare civilians from the dangers of military operations. The Israeli military undoubtedly violated this principle in the killing of nonviolent human rights activist Rachel Corrie.”
They're jews! Are you going to defend them?

Here's your "big chance"!
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LB, why limit the consideration to the West Bank or Gaza? None of the land of Palestine belongs to the Ashkenazi pirates....these shameless c***s have succeeded in not only maintaining a criminal occupation of Palestine for 64 years---they correspondingly occupy the historical narrative through Jewish pressure groups that wield remarkable clout.....the irony is that Jews are exactly as the Nazis described them 75 years ago: insects that infiltrate, and poison any thriving culture
I'm sorry, I can't go that far. According to international law, they [the Israeli's] have been given some of the land. If the law say's it's theirs, then it's theirs. And it's the same law I use to defend the Palestinian's right to their own land. If it works for one, it has to work for both.

The door swings both ways in my world.
5th post
Does anyone really think that Loinboy cares about the Arabs?
You're right, I don't! I don't care about "the jews", either. And I even care less about Israeli's. None of them impact my daily life. With that being said, for what reason would I be hating any of them?

You play this "jew card" so much, you're nothing but the "boy who cried wolf". There's nothing behind it and no reason for it. I've said to you many times to give me a reason as to why would I hate jews and you've never been able to come up with a logical answer. But I have one for you...

...the only reason you play the "jew card" is to deflect criticism of Israeli.
That's it! That's all it is.

This board is his big chance to get at the Jews.
If this is my "big chance", as you say:

What about the jews who spoke out in the OP, did I get after them?

What about the jews in the thread I started, "Israel loves Iran", did I get after them?

What about "Rabbi's for Human Rights", do I get after them?​
They're all jews, why haven't I taken shots at them?

While you're pondering over those questions, what about YOU, THE BIG JEW DEFENDER? Do you really care about jews? Is this a mission you're on, to defend them against anti-semitism? Or any un-just treatment?

I don't think so! And your comments on the following jewish group, will prove I'm right!

JVP deplores Rachel Corrie verdict

Sydney Levy, Director of Advocacy at Jewish Voice for Peace said: ”We at JVP deplore Judge Gershon’s verdict, and we applaud the Corrie family and their legal team for successfully putting on trial Israel’s flawed justice system. This verdict is yet another flagrant disregard for international law by Israel, which is obligated, as are all countries, to take all feasible precautions to spare civilians from the dangers of military operations. The Israeli military undoubtedly violated this principle in the killing of nonviolent human rights activist Rachel Corrie.”
They're jews! Are you going to defend them?

Here's your "big chance"!
NO and hell no! Jewish Voice for Peace is an anti-Zionist organization.
There is nothing to discuss about the "occupation" for 2 reasons. The first, the land is Jewish, and will, in Israeli eyes, stay that way. When you ask, or in many cases, don't ask, but FORCE, Jews to give up Jewish land, you need to do it while showing that this action does not risk lives on the Jewish side.

You yell "end the occupation" to grand Palestinians freedom, right? Well, freedom for the Palestinians, while on the other hand, they continue terrorizing Jews.

That's not a great deal for us.

In 2005, thousands of Jews were expelled from JEWISH LAND, in exchance of Palestinians starting to terrorize southerner residents. where is the "peace" people promised? the understanding? better negotiatons? Nada. Gurnisht. Dozens of Jews died thanks to that brilliant disangagement, yet you want us to expell MORE Jews?

Ha.! AS IF!

The Hamas calls always. day after day, together with Arabs and Muslim worldwide, to destroy Israel and haunt the Jews, yet the only reaction is bashing Jews; Israel will not and SHOULD NOT give up 1 SQUARE of Jewish land as long as Hamas and Palestinians won't give up terror! They want the blockade to end? let them give up terror! SIMPLE AS THAT. no more expelling Jews from their lands just to satisfy the Anti-Israelis. That is not the answer.!
The West Bank and Gaza are not Jewish land and never will be. This is backed by international law.

You're lucky I'm not President or I would have the USS Ronald Reagan parked off your coast line and the marines in the OPT driving you god-damn Israeli's back to Israel. And there's no use bitching about the actions I take, because after 45 years of you people giving a big FU to the rest of the planet, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK!

The good news is America doesn't elect "people" like you to positions of real power so return to your wishful thinking and try not to get any of it on your keyboard.

The West Bank and Gaza are not Jewish land and never will be. This is backed by international law.

You're lucky I'm not President or I would have the USS Ronald Reagan parked off your coast line and the marines in the OPT driving you god-damn Israeli's back to Israel. And there's no use bitching about the actions I take, because after 45 years of you people giving a big FU to the rest of the planet, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK!

LB, why limit the consideration to the West Bank or Gaza? None of the land of Palestine belongs to the Ashkenazi pirates....these shameless c***s have succeeded in not only maintaining a criminal occupation of Palestine for 64 years---they correspondingly occupy the historical narrative through Jewish pressure groups that wield remarkable clout.....the irony is that Jews are exactly as the Nazis described them 75 years ago: insects that infiltrate, and poison any thriving culture

Israel - 23,000 days of STATEHOOD and still winning! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
"Palestine" - 0 days of statehood and still WHINING! :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
Palestine -- 13 centuries of Arab residence

Israel -- a figment of the twisted Jewish imagination
People who make excuses for Israeli war crimes.

Now you're being rude.

Since when telling your side of the story considered "making excuses for war crimes"?

See? I cannot possibly have a normal discussion with you because you simply refuse to listen to anything from the Israeli side.

Perhaps because the "Israeli side" is fraught with lies...lies...lies, and more lies...when you moral hypocrites allow even a tiny ray of truth to penetrate your brazen sense of blanket denial there might be room for dialogue, but when you field every charge against Israel with "antisemite" or "IslamoNazi"...the exercise becomes futile...

Well, YOU, personally, ARE IslamoNazi and Antisemite, so there is not discussion about that. surely bringing your quotes and way of speech can prove that. Anyone who agrees with your kind of speech loses any way of having a normal discussion with normal people, for I have told you, an argument which bases itself on words like "typical Jew filth" and "jews are not able to say any truth" cannot hold, It IS antisemitism, and it's sad that people who "pretend" to be "enlightened" and "intelligent" like Mr. Tinmore, and Loinboy, agree with that kind of speech and pathetic opinions.

That surely says alot about them.

As for what I have said, every Israeli has a story to tell, trouble is, you people don't bother to listen, you're way to full of yourselves to think there might be a different point of view to this.

I wonder, did any of you ever spoken to a right wing Israeli, ever? Or a Jew, in your case?

The Israeli people are amazing and loving, you base your false opinions on rumors and propaganda, and pretend you know things you don't.

You simply have no idea.
10th post
Israeli bulldozers *inside* GAZA? are you INSANE? There are no Israeli bulldozers inside Gaza! Corrie was killed not INSIDE the strip, but on the border between the strip and Egypt. Please, at least check out the facts before arguing.
No, you need to stop lying, or get better bullshit!

Rachael Corrie was murdered in Rafah.

A Palestinian town.

Stop fucking with me!
Again you're not informed. The area where the bulldozer was, besides not being inside the strip but near the border, in that area many times soldiers were attacked by explosives and sniper shots, the soldiers did an action called "Hisuffe" which means digging in the ground to find the objects of potential risk. To save lives. While "protesting" Corrie put lives of soldiers at stake, which has ended in her own death. Her action put lives in danger, even though people thought it was "justified".
This is what I mean by "Israeli apologist".

You will defend any atrocity Israel commits, no matter how inhuman or illegal that action might be.

Rafah is a town in the Gaza strip, where you said there are no IDF soldiers. You're a fuckin' liar!
15th post
Israeli bulldozers *inside* GAZA? are you INSANE? There are no Israeli bulldozers inside Gaza! Corrie was killed not INSIDE the strip, but on the border between the strip and Egypt. Please, at least check out the facts before arguing.
No, you need to stop lying, or get better bullshit!

Rachael Corrie was murdered in Rafah.

A Palestinian town.

Stop fucking with me!

The was murdered in the area near the BORDER, in the southern RAFAH. Not Gaza strip!
Again you're not informed. The area where the bulldozer was, besides not being inside the strip but near the border, in that area many times soldiers were attacked by explosives and sniper shots, the soldiers did an action called "Hisuffe" which means digging in the ground to find the objects of potential risk. To save lives. While "protesting" Corrie put lives of soldiers at stake, which has ended in her own death. Her action put lives in danger, even though people thought it was "justified".
This is what I mean by "Israeli apologist".

You will defend any atrocity Israel commits, no matter how inhuman or illegal that action might be.

Rafah is a town in the Gaza strip, where you said there are no IDF soldiers. You're a fuckin' liar!

I will defend any action the IDF does to protect the Israeli civilians from the Palestinian war crimes.

I was part of the IDF system, the IDF protects me. I will forever support the Israeli Army, against fact-twisters and Anti-Israelis.

Consider yourself under both of the catagories.
NO and hell no! Jewish Voice for Peace is an anti-Zionist organization.
So now I can call you a "jew hater", right?

They're jews, right? You don't like them, right? So it's okay for me to call you a "jew hater", right?

Well, I'm not going to do that. I know you don't care for them, so we'll just leave it at that.

The people of Israel will forever have Moisers inside the nation. Fact that cannot be change.

Those will prefet the lives of the Palestinians over Israelis.

Sad, but happens.
Israeli bulldozers *inside* GAZA? are you INSANE? There are no Israeli bulldozers inside Gaza! Corrie was killed not INSIDE the strip, but on the border between the strip and Egypt. Please, at least check out the facts before arguing.
No, you need to stop lying, or get better bullshit!

Rachael Corrie was murdered in Rafah.

A Palestinian town.

Stop fucking with me!

Besides the point that Corrie was killed on border, she died in 2003. you cannot compare that year to 2012.

Even YOU should know the situation was different.

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