Idaho Fish & Game Commish brags about shooting entire family of baboons

I consider the killing of giraffes and big cats an abomination. But killing and posing an entire family of primates including the baby? There's a special place in hell - RESIGN asshole.


Idaho Fish and Game Commissioner Blake Fischer shared photos of his guided hunting trip in Africa with friends and colleagues when he returned last month, expecting they’d appreciate his success.

Instead, several former Fish and Game commissioners are pushing for his resignation — with a photo of a “family of baboons” that Fischer shot with a recurve bow prompting most of the outrage.

The first animals were four baboons shot by Fischer, which put that photo right at the top of his email. He wrote that his wife wanted to watch him hunt at first because it was her first trip to Africa. Fischer was making his third trip.

“So I shot a whole family of baboons,” Fischer wrote below a photo of him smiling while posing with the four baboons. “I think she got the idea quick.”

Steve Alder of Idaho for Wildlife, a pro-hunting group based in Lewiston, said Fischer’s photos were his primary concern with the email. Idaho’s hunter-education manual includes a section on respecting non-hunters. The manual includes this recommendation: “Refrain from taking graphic photographs of the kill and from vividly describing the kill while within earshot of non-hunters.”

“It’s everything we preach against in hunters education,” Alder said. “... It just sends the wrong signal.

“The biggest thing is the baboon thing. I was really troubled. That’s my biggest issue. He killed the whole baboon family and you’ve got little junior laying there in mom’s lap. You just don’t do that. I hate wolves as much as anyone, but I’m not going to take a wolf family and put it on display and show the baby wolf.”​


Fish and Game commissioner hunts ‘family of baboons’ in Africa, faces calls to resign


I bet you're totally copacetic regarding these people eating baboons:

Hunter-gatherers from Tanzania butcher a dead baboon as they battle to preserve their way of life | Daily Mail Online
Did the hunter eat it? Nope. He killed them for bragging rights. Disgusting.
I only use a bolt action...not the newer high tech junk rifles....They are not allowed at our feet camp. No semi autos. If you cannot hit perfect on one shot you shouldn't be allowed to hunt. We would laugh you and shove you right out of our camp.
Hunting in Africa is for those who needs a shooting gallery. It's no challenge whatsoever.
WTF do ANY of you need to go shoot wild animals for? I don't mean farmers and ranchers and someone with a coyote in their garage, I mean for sport?
Bunch of sick fuckers, no matter what you're shooting.

A little broad in scope for me OL. I have neighbors who elk and deer hunt this time of year.
They do so legally and make use of every bit of meat - giving some away to thankful neighbors such as myself.
But this guy went WAY too far with the baboon family for me, and I'll wager for my neighbor friends as well.
That guy is one step from being a serial killer. I'm in an area where most people hunt, so I keep my mouth shut about my opinions on hunting, but I see no need for it. Those animals -- ALL of them, even elk and deer, have a right to live their lives without being stalked by us avid murderers.
Is he gonna eat that? I only kill nuisance animals or something I'm going to eat.

Baboons are a nuisance animal. The government of Kenya puts bounties on them. They are destructive and dangerous.

Of the 5 species of Baboon, only one is more than "Least Concern" on the management scale, and even that one is only "Near Threatened"

They aren't as annoying as howler monkeys, but they are considered pests.
WTF do ANY of you need to go shoot wild animals for? I don't mean farmers and ranchers and someone with a coyote in their garage, I mean for sport?
Bunch of sick fuckers, no matter what you're shooting.

A little broad in scope for me OL. I have neighbors who elk and deer hunt this time of year.
They do so legally and make use of every bit of meat - giving some away to thankful neighbors such as myself.
But this guy went WAY too far with the baboon family for me, and I'll wager for my neighbor friends as well.
That guy is one step from being a serial killer. I'm in an area where most people hunt, so I keep my mouth shut about my opinions on hunting, but I see no need for it. Those animals -- ALL of them, even elk and deer, have a right to live their lives without being stalked by us avid murderers.

Um.... No, he's not one step away from being a serial killer.

And they are not murderers, murder involves killing a human.

Why is it that people with positions like yours have to result to hyperbole so often?
WTF do ANY of you need to go shoot wild animals for? I don't mean farmers and ranchers and someone with a coyote in their garage, I mean for sport?
Bunch of sick fuckers, no matter what you're shooting.

A little broad in scope for me OL. I have neighbors who elk and deer hunt this time of year.
They do so legally and make use of every bit of meat - giving some away to thankful neighbors such as myself.
But this guy went WAY too far with the baboon family for me, and I'll wager for my neighbor friends as well.
That guy is one step from being a serial killer. I'm in an area where most people hunt, so I keep my mouth shut about my opinions on hunting, but I see no need for it. Those animals -- ALL of them, even elk and deer, have a right to live their lives without being stalked by us avid murderers.

Um.... No, he's not one step away from being a serial killer.

And they are not murderers, murder involves killing a human.

Why is it that people with positions like yours have to result to hyperbole so often?
Taking the concept of killing an entire family--mama, papa, brother and sister, baby--and gluing that onto any animal, especially a primate family that looks so much like us, gives us a disturbing glimpse into that guy's thought processes. And he thinks it's funny. Showed it off thinking everyone else would be amused.
lots of people probably are amused . I look at the event as a Legal event thats neither funny nor sad . Plus i do not put any values to Baboons being primates that are seen by some to be human like OldLady . ------------------ these Baboons are only troublesome and vicious animals .
but lots of modern day mostly lefty people practice ANTHROPOMORPHISM or HUMANIZATION of animals which i see as a mental Disease of many people in todays society .
lots of people probably are amused . I look at the event as a Legal event thats neither funny nor sad . Plus i do not put any values to Baboons being primates that are seen by some to be human like OldLady . ------------------ these Baboons are only troublesome and vicious animals .
Almost as troublesome and vicious as the human who shot them all in cold blood as a joke. Maybe the baboons need to learn how to operate firearms, too, to make it fair.
lots of people probably are amused . I look at the event as a Legal event thats neither funny nor sad . Plus i do not put any values to Baboons being primates that are seen by some to be human like OldLady . ------------------ these Baboons are only troublesome and vicious animals .
Almost as troublesome and vicious as the human who shot them all in cold blood as a joke. Maybe the baboons need to learn how to operate firearms, too, to make it fair.

And that is the most retarded statement of the day.

So lions and other predators kill "in cold blood"?
I consider the killing of giraffes and big cats an abomination. But killing and posing an entire family of primates including the baby? There's a special place in hell - RESIGN asshole.


Idaho Fish and Game Commissioner Blake Fischer shared photos of his guided hunting trip in Africa with friends and colleagues when he returned last month, expecting they’d appreciate his success.

Instead, several former Fish and Game commissioners are pushing for his resignation — with a photo of a “family of baboons” that Fischer shot with a recurve bow prompting most of the outrage.

The first animals were four baboons shot by Fischer, which put that photo right at the top of his email. He wrote that his wife wanted to watch him hunt at first because it was her first trip to Africa. Fischer was making his third trip.

“So I shot a whole family of baboons,” Fischer wrote below a photo of him smiling while posing with the four baboons. “I think she got the idea quick.”

Steve Alder of Idaho for Wildlife, a pro-hunting group based in Lewiston, said Fischer’s photos were his primary concern with the email. Idaho’s hunter-education manual includes a section on respecting non-hunters. The manual includes this recommendation: “Refrain from taking graphic photographs of the kill and from vividly describing the kill while within earshot of non-hunters.”

“It’s everything we preach against in hunters education,” Alder said. “... It just sends the wrong signal.

“The biggest thing is the baboon thing. I was really troubled. That’s my biggest issue. He killed the whole baboon family and you’ve got little junior laying there in mom’s lap. You just don’t do that. I hate wolves as much as anyone, but I’m not going to take a wolf family and put it on display and show the baby wolf.”​


Fish and Game commissioner hunts ‘family of baboons’ in Africa, faces calls to resign


I bet you're totally copacetic regarding these people eating baboons:

Hunter-gatherers from Tanzania butcher a dead baboon as they battle to preserve their way of life | Daily Mail Online
Did the hunter eat it? Nope. He killed them for bragging rights. Disgusting.
Why would anyone hunt baboons?
-------------------------------------------------- don't think that it was an intentional pursuit of Baboons as hunting prey . Baboons are probably legal pests and simply targets of opportunity same as CROWS and COYOTES , Groundhogs and some other animals were in the USA when i was growing up and they still may be Legal Targets of Opportunity Soggy . ---------------- crows and the others that i mention and others . The rule was , shoot them if you see them and if you want to shoot them Soggy .
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