ICYMI: Joe Biden Promised to Destroy the Oil Industry Last Night

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
In an effort to gain support on the far-left flank of the Democratic Party Sunday night, former Vice President Joe The World's Dumbest Politician and sexual Abuser" Biden vowed to stop oil drilling in the United States and said he would implement a ban on new fracking.

"No more drilling on federal lands. No more drilling, including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period. Ends," Biden said. "No new fracking."

This translates to (massive job losses) for millions of Americans, not to mention how Biden's policy would create an unaffordable increase in energy prices.

(Excerpt) Read more at townhall.com ...


Kind of reminds one how the Hildebeast told all the coal workers in W.Va how she was going to put them all out of work....but begged for their votes.

DemonRATS are such fools that they even have their front runner emulating that fat. Sick felon . Hillary Clinton!
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Destruction of the economic engine so commies can take over. The plan is so obvious.
It really is funny how the China/DemonRAT plan came together precisely as Biden and Humper are having MORE PROBLEMS with paying off that poor little white girl with his DNA. You would think a ROCK STAR and NAVAL PASSAGE DESTROYER would have enough SPARE CASH laying around to make this prostitute go away without having her either commit Arkancide or be given title to Jeffrey Epsteins island. .....but then the Bidens were never as smart as Blow Job Billy and the Hildebeast!
Joe Biden did in fact say he was going to put millions out of work by stopping all drilling. My first thought was there goes the great gas prices we've been enjoying under Trump.
Joe Biden has gone insane. In a recent campaign event he vowed to cure cancer, emphysema, and diabetes. There's nothing that whore won't promise for a vote.

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