ICE dumps off illegal immigrants on the streets of Texas

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers have reportedly dumped more than 600 illegal immigrants on Texas streets this week, including 500 in El Paso on Wednesday.

Report: ICE Dumps Off Ilegal Immigrants On The Streets Of Texas

Well why not the democratic idiots want to get rid of ice anyway, this is what would basically happen without ICE so go at it trendy's.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective, humane, and rational under any form of Capitalism.
Could you imagine what a Trump staffer has to say to his young daughter when she asks why that 8 year old died of the flu?
No. Would it be something like the boys father declined to have him treated?
Guatemalan Migrant Father Declined Medical Treatment For Sick Child Before Death

Another dem-tard trying to make political gain off this boy's death. That's so low it's subterranean.

No gain….it’s a tragedy; both recent deaths in our border concentration camps.

I was just wondering what the guy who works for the blob would have to say to his daughter if she asked him about why these kids died.

I imagine those people probably have many sleepless nights trying to rationalize it.
---------------------- sick kids die all the time . Dying has been happening for all of Human history , its just life Candy .
Thats because he wasn’t kidnapping children by the score.
The facilities for holding children remain the same and no one has been "kidnapped". You are simply a moonbat spouting inanities. Flashback: Obama Administration placed border children with human smugglers
Look at the "good times" young illegals had when King Obama was in charge.
Oh…so the criminal father has rights in our concentration camps? Who knew?
Not you apparently. He was offered treatment for this boy. He declined.

I have no doubt about that.
Neither do I.
I have no remorse for something I couldn't prevent or did not do. If you feel responsible for this death that's your

When you detain someone, they are in “your custody and care” as they say. Those deaths in Trumps concentration camps was tragic. I wonder how the people that work with the blob live with themselves
Could you imagine what a Trump staffer has to say to his young daughter when she asks why that 8 year old died of the flu?
No. Would it be something like the boys father declined to have him treated?
Guatemalan Migrant Father Declined Medical Treatment For Sick Child Before Death

Another dem-tard trying to make political gain off this boy's death. That's so low it's subterranean.

No gain….it’s a tragedy; both recent deaths in our border concentration camps.

I was just wondering what the guy who works for the blob would have to say to his daughter if she asked him about why these kids died.

I imagine those people probably have many sleepless nights trying to rationalize it.
---------------------- sick kids die all the time . Dying has been happening for all of Human history , its just life Candy .

True that.

Except these two were in our custody and care
Could you imagine what a Trump staffer has to say to his young daughter when she asks why that 8 year old died of the flu?
No. Would it be something like the boys father declined to have him treated?
Guatemalan Migrant Father Declined Medical Treatment For Sick Child Before Death

Another dem-tard trying to make political gain off this boy's death. That's so low it's subterranean.

No gain….it’s a tragedy; both recent deaths in our border concentration camps.

I was just wondering what the guy who works for the blob would have to say to his daughter if she asked him about why these kids died.

I imagine those people probably have many sleepless nights trying to rationalize it.
---------------------- sick kids die all the time . Dying has been happening for all of Human history , its just life Candy .

True that.

Except these two were in our custody and care
------------------------------------ and they got sick , happens all the time no matter who's care they are in . Its just life , maybe weak kids , maybe diseased , maybe bad genes Candy .
Thats because he wasn’t kidnapping children by the score.
The facilities for holding children remain the same and no one has been "kidnapped". You are simply a moonbat spouting inanities. Flashback: Obama Administration placed border children with human smugglers
Look at the "good times" young illegals had when King Obama was in charge.
Oh…so the criminal father has rights in our concentration camps? Who knew?
Not you apparently. He was offered treatment for this boy. He declined.

I have no doubt about that.
Neither do I.
I have no remorse for something I couldn't prevent or did not do. If you feel responsible for this death that's your

When you detain someone, they are in “your custody and care” as they say. Those deaths in Trumps concentration camps was tragic. I wonder how the people that work with the blob live with themselves
------------------------------- they do alright as they realize that they had nothing to do with the kids deaths Candy .
Could you imagine what a Trump staffer has to say to his young daughter when she asks why that 8 year old died of the flu?
No. Would it be something like the boys father declined to have him treated?
Guatemalan Migrant Father Declined Medical Treatment For Sick Child Before Death

Another dem-tard trying to make political gain off this boy's death. That's so low it's subterranean.

No gain….it’s a tragedy; both recent deaths in our border concentration camps.

I was just wondering what the guy who works for the blob would have to say to his daughter if she asked him about why these kids died.

I imagine those people probably have many sleepless nights trying to rationalize it.
---------------------- sick kids die all the time . Dying has been happening for all of Human history , its just life Candy .

True that.

Except these two were in our custody and care
------------------------------------ and they got sick , happens all the time no matter who's care they are in . Its just life , maybe weak kids , maybe diseased , maybe bad genes Candy .

Maybe the stress of being imprisoned at the age of 8?
Thats because he wasn’t kidnapping children by the score.
The facilities for holding children remain the same and no one has been "kidnapped". You are simply a moonbat spouting inanities. Flashback: Obama Administration placed border children with human smugglers
Look at the "good times" young illegals had when King Obama was in charge.
Oh…so the criminal father has rights in our concentration camps? Who knew?
Not you apparently. He was offered treatment for this boy. He declined.

I have no doubt about that.
Neither do I.
I have no remorse for something I couldn't prevent or did not do. If you feel responsible for this death that's your

When you detain someone, they are in “your custody and care” as they say. Those deaths in Trumps concentration camps was tragic. I wonder how the people that work with the blob live with themselves
------------------------------- they do alright as they realize that they had nothing to do with the kids deaths Candy .

I'm sure telling themselves that is comforting.
Could you imagine what a Trump staffer has to say to his young daughter when she asks why that 8 year old died of the flu?
Cause the father refused treatment for her. I know facts suck to you.

When someone is detainer , the detainer places them in their custody and care. We failed them
The father failed her by denying medical treatment. Quit trying to blame Trump, if you loons wouldn't promote this shit. Children would'nt die. We are going to get the wall.
Thank you President Trump...

No, thank you Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. Government shut down, no money to operate the detention centers.
-------------------------- RESPECTFULLY --- But there should be NO money needed to operate Detention Centers as there should be no detention centers to Operate , The invaders should be STOPPED and turned around at the USA Border . Meanwhile the invasion continues on TRUMPS watch . A thousand invaders released by ICE into the interior of the USA last week . And thats not counting the thousands more that are being held in detention somehow and somewhere that will be released into the USA Interior as time goes on . [the invasion continues under TRUMP ]

You are blaming President Trump for the invasions?
He's not the one providing Sanctuary Cities. Or telling people that Dims are not allow immigration laws to be upheld. Or the Leftist judges who stop everything the president tries to do.
well , lets see what happens and what the TRUMP does . Just hearing that 15,000 in a caravan are headed USA way Longknife . .
and as comment , republican 'bushes' especially 'jebito' love mexican and 'otm' importation or invasion into the USA . 'reagan and bush' [ both repubs] also loved mexicans invading the USA .
Could you imagine what a Trump staffer has to say to his young daughter when she asks why that 8 year old died of the flu?

Can you imagine what the mother has to say sometime in the future when her young child asks why the U.S. allowed an illegal to run free in the country eventually gunning down her police officer father ?

The same thing that would be said if a native gunned down the police officer father I imagine.

In this case however, there's a very good chance that had YOU Dimocrats not turned the entire state into a sanctuary for illegals, this scumbag would not have been here to kill her father.

Want me to show you who in the state Senate voted for turning California into a sanctuary state ? SURPRISE ! It was all Dimocrat state Senators !
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers have reportedly dumped more than 600 illegal immigrants on Texas streets this week, including 500 in El Paso on Wednesday.

Report: ICE Dumps Off Ilegal Immigrants On The Streets Of Texas

Well why not the democratic idiots want to get rid of ice anyway, this is what would basically happen without ICE so go at it trendy's.
Dump them n Austin, Texas.

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