Ice covers the Sahara Desert for just 4th time in 50 years

To much snow where I live, just went outside for a smoke.

I can find some that say different.

Which scientists don't acknowledge that CO2 plays a role in Earth's temperature?
Thats not really the issue. Its how big the role is. I mean, water vapor plays a huge role in earths temps. Many things do.
My problem is when the words "man made" come into the climate discussion.
Thats not really the issue. Its how big the role is.

Yes, but since humans do increase the amount of CO2 they do contribute to warming to some extent. There are no serious and relevant scientists that don't acknowledge that.
Cant watch the videos but i didnt see any evidence in the link. Just them basing their assumptions off of cherry picked data.

I really don't think all of these scientists are wrong about how CO2 works.

How does it work?
Does it cause warming or cooling?
Droughts or floods?
Higher crop yields or lower crop yields?
More hurricanes or fewer?
You're proof of leftist bs spew.
Tuesday's dusting marks the fourth time in 42 years that Ain Sefra has seen snow, with previous occurrences in 1979, 2016 and 2018

All deserts get surprisingly cold at night
Tuesday's dusting marks the fourth time in 42 years that Ain Sefra has seen snow, with previous occurrences in 1979, 2016 and 2018

All deserts get surprisingly cold at night
How can it keep getting surprisingly cold at night if every year with CO2 increasing, making the Earth heat up. Oh yeah, it isnt Globull Warming anymore, it is called Climate Change. The public education just keeps making morons like Stick here, so they can keep stealing our tax dollars so they can get rich off of them.....
Tuesday's dusting marks the fourth time in 42 years that Ain Sefra has seen snow, with previous occurrences in 1979, 2016 and 2018

All deserts get surprisingly cold at night
Surprise?? It's common knowlege old bean.

Ok. Ok. I confess. This was man made. I had a little extra time on my hand and felt the need for some tomfoolery. So, I said to myself, “Self,” I said, “how about snow in the Sahara?”

You’re all welcome.
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You don’t think that’s proof of climate change? This is why people like you are laughable
I have been here since the Marxists/Demofacists were claiming globull cooling. Then they decided that globull warming was the new stick, so they could rob people out of their gasoline taxes. But when the polar vortex brought really cold air, that wasnt supposed to be in the Arctic, then the Marxists/Demofacists had to call it climate change. This is why i call people like you lower than idiots. You are a Joe Biden voter, cant get anymore stupid than that.

I have been here since the Marxists/Demofacists were claiming globull cooling.
People claiming global cooling were not from one political party or the other. It wasn't a political thing. Who we would now call climate scientists never claimed that the world was going into another ice age.
Then they decided that globull warming was the new stick
No, they didn't. They simply followed the evidence as scientists do.

so they could rob people out of their gasoline taxes
Folks encouraging us to burn less gasoline are not motivated by your gasoline tax money.
But when the polar vortex brought really cold air, that wasnt supposed to be in the Arctic, then the Marxists/Demofacists had to call it climate change.
The polar vortex is one lobe of Rossby Waves in the jet stream that form when the temperature differential between the poles and the equator increases. The rapid warming of the Arctic created that differential and thus created the Rossby Waves which thus produced the polar vortex.
This is why i call people like you lower than idiots.
If you don't want to communicate with anyone, there's no need for you to post here. If you do, you should try to show some respect to other people. It takes two people with open minds to communicate.
You are a Joe Biden voter, cant get anymore stupid than that.
Sure you can. You could vote for He-Who-Shall-not-be-Named.
People claiming global cooling were not from one political party or the other. It wasn't a political thing. Who we would now call climate scientists never claimed that the world was going into another ice age.

No, they didn't. They simply followed the evidence as scientists do.

Folks encouraging us to burn less gasoline are not motivated by your gasoline tax money.

The polar vortex is one lobe of Rossby Waves in the jet stream that form when the temperature differential between the poles and the equator increases. The rapid warming of the Arctic created that differential and thus created the Rossby Waves which thus produced the polar vortex.

If you don't want to communicate with anyone, there's no need for you to post here. If you do, you should try to show some respect to other people. It takes two people with open minds to communicate.

Sure you can. You could vote for He-Who-Shall-not-be-Named.
Folks not motivated by my gasoline tax money, now they see uber profits by having black children in Africa dig the cobalt necessary for the EVs so like the Southern White Democrats of old, they subjugate blacks to do their dirty work, while they reap the profits from forcing the rest of US to buy a shit car that cant go far and burns up if it gets salt water under the carriage.

As for Polar Vortexes. When you fuckers said that the Polar ice caps were going to melt, that meant the water is to reach above 32 degrees. FACT. Polar Vortexes have temperatures below 0 degrees so dumbass, where is that cold coming from? Outer Space? All you guys do is lie, then when caught in a lie, you try to change the narrative by lying again. Must suck to be you, when no one believes you...

Folks not motivated by my gasoline tax money, now they see uber profits by having black children in Africa dig the cobalt necessary for the EVs so like the Southern White Democrats of old, they subjugate blacks to do their dirty work, while they reap the profits from forcing the rest of US to buy a shit car that cant go far and burns up if it gets salt water under the carriage.

As for Polar Vortexes. When you fuckers said that the Polar ice caps were going to melt, that meant the water is to reach above 32 degrees. FACT. Polar Vortexes have temperatures below 0 degrees so dumbass, where is that cold coming from? Outer Space? All you guys do is lie, then when caught in a lie, you try to change the narrative by lying again. Must suck to be you, when no one believes you...
I have not lied to you. No one is attempting to steal YOUR gasoline tax money. For one thing, you don't HAVE any gasoline tax money. Batteries are coming into production now that do not use cobalt. Tesla is already moving to a cobalt-free battery. No one is pushing EVs just to abuse African children. EVs aren't shit cars and they suffer fires FAR less often than do gasoline cars. The poles ARE melting but they are still a great deal colder than the American midwest. So, when the polar temperatures rise faster than they do at the equator and the jet stream turns into a sine wave and one of those arcs takes that still cold Arctic air down our way, it looks cold and nasty, but the planet as a whole is still getting warmer and warmer and warmer.

Did I change the narrative? No. Have I changed my story? No. Does the majority of humanity believe that the world is getting warmer and that manmade CO2 is the cause? Yes. Sorry if that hurts.

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