I wonder what the Conservitive Christian right thinks about this,

Palin was one of the candidates. :rolleyes:

Her children weren't.

Agreed. And any attacks on her children were unwarranted, but there were very few. The right has attacked Chelsea's looks since she was a child, and just about everything about Michelle since before Obama was elected. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Well the mooch brought it on herself, the bitch wasn't proud of her country until her hubby was nominated to run for president, US Senator wasn't enough reason for her to be proud. The heat she's received is well deserved. Once again, you regressives get all upset when you're painted with a broad brush, but you attempt to minimize it when your side does it. You want to play by Alinsky's rules, you got it.

My side? I've only ever supported Republicans. Trump isn't a Republican.

Yeah, but he ain't the hildabitch either. Nuff said.

And neither party will get my vote. The GOP would have had they nominated an actual conservative like Rand Paul.
This (well all of their posts and every single one of their fucking points) post is the perfect example of what scumbags every single left winger is. Like I said, all of their posts are.

They change right before your eyes. They are like chameleons. They shift like the sands of Egypt. There is no point in getting into any sort of debate with ANY of them. They stand for nothing, cause they will take both sides of every issue. When there is a third side or fourth in order for them to stick a thumb in the eye of a white Christian, they will take that side.

That, is the only thing they are about. They really do not care about ANYTHING else, other than destroying the white right wing Christian. Especially the white Christian male. ALL of their arguments and tactics (victimology) is about pitting the white Christian as the cause of ALL misery.

That is ALL they are about. Insult them every chance you get. They all deserve to have soft fresh hot shit smeared in all of their faces. Trying to get all logical with them is an exercise in pure futility. Don't waste your time being respectful with such bullshit artists. Especially when they start chiding down from their fake moral platitudes.

Just hope for the day when we can fucking unleash the falcon punch on them.

Both are protected. So sad for you, you live in a liberal nation..
He did not say anything about protection you fucking loser. His point is one of those actions are celebrated by you fucking losers and one is condemned by you fucking losers.

In fact, you fucking losers have tried and successfully banned any form of public prayer in many places you fucking loser.

Let me be more specific you fucking loser. You have defended all forms of muslim prayer. Oh you defend that, you fucking loser.

But any form of public CHRISTIAN prayer, and then you fucking losers protest.

You fucking pathetic loser.
God doesn't pick sides in football games. And prayer and not standing for the national anthem are both protected forms of speech although prayer-boy there might want to actually read what his fucking lord and savior said.

"Matthew 6:5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full." - Signed, Jesus.
Annnnd there you go, you fucking Goddamn LOSER!!!! Attacking Christian public prayer!!!!

You just got done saying it was PROTECTED and you fucking shift to say you support it being BANNED!!

FUCKING DIE! You are all fucking unreal pieces of shit!!!

Fuck you!
This (well all of their posts and every single one of their fucking points) post is the perfect example of what scumbags every single left winger is. Like I said, all of their posts are.

They change right before your eyes. They are like chameleons. They shift like the sands of Egypt. There is no point in getting into any sort of debate with ANY of them. They stand for nothing, cause they will take both sides of every issue. When there is a third side or fourth in order for them to stick a thumb in the eye of a white Christian, they will take that side.

That, is the only thing they are about. They really do not care about ANYTHING else, other than destroying the white right wing Christian. Especially the white Christian male. ALL of their arguments and tactics (victimology) is about pitting the white Christian as the cause of ALL misery.

That is ALL they are about. Insult them every chance you get. They all deserve to have soft fresh hot shit smeared in all of their faces. Trying to get all logical with them is an exercise in pure futility. Don't waste your time being respectful with such bullshit artists. Especially when they start chiding down from their fake moral platitudes.

Just hope for the day when we can fucking unleash the falcon punch on them.

Both are protected. So sad for you, you live in a liberal nation..
He did not say anything about protection you fucking loser. His point is one of those actions are celebrated by you fucking losers and one is condemned by you fucking losers.

In fact, you fucking losers have tried and successfully banned any form of public prayer in many places you fucking loser.

Let me be more specific you fucking loser. You have defended all forms of muslim prayer. Oh you defend that, you fucking loser.

But any form of public CHRISTIAN prayer, and then you fucking losers protest.

You fucking pathetic loser.
God doesn't pick sides in football games. And prayer and not standing for the national anthem are both protected forms of speech although prayer-boy there might want to actually read what his fucking lord and savior said.

"Matthew 6:5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full." - Signed, Jesus.
Annnnd there you go, you fucking Goddamn LOSER!!!! Attacking Christian public prayer!!!!

You just got done saying it was PROTECTED and you fucking shift to say you support it being BANNED!!

FUCKING DIE! You are all fucking unreal pieces of shit!!!

Fuck you!
Read Jesus. I allow for it while Jesus said don't do it. This footballer doing so makes him an asshole who also ignores the teachings of Jesus. Suck on that you little creep.
Her children weren't.

Agreed. And any attacks on her children were unwarranted, but there were very few. The right has attacked Chelsea's looks since she was a child, and just about everything about Michelle since before Obama was elected. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Well the mooch brought it on herself, the bitch wasn't proud of her country until her hubby was nominated to run for president, US Senator wasn't enough reason for her to be proud. The heat she's received is well deserved. Once again, you regressives get all upset when you're painted with a broad brush, but you attempt to minimize it when your side does it. You want to play by Alinsky's rules, you got it.

My side? I've only ever supported Republicans. Trump isn't a Republican.

Yeah, but he ain't the hildabitch either. Nuff said.

And neither party will get my vote. The GOP would have had they nominated an actual conservative like Rand Paul.

I'm a Cruz guy myself, but Trump is the only one that has a chance to stop the hildabitch form making supreme court nominations, to me that is the most important issue of this campaign. The court can do more to destroy the country than any candidate.
This (well all of their posts and every single one of their fucking points) post is the perfect example of what scumbags every single left winger is. Like I said, all of their posts are.

They change right before your eyes. They are like chameleons. They shift like the sands of Egypt. There is no point in getting into any sort of debate with ANY of them. They stand for nothing, cause they will take both sides of every issue. When there is a third side or fourth in order for them to stick a thumb in the eye of a white Christian, they will take that side.

That, is the only thing they are about. They really do not care about ANYTHING else, other than destroying the white right wing Christian. Especially the white Christian male. ALL of their arguments and tactics (victimology) is about pitting the white Christian as the cause of ALL misery.

That is ALL they are about. Insult them every chance you get. They all deserve to have soft fresh hot shit smeared in all of their faces. Trying to get all logical with them is an exercise in pure futility. Don't waste your time being respectful with such bullshit artists. Especially when they start chiding down from their fake moral platitudes.

Just hope for the day when we can fucking unleash the falcon punch on them.

Both are protected. So sad for you, you live in a liberal nation..
He did not say anything about protection you fucking loser. His point is one of those actions are celebrated by you fucking losers and one is condemned by you fucking losers.

In fact, you fucking losers have tried and successfully banned any form of public prayer in many places you fucking loser.

Let me be more specific you fucking loser. You have defended all forms of muslim prayer. Oh you defend that, you fucking loser.

But any form of public CHRISTIAN prayer, and then you fucking losers protest.

You fucking pathetic loser.
God doesn't pick sides in football games. And prayer and not standing for the national anthem are both protected forms of speech although prayer-boy there might want to actually read what his fucking lord and savior said.

"Matthew 6:5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full." - Signed, Jesus.
Annnnd there you go, you fucking Goddamn LOSER!!!! Attacking Christian public prayer!!!!

You just got done saying it was PROTECTED and you fucking shift to say you support it being BANNED!!

FUCKING DIE! You are all fucking unreal pieces of shit!!!

Fuck you!

The content of your post should be wearing a hockey helmet.
Both are protected. So sad for you, you live in a liberal nation..
He did not say anything about protection you fucking loser. His point is one of those actions are celebrated by you fucking losers and one is condemned by you fucking losers.

In fact, you fucking losers have tried and successfully banned any form of public prayer in many places you fucking loser.

Let me be more specific you fucking loser. You have defended all forms of muslim prayer. Oh you defend that, you fucking loser.

But any form of public CHRISTIAN prayer, and then you fucking losers protest.

You fucking pathetic loser.
God doesn't pick sides in football games. And prayer and not standing for the national anthem are both protected forms of speech although prayer-boy there might want to actually read what his fucking lord and savior said.

"Matthew 6:5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full." - Signed, Jesus.
Annnnd there you go, you fucking Goddamn LOSER!!!! Attacking Christian public prayer!!!!

You just got done saying it was PROTECTED and you fucking shift to say you support it being BANNED!!

FUCKING DIE! You are all fucking unreal pieces of shit!!!

Fuck you!
Read Jesus. I allow for it while Jesus said don't do it. This footballer doing so makes him an asshole who also ignores the teachings of Jesus. Suck on that you little creep.
He didn't day don't do it,he said don't if it's for this reason,we have no idea what is between God and Tebow.
Kinda shallow when someone on any given day could care less what Jesus taught,untill a perceived hit can be delivered, no credibility what so ever.
All the sudden the left wants morals....after clamoring for every perverted act known to be inclusive. What a joke
Yep. That's the first thing I thought.

Which ones supposed to be our next First Lady? How do we know it is anyway? Just two very attractive women.
All the sudden the left wants morals....after clamoring for every perverted act known to be inclusive. What a joke
Yep. That's the first thing I thought.

Which ones supposed to be our next First Lady? How do we know it is anyway? Just two very attractive women.

Please oh please if there is indeed a God in Heaven don't let pics of Hillary and Huma leak out
Answer my question honestly. I don't mean you in particular. Would the right try to use the same issues against a Democrat?
I honestly can't think of a Democrat politician that looks like her. But then, she's NOT a politician. She does seem to be very classy though.
Wow This is unbelievably successful , I wasn't sure but to show these clowns ugliness and bigotry and Hypocrisy is something wonderful, This is the real regressives that wrap themselves in the flag and the bible. This is fun.

View attachment 87349

I bet they support her 100%
Laura had reading, Michelle had health, Millania wants to fight for hot girl-on-girl action. It's gonna be yuuuuuge!

Personally I say fuck reading and health. I'm all for Melania's girl-on-girl initiative. :thup:
Me too. One good thing that's come out of the Trump candidacy, is that the right has completely abandoned their dumb social issues.
Ya now they are going for who they really are , the hate, ugliness and evil Trifecta
All the sudden the left wants morals....after clamoring for every perverted act known to be inclusive. What a joke

The point of the OP is the hypocrisy. You are kidding yourself if you think the right wouldn't jump on this in a second if it was a Democrat.

That goes both ways. I couldn't careless what she has done, she's not running for POTUS but hey while we're at being all moral and shit have you seen the nudes of Obamie's white trash mama? Now save the drama, it's stupid
The point of the OP is the hypocrisy. You are kidding yourself if you think the right wouldn't jump on this in a second if it was a Democrat.

That goes both ways. I couldn't careless what she has done, she's not running for POTUS but hey while we're at being all moral and shit have you seen the nudes of Obamie's white trash mama? Now save the drama, it's stupid

Be honest with yourself. If a Democrat's wife had posed nude and he himself had been through three marriages do you really think the right just wouldn't bring it up? When Weiner tweeted a picture of his dick they spent months talking about it.

I don't care. I want this nation to heal after 7 1/2 years of fuckups...this is nothing to me, it's all bigger than this.

Answer my question honestly. I don't mean you in particular. Would the right try to use the same issues against a Democrat?

Some would some wouldn't. That's as honest as I can get. Most people I know are sick of all of it, the division, the economy, the world wide mess...we want it to end. Obama has been a massive failure, Trump might be as bad but he won't be worse, it's not possible and I don't care if his wife did this. It's all noise, nothing more and nothing less
Thats the point , that is literally how sick your party is.
Imagine if we had photos of Hillary's husband engaging in sodomy in the freaking Oval Office but let your imagination be your guide. It must be easy to run as a democrat when you don't have to worry about Christian values or family values or even basic civilized behavior.
All the sudden the left wants morals....after clamoring for every perverted act known to be inclusive. What a joke

The point of the OP is the hypocrisy. You are kidding yourself if you think the right wouldn't jump on this in a second if it was a Democrat.

That goes both ways. I couldn't careless what she has done, she's not running for POTUS but hey while we're at being all moral and shit have you seen the nudes of Obamie's white trash mama? Now save the drama, it's stupid
That goes both ways. I couldn't careless what she has done, she's not running for POTUS but hey while we're at being all moral and shit have you seen the nudes of Obamie's white trash mama? Now save the drama, it's stupid

Be honest with yourself. If a Democrat's wife had posed nude and he himself had been through three marriages do you really think the right just wouldn't bring it up? When Weiner tweeted a picture of his dick they spent months talking about it.

I don't care. I want this nation to heal after 7 1/2 years of fuckups...this is nothing to me, it's all bigger than this.

Answer my question honestly. I don't mean you in particular. Would the right try to use the same issues against a Democrat?

Some would some wouldn't. That's as honest as I can get. Most people I know are sick of all of it, the division, the economy, the world wide mess...we want it to end. Obama has been a massive failure, Trump might be as bad but he won't be worse, it's not possible and I don't care if his wife did this. It's all noise, nothing more and nothing less
Thats the point , that is literally how sick your party is.

LOL Demoquacks rig a primary and you assholes don't bat an eye....GFY
Imagine if we had photos of Hillary's husband engaging in sodomy in the freaking Oval Office but let your imagination be your guide. It must be easy to run as a democrat when you don't have to worry about Christian values or family values or even basic civilized behavior.
This shit is great , every thing is ok with all of these hate everyone for every reason possible group.
Typical lib. You want to point out the past of Melaina Trump but totally ignore who might be the first husband or whatever the sexual predator would be called if his wife wins the election.
God doesn't pick sides in football games. And prayer and not standing for the national anthem are both protected forms of speech although prayer-boy there might want to actually read what his fucking lord and savior said.

"Matthew 6:5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full." - Signed, Jesus.
Apparently their "reward" is condemnation and ridicule to a very large percentage of the population.

You will be rewarded as well

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