I Wonder What Our UK Allies Think Of Pelosi As She Calls The GOP A 'Cult' While In The UK?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Called The Republican Party A 'Cult' While In The UK

Not long ago the president of the United States 'reassured' our allies at the G7 Summit that he would protect their citizens and make sure they were evacuated before leaving Afghanistan, the same promise he made to Americans.

Even more recently Biden broke both promises, betraying Americans and our allies by fleeing Afghanistan, leaving Americans and allies stranded, left to the 'mercy' of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS.

The British Parliament was to enraged and disgusted by this betrayal that they voted to hold President Biden in Contempt of Parliament AND vowed the UK would not participate in any military coalition or endeavor again as long as Biden remains as President. Biden destroyed his own personal credibility and the trust of our allies.

Now, while Speaker Pelosi - the 1st Speaker in US history to ever attempt 2 Impeachments, the 1st to attempt - and FAIL - to Impeach the same President TWICE, and the 1st Speaker in US history to attempt to Impeach a US President based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses BOTH times - was recently in the UK she publically called the Republican Party a 'Cult'.

Once again Democrats intentionally ignore the political tradition or NOT 'airing one's dirty laundry' / political differences on foreign soil. Pelosi could not help but take her Conservative-hating campaign across the pond and put it on display for our allies.....

....who remember extremely well her rabid defense of President Biden's lies and betrayal of British citizens in Afghanistan, forcing England to send in its own Special Forces to identify, locate, rescue, and evacuate not only its own citizens but rescuing Americans as well.

Imagine being a European politician in that audience and listening to this unhinged 81-year-old woman go off on an American political party. She went through a list of standard Democrat talking points against Republicans. She even tried to get the audience to believe that she has some Republican friends. Talk about gaslighting the audience. Who is she referring to, Adam Kinzinger? She wanted to make sure she called Republicans racist and against liberal gun control fantasies.

"Evidently Democrats (and snowflakes)have no problem with one of the top politicians in our govt going to a foreign nation, attacking an opposing party, calling Americans racist, trashing our citizens, and calling them a 'cult'.

Democrats trashing Republicans overseas is growing more routine. During the Trump administration, John Kerry and Joe Biden, as well as Barack Obama, felt empowered to cross the pond and spout off against him and his voters. Remember when Joe Biden assured his audience during a European conference that Trump wouldn’t be around much longer?"

Talk about 'POLITICAL THEATER'. Pelosi traveled all the way to the UK, on the American tax payer dime, to attack Republicans and lecture them in front of our allies, the Brits. Her rambling and ranting was not for the Republican Party, who were NOT watching, but was meant for her UK audience....A UK that has already vowed not to back the US any longer as Biden remains President...and nuts like Pelosi continue to defend him.

I would loved to have been in the Parliament listening to what they truly thought of her and her disgusting display of bashing her own nation while overseas.

“I say to my Republican friends and I do have some,” Pelosi said at an event in Cambridge, England, prompting laughter from the audience. “Take back your party. You’re the Grand Old Party of America, you’ve done wonderful things for our country. You now have been hijacked by a cult that is just not good for our country.”

A little context is always helpful.
I would hope that they would agree with her outside of her not being all inclusive and noting that the Democrats are a cult also.
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Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Called The Republican Party A 'Cult' While In The UK
She's chosen a safe time to say it. She could safely say the same thing in Canada too. Too many Americans are failing to appreciate the impact of the crazy R's in congress. That kind of crazy can work in America's situation but it can't work in any other country.
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Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Called The Republican Party A 'Cult' While In The UK

Not long ago the president of the United States 'reassured' our allies at the G7 Summit that he would protect their citizens and make sure they were evacuated before leaving Afghanistan, the same promise he made to Americans.

Even more recently Biden broke both promises, betraying Americans and our allies by fleeing Afghanistan, leaving Americans and allies stranded, left to the 'mercy' of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS.

The British Parliament was to enraged and disgusted by this betrayal that they voted to hold President Biden in Contempt of Parliament AND vowed the UK would not participate in any military coalition or endeavor again as long as Biden remains as President. Biden destroyed his own personal credibility and the trust of our allies.

Now, while Speaker Pelosi - the 1st Speaker in US history to ever attempt 2 Impeachments, the 1st to attempt - and FAIL - to Impeach the same President TWICE, and the 1st Speaker in US history to attempt to Impeach a US President based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses BOTH times - was recently in the UK she publically called the Republican Party a 'Cult'.

Once again Democrats intentionally ignore the political tradition or NOT 'airing one's dirty laundry' / political differences on foreign soil. Pelosi could not help but take her Conservative-hating campaign across the pond and put it on display for our allies.....

....who remember extremely well her rabid defense of President Biden's lies and betrayal of British citizens in Afghanistan, forcing England to send in its own Special Forces to identify, locate, rescue, and evacuate not only its own citizens but rescuing Americans as well.

Imagine being a European politician in that audience and listening to this unhinged 81-year-old woman go off on an American political party. She went through a list of standard Democrat talking points against Republicans. She even tried to get the audience to believe that she has some Republican friends. Talk about gaslighting the audience. Who is she referring to, Adam Kinzinger? She wanted to make sure she called Republicans racist and against liberal gun control fantasies.

"Evidently Democrats (and snowflakes)have no problem with one of the top politicians in our govt going to a foreign nation, attacking an opposing party, calling Americans racist, trashing our citizens, and calling them a 'cult'.

Democrats trashing Republicans overseas is growing more routine. During the Trump administration, John Kerry and Joe Biden, as well as Barack Obama, felt empowered to cross the pond and spout off against him and his voters. Remember when Joe Biden assured his audience during a European conference that Trump wouldn’t be around much longer?"

Talk about 'POLITICAL THEATER'. Pelosi traveled all the way to the UK, on the American tax payer dime, to attack Republicans and lecture them in front of our allies, the Brits. Her rambling and ranting was not for the Republican Party, who were NOT watching, but was meant for her UK audience....A UK that has already vowed not to back the US any longer as Biden remains President...and nuts like Pelosi continue to defend him.

I would loved to have been in the Parliament listening to what they truly thought of her and her disgusting display of bashing her own nation while overseas.

So, she is pretty much correct at the GOP is a cult, but wrong to air dirty laundry. I guest that doesn't include the new alliance with Great Britain and Australia.
Where did you get this? Hot Air? Oh, yes, just Hot Air. Com. Have a nice day.
“I say to my Republican friends and I do have some,” Pelosi said at an event in Cambridge, England, prompting laughter from the audience. “Take back your party. You’re the Grand Old Party of America, you’ve done wonderful things for our country. You now have been hijacked by a cult that is just not good for our country.”

A little context is always helpful.

Not really, the old commie anti-American bitch should do the country a favor and just die already.

“I say to my Republican friends and I do have some,” Pelosi said at an event in Cambridge, England, prompting laughter from the audience. “Take back your party. You’re the Grand Old Party of America, you’ve done wonderful things for our country. You now have been hijacked by a cult that is just not good for our country.”

A little context is always helpful.
Yes, it makes her sound even more guilty. She claims to have Republican friends and manages to spew nicities and a few platitudes, so no one would think she is the vile, Republican/Trump-hating bitch she is whoi is about to attack Americans on foreign soil and call them a 'cult'.

You didn't buy that BS as her being 'genuine', did you?

It would be nice if she was actually trying to mend the giant rip in our relationship with the UK after Xiden betrayed them in Afhgan...but no...she has to use it as political attack stunt.

With that said, at least she isn't having tea with Assad again
It would be nice if she was actually trying to mend the giant rip in our relationship with the UK after Xiden betrayed them in Afhgan...but no...she has to use it as political attack stunt.

With that said, at least she isn't having tea with Assad again
The UK!!! Did you see France rip traitor Joe a new asshole?

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