I was wrong

$1000 for the address and phone number of this woman...


867-5309 Her name is Jennie

Do you realize that every person who has the phone number 867-5309 in every area code in the U.S. is about to put a contract out on you for that. The dirty old man in the 813 area code had some choice words for Rightwinger about 10 minutes ago. Said I was the fifteenth call in less than an hour and he refused to let me speak with his Jennie.


Sorry about that Immie

I hear Jennie has been getting those calls for over 25 years. If anyone has a problem, my real name is Tommy Tutone
Funny comic :lol:

Do you have the one where the kids go to the republican's house and he takes all the candy from their labor and then kicks them off his porch?

thats wrong RW.....he let each kid have a hundred grand candy bar....after they complained that it wasnt enough,then he kicked them off his porch....

What I heard was that a democrat takes the candy from the kiddies and tells them that little Suzie doesn't have any. Then he proceeds to tell the little kiddies that Obama would be proud of them for giving up their candy.

It's a good illustration. I wonder how many will practice it?
$1000 for the address and phone number of this woman...


867-5309 Her name is Jennie

Do you realize that every person who has the phone number 867-5309 in every area code in the U.S. is about to put a contract out on you for that. The dirty old man in the 813 area code had some choice words for Rightwinger about 10 minutes ago. Said I was the fifteenth call in less than an hour and he refused to let me speak with his Jennie.


Her name is Adriana, wife of the NBA player Marko Jaric.

I would say, asking for her number is a decoy to get to him.

Come out!
When some are taking more than their share of the common wealth, more than they even need, that is theft. Whether stolen by legal or illegal means, it is still theft.

what the hell is "the Common Wealth"?....:eusa_eh:

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. ~MARX


I think this is what the OP means, and the premise of the thread.

screw that shit....if i wanna help someone out i will....but there are to many shysters out there....acting like they are in need when they are not.....if you know what i mean......
what the hell is "the Common Wealth"?....:eusa_eh:

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. ~MARX


I think this is what the OP means, and the premise of the thread.

screw that shit....if i wanna help someone out i will....but there are to many shysters out there....acting like they are in need when they are not.....if you know what i mean......

Indeed I DO...and on my terms...NOT the Governments'.

Well stated.
When I said the top 10% of our nation owns more wealth than the bottom 90% combined, it's actually the top 1%. That's ONE.

FDL News Desk » Goldman Sachs Vice-Chair: People Must “Tolerate the Inequality”

I can’t speak for Britain, but here in America we have been tolerating the inequality for quite a while. In America, the richest 1% hold more wealth than the bottom 90% combined and are making the largest share of national income since right before the stock market crash in 1928. Executives receive one-third of all compensation in the US. Over the last five years, executives received a 48% increase while wages for everyone else were flat. The gap between the rich and the poor tripled between 1979 and 2006. And this trend has continued even during the current recession.


I think it's passed time for the rest of us to stop putting up with our wealth being stolen from us while the super wealthy get even richer at our expense and the expense of our children. No country can long survive with the majority of it's wealth in the hands of a few. When are we, as Americans going to realize that and actually do something about it?

Ah...the Reagan Revolution.....
When I said the top 10% of our nation owns more wealth than the bottom 90% combined, it's actually the top 1%. That's ONE.

FDL News Desk » Goldman Sachs Vice-Chair: People Must “Tolerate the Inequality”

I can’t speak for Britain, but here in America we have been tolerating the inequality for quite a while. In America, the richest 1% hold more wealth than the bottom 90% combined and are making the largest share of national income since right before the stock market crash in 1928. Executives receive one-third of all compensation in the US. Over the last five years, executives received a 48% increase while wages for everyone else were flat. The gap between the rich and the poor tripled between 1979 and 2006. And this trend has continued even during the current recession.


I think it's passed time for the rest of us to stop putting up with our wealth being stolen from us while the super wealthy get even richer at our expense and the expense of our children. No country can long survive with the majority of it's wealth in the hands of a few. When are we, as Americans going to realize that and actually do something about it?

Ah...the Reagan Revolution.....

Chris? WHY in the Hell do you embarrass yourself like you do? The Economic uptick we experienced after Carter was DUE to Reagan...whether *YOU* want to admit it or not.
When I said the top 10% of our nation owns more wealth than the bottom 90% combined, it's actually the top 1%. That's ONE.

FDL News Desk » Goldman Sachs Vice-Chair: People Must “Tolerate the Inequality”

I can’t speak for Britain, but here in America we have been tolerating the inequality for quite a while. In America, the richest 1% hold more wealth than the bottom 90% combined and are making the largest share of national income since right before the stock market crash in 1928. Executives receive one-third of all compensation in the US. Over the last five years, executives received a 48% increase while wages for everyone else were flat. The gap between the rich and the poor tripled between 1979 and 2006. And this trend has continued even during the current recession.


I think it's passed time for the rest of us to stop putting up with our wealth being stolen from us while the super wealthy get even richer at our expense and the expense of our children. No country can long survive with the majority of it's wealth in the hands of a few. When are we, as Americans going to realize that and actually do something about it?

Ah...the Reagan Revolution.....

Chris? WHY in the Hell do you embarrass yourself like you do? The Economic uptick we experienced after Carter was DUE to Reagan...whether *YOU* want to admit it or not.

The economic uptick was do to the North Shore oil that began to flow...

Reagan DOUBLED the National Debt...
Ah...the Reagan Revolution.....

Chris? WHY in the Hell do you embarrass yourself like you do? The Economic uptick we experienced after Carter was DUE to Reagan...whether *YOU* want to admit it or not.

The economic uptick was do to the North Shore oil that began to flow...

Reagan DOUBLED the National Debt...

and you doubled the amount of water on your brain.
And of course no one ever asks why it is that Joe blow is having such a hell of a time making ends meet. They just assume that it must be because the super wealthy are stealing it from them when the reality is that aqll these damn rules and regualtions the left lays on the business world are in point of fact killing the job market and labor like everything else is subject to the laws of supply and demand.

You want to see real wages go up create freaking jobs. The more jobs there are begging for workers the more the corporate honchos will have to pay for someone's services. Get the bastards bidding against each other for your services - not just here but internationally and you'll see wages go up and all the minimum wage laes and high taxes and everything else just prevents that from happening.
And of course no one ever asks why it is that Joe blow is having such a hell of a time making ends meet. They just assume that it must be because the super wealthy are stealing it from them when the reality is that aqll these damn rules and regualtions the left lays on the business world are in point of fact killing the job market and labor like everything else is subject to the laws of supply and demand.

You want to see real wages go up create freaking jobs. The more jobs there are begging for workers the more the corporate honchos will have to pay for someone's services. Get the bastards bidding against each other for your services - not just here but internationally and you'll see wages go up and all the minimum wage laes and high taxes and everything else just prevents that from happening.

The derivative bubble allowed the super wealthy to steal all the retirement savings of the average American.

At one point the top 26 hedge fund managers were averaging $826 million dollars a year in income.

CNBC had a great special about this entitled, "Untold Wealth, The Rise of the Super Rich."
And of course no one ever asks why it is that Joe blow is having such a hell of a time making ends meet. They just assume that it must be because the super wealthy are stealing it from them when the reality is that aqll these damn rules and regualtions the left lays on the business world are in point of fact killing the job market and labor like everything else is subject to the laws of supply and demand.

You want to see real wages go up create freaking jobs. The more jobs there are begging for workers the more the corporate honchos will have to pay for someone's services. Get the bastards bidding against each other for your services - not just here but internationally and you'll see wages go up and all the minimum wage laes and high taxes and everything else just prevents that from happening.

The derivative bubble allowed the super wealthy to steal all the retirement savings of the average American.

At one point the top 26 hedge fund managers were averaging $826 million dollars a year in income.

CNBC had a great special about this entitled, "Untold Wealth, The Rise of the Super Rich."

what about the bubble in your brain? When did that burst?
In a word Chris baloney Bill Gates and Buffet are both super rich without ever having bothered with derivatives. And alot of the rich got hurt badly when the derivatives market flattened.
and where the heck are the changes to keep this from happening again? obama's been in office 9 months....congress needs to address this....the world is wondering why we have not....?
More Socialism rhetoric.

Not at all. This is a basic rot in the framework of the Capitalistic economy. When good work ethics, when improving skills, no longer pays, there is no reason to have or do either. When you have people that are actually driving previously healthy companies into the ground, and getting multi-million dollar bonuses for their efforts, what incentative is there for acountability on the factory floor?

This rot will destroy this nation if it is not stopped.

What is the "rot" that you cite? For decades, due to the state of the world, the USA was dominant economically. Even with the re-emerganence of some European powers and Japan.

Now comes Korea and China and India and they are providing better value. Why? They can produce more EFFICIENTLY than the USA can produce. You call this cheap labor. It is really efficiency. If you can buy one of two choices of absolutely equal quality but one is significantly less expensive, the less expensive one is a better value and therefore should be your choice.

For decades, the USA provided the better value. It no longer does this.

No big conspiracy. No big mystery. American products are often more expensive than the competition and often lower quality. Higher expense with lower quality equals bad value.

When there is bad value in an American car, what is the solution? Start a campaign talking about quality being job 1, and how it is UN-American to buy a foreign car.

When there is bad value in a Korean car, what is the solution? First, lower the price, then offer a 100,000 mile bumper to bumper warrenty that covers everything from an engine failing to a driver that runs out of gas.

The Americans say that there must be something wrong with the buyer and the Koreans say there must be something wrong with the car.

American know how has become American impudence. If American products were the best value products, they would outsell all others. They don't. They aren't.

At some point, no matter how beautiful the theory, the results must be examined.
How does one get their wealth stolen from them? Esp. when they pay no taxes. While the rich may be getting richer (or were) so were the poor. How many poor people own cell phones and have cable TV? Do the poor in socialistic countries enjoy these luxuries?

Who says the middle class is paying no taxes. I think you've got things a bit bacwards, The corporations (you know, the rich guys) move their wealth offshore... and hide it in trusts... and set up complex tax structures that middle class people can't even begin to imagine. You'd do well to read Auditor's post, because he's got it right.

When I was starting out, I worked two minimum wage jobs. It never occurred to me that someone had actually taken the money I never had. Liberal math again.

And I walked ten miles back and forth to school in ice storms with bare feet. *rolls eyes*

(no not really).

Right wing intentional misrepresentation at its best.

Can't you respond to what was actually said instead of what you want to pretend was said?
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Code you asked the correct question about the derivatives, and that's one that both sides are wiling to fix but since neither gets andy political points because both are on board like with most of the rest of the Republic it gets put on the back burner. The real question is why did the derivatives suddenly become essentially valueless overnight? Keep in mind the had the fall been slower the companies would have time to react and cushion their fall as it was the seemingly overnight collapse caught everyone with their hands in the cookie jar.

Stuff and nonsense Jillian. A being wealth has nothing whatever to do withy B's poverty. There is no connection. Define middle class in this country in terms of dollars.
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When enough people gain no benefit from being members of a society, there will soon BE no society.

Somethig to at least consider:

It's not a mere coincidence that the USA has to have the largest population of prisoners on the planet, folks.
More Socialism rhetoric.

Not at all. This is a basic rot in the framework of the Capitalistic economy. When good work ethics, when improving skills, no longer pays, there is no reason to have or do either. When you have people that are actually driving previously healthy companies into the ground, and getting multi-million dollar bonuses for their efforts, what incentative is there for acountability on the factory floor?

This rot will destroy this nation if it is not stopped.

What is the "rot" that you cite? For decades, due to the state of the world, the USA was dominant economically. Even with the re-emerganence of some European powers and Japan.

Now comes Korea and China and India and they are providing better value. Why? They can produce more EFFICIENTLY than the USA can produce. You call this cheap labor. It is really efficiency. If you can buy one of two choices of absolutely equal quality but one is significantly less expensive, the less expensive one is a better value and therefore should be your choice.

For decades, the USA provided the better value. It no longer does this.

No big conspiracy. No big mystery. American products are often more expensive than the competition and often lower quality. Higher expense with lower quality equals bad value.

When there is bad value in an American car, what is the solution? Start a campaign talking about quality being job 1, and how it is UN-American to buy a foreign car.

When there is bad value in a Korean car, what is the solution? First, lower the price, then offer a 100,000 mile bumper to bumper warrenty that covers everything from an engine failing to a driver that runs out of gas.

The Americans say that there must be something wrong with the buyer and the Koreans say there must be something wrong with the car.

American know how has become American impudence. If American products were the best value products, they would outsell all others. They don't. They aren't.

At some point, no matter how beautiful the theory, the results must be examined.

The results have been examined. We pay our CEOs more than any other nation on earth. We pay them no matter what the results.

But we put the blame for the failure of the system on the fellow working on the factory floor, in spite of the fact that the level of wages in real money terms has been about level for the last 30 years.

The fellow assembling the car does not make the decision as to the quality of the car, that is done by the upper management.

The rot is exactly where I said it was. No accountability for the people making the decisions, no reward for those actually doing the work.

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