I was asked if there were any negative aspects of Trump. I couldn't think of one issue with President Trump.


Gold Member
May 28, 2020
The libtard asking me that question said that I was proof I suffered from some Obsessive Trump Disorder (OTD). I looked up OTD and it's not a real thing. Why do libs always lie about and make up stuff? Just because President Trump is beyond compare in every possible way, and everything he does is done perfectly (phone calls, healthcare plans, building walls, etc), that means we're delusional because we acknowledge that he is basically the closest thing we've had to a messiah in over 2000 years?

Can anyone who isn't suffering from TDS (bigoted anti-trumpers need not apply) tell me one negative thing about President Trump? No, you cannot, because if you did then you need not apply because you're a fake Trump supporter who doesn't realize all he has done for us. I can't think of a single thing President Trump has done wrong or been wrong about. Compare this to Obama who did everything wrong and didn't do a damn thing right. Biden is following suit in doing nothing right by not conceding the election to Trump on Nov. 2nd. Instead he decided to put the entire country through this mess because he's too much a child to admit he was defeated. Had he conceded on Nov 2nd then we as a country would have already moved forward toward preparing our laws for a 2024 President Trump run. But nope, Biden had to make it all about himself.
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The libtard asking me that question said that I was proof I suffered from some Obsessive Trump Disorder (OTD). I looked up OTD and it's not a real thing. Why do libs always lie about make up stuff? Just because President Trump is beyond compare in every possible way, and everything he does is done perfectly (phone calls, healthcare plans, building walls, etc), that means we're delusional because we acknowledge that he is basically the closest thing we've had to a messiah in over 2000 years?

Can anyone who isn't suffering from TDS (bigoted anti-trumpers need not apply) tell me one negative thing about President Trump? No, you cannot, because if you did then you need not apply and you're a fake Trump supporter who doesn't realize all he has done for us. I can't think of a single thing President Trump has done wrong or been wrong about. Compare this to Obama who did everything wrong and didn't do a damn thing right. Biden is following suit in doing nothing right by not conceding the election to Trump on Nov. 2nd. Instead he decided to put the entire country through this mess because he's too much a child to admit he was defeated. Had he conceded on Nov 2nd then we as a country would have already moved forward toward preparing our laws for a 2024 President Trump run. But nope, Biden had to make it all about himself.
Wait hold up... did you just say that somebody told you that you had OTD and you actually looked it up to see if it was a real thing? And now you’re mad at them for lying to you?!?! Haha, can’t make this stuff up! Go Trump!
The libtard asking me that question said that I was proof I suffered from some Obsessive Trump Disorder (OTD). I looked up OTD and it's not a real thing. Why do libs always lie about and make up stuff? Just because President Trump is beyond compare in every possible way, and everything he does is done perfectly (phone calls, healthcare plans, building walls, etc), that means we're delusional because we acknowledge that he is basically the closest thing we've had to a messiah in over 2000 years?

Can anyone who isn't suffering from TDS (bigoted anti-trumpers need not apply) tell me one negative thing about President Trump? No, you cannot, because if you did then you need not apply because you're a fake Trump supporter who doesn't realize all he has done for us. I can't think of a single thing President Trump has done wrong or been wrong about. Compare this to Obama who did everything wrong and didn't do a damn thing right. Biden is following suit in doing nothing right by not conceding the election to Trump on Nov. 2nd. Instead he decided to put the entire country through this mess because he's too much a child to admit he was defeated. Had he conceded on Nov 2nd then we as a country would have already moved forward toward preparing our laws for a 2024 President Trump run. But nope, Biden had to make it all about himself.
This is excellent satire, well done.
The libtard asking me that question said that I was proof I suffered from some Obsessive Trump Disorder (OTD). I looked up OTD and it's not a real thing. Why do libs always lie about and make up stuff? Just because President Trump is beyond compare in every possible way, and everything he does is done perfectly (phone calls, healthcare plans, building walls, etc), that means we're delusional because we acknowledge that he is basically the closest thing we've had to a messiah in over 2000 years?

Can anyone who isn't suffering from TDS (bigoted anti-trumpers need not apply) tell me one negative thing about President Trump? No, you cannot, because if you did then you need not apply because you're a fake Trump supporter who doesn't realize all he has done for us. I can't think of a single thing President Trump has done wrong or been wrong about. Compare this to Obama who did everything wrong and didn't do a damn thing right. Biden is following suit in doing nothing right by not conceding the election to Trump on Nov. 2nd. Instead he decided to put the entire country through this mess because he's too much a child to admit he was defeated. Had he conceded on Nov 2nd then we as a country would have already moved forward toward preparing our laws for a 2024 President Trump run. But nope, Biden had to make it all about himself.
You probably should have put this in Political Satire so as not to confuse some folks.
The libtard asking me that question said that I was proof I suffered from some Obsessive Trump Disorder (OTD). I looked up OTD and it's not a real thing. Why do libs always lie about and make up stuff? Just because President Trump is beyond compare in every possible way, and everything he does is done perfectly (phone calls, healthcare plans, building walls, etc), that means we're delusional because we acknowledge that he is basically the closest thing we've had to a messiah in over 2000 years?

Can anyone who isn't suffering from TDS (bigoted anti-trumpers need not apply) tell me one negative thing about President Trump? No, you cannot, because if you did then you need not apply because you're a fake Trump supporter who doesn't realize all he has done for us. I can't think of a single thing President Trump has done wrong or been wrong about. Compare this to Obama who did everything wrong and didn't do a damn thing right. Biden is following suit in doing nothing right by not conceding the election to Trump on Nov. 2nd. Instead he decided to put the entire country through this mess because he's too much a child to admit he was defeated. Had he conceded on Nov 2nd then we as a country would have already moved forward toward preparing our laws for a 2024 President Trump run. But nope, Biden had to make it all about himself.

Hiring Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions as AG?

Not making a deal on DACA?

Sticking his nose into fights that had nothing to do with running the country? Like the NFL problems, or feuds with celebrities?

Suggesting we put Soc Sec into deeper current deficits by enacting payroll tax breaks?

Don't know why I'm responded to a mental case that believes that Biden should have conceded on Nov 2nd. But I am...
The libtard asking me that question said that I was proof I suffered from some Obsessive Trump Disorder (OTD). I looked up OTD and it's not a real thing. Why do libs always lie about and make up stuff?
It is more real than TDS!
Why do CON$ always lie about shit and make up stuff?
The libtard asking me that question said that I was proof I suffered from some Obsessive Trump Disorder (OTD). I looked up OTD and it's not a real thing. Why do libs always lie about and make up stuff? Just because President Trump is beyond compare in every possible way, and everything he does is done perfectly (phone calls, healthcare plans, building walls, etc), that means we're delusional because we acknowledge that he is basically the closest thing we've had to a messiah in over 2000 years?

Can anyone who isn't suffering from TDS (bigoted anti-trumpers need not apply) tell me one negative thing about President Trump? No, you cannot, because if you did then you need not apply because you're a fake Trump supporter who doesn't realize all he has done for us. I can't think of a single thing President Trump has done wrong or been wrong about. Compare this to Obama who did everything wrong and didn't do a damn thing right. Biden is following suit in doing nothing right by not conceding the election to Trump on Nov. 2nd. Instead he decided to put the entire country through this mess because he's too much a child to admit he was defeated. Had he conceded on Nov 2nd then we as a country would have already moved forward toward preparing our laws for a 2024 President Trump run. But nope, Biden had to make it all about himself.
Donald Trump is not perfect. He can be irritable and he is not always diplomatic. However, he is smart, works hard, and he loves America and Americans. That's enough for me.
The libtard asking me that question said that I was proof I suffered from some Obsessive Trump Disorder (OTD). I looked up OTD and it's not a real thing. Why do libs always lie about and make up stuff? Just because President Trump is beyond compare in every possible way, and everything he does is done perfectly (phone calls, healthcare plans, building walls, etc), that means we're delusional because we acknowledge that he is basically the closest thing we've had to a messiah in over 2000 years?

Can anyone who isn't suffering from TDS (bigoted anti-trumpers need not apply) tell me one negative thing about President Trump? No, you cannot, because if you did then you need not apply because you're a fake Trump supporter who doesn't realize all he has done for us. I can't think of a single thing President Trump has done wrong or been wrong about. Compare this to Obama who did everything wrong and didn't do a damn thing right. Biden is following suit in doing nothing right by not conceding the election to Trump on Nov. 2nd. Instead he decided to put the entire country through this mess because he's too much a child to admit he was defeated. Had he conceded on Nov 2nd then we as a country would have already moved forward toward preparing our laws for a 2024 President Trump run. But nope, Biden had to make it all about himself.
Donald Trump is not perfect. He can be irritable and he is not always diplomatic. However, he is smart, works hard, and he loves America and Americans. That's enough for me.
It wasn't enough for most of us.

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