May 2005
by: Rebeccah Ramey
by: Rebeccah Ramey
Its bad enough that President Bushs pick for Ambassador to the UN, Secretary John Bolton, has been viciously berated by Democrats, but I could barely sit still when I heard what Senator George Voinovich (R-OH) had to say about him. Secretary Bolton has been accused of being, among other things, an arrogant bullying man with his own hard-line opinions and abrasive managerial style." Mr. Voinovich listened to the Democrat members on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee describe Secretary Bolton this way, and was convinced that this made him unfit to hold the position of Ambassador to the United Nations. Okay, to be fair, these werent the only reasons. Secretary Bolton was also accused of improperly manipulating intelligence while holding the position as under secretary of state (in which he has received three Senate confirmations). The reason I didnt mention this one at first, is because it is the only accusation that has been absolutely proven to be completely and utterly false. Actually, I dont think anyone is disputing that Mr. Bolton does indeed have his own hard-line opinions, interpretations, and less than ginger approach to managing those who work for him. Now let us consider the job for which he has received the nomination from the Chief Executor of our country, as well as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
As ambassador to the United Nations, Mr. Bolton will represent the President and the people of the United States to the United Nations. The same United Nations involved in the Oil for Food scandal, the same United Nations made to look like a clown by Saddam Hussein (until the President finally said enough is enough, there is nothing funny about letting a despotic, waste of a man, mass murderer call the shots and thumb his nose at anything the United States is a part of), the same United Nations whose aim is to engage freedom-loving, lawful nations in discussions and agreements, in an effort to accomplish security for the interests of the United States and the interests of the other members of the diplomatic alliance. Secretary Bolton has been accused of having little to none of the skills required for diplomacy. Well, whatever is needed for diplomacy, Indiana Republican Senator Richard Lugar, pointed out that Secretary Bolton must know something about them. In the Senate Foreign Relations hearing, Mr. Lugar said:
At the core of any nomination process is the question of whether the nominee is qualified to undertake the task for which he or she is nominated. I have no doubts that Secretary Bolton is extremely well- qualified He has just served four years in a key undersecretary position that technically outranks the post for which he is now nominated He was the primary negotiator in the creation of the successful Proliferation Security Initiative and the landmark Moscow Treaty. He played a large role in the agreement with Libya on the surrender of that nations WMD programs, and the 10-plus-10-over-10 agreement that resulted in $10 billion in pledges from the other G-8 countries to secure the Soviet weapons of mass destruction arsenal