I want as much information on vote fraud 2020 as I can get...

I mean, as an individual I am non-politically biased that is to say that I have my preferences in theory but I don't vote "straight ticket" because I may like portions of one party's platform but not another part. I don't vote for the same party every election if "my party" doesn't represent my view any longer. I cannot be called a "rightest" or a "leftist" because I lean in favour of what I feel is best on a specific issue only.

Is that even possible?
I don't know. That is how I view the situation from my point. Maybe some of that will be realized at some point or maybe it is just a non-starter. The time will show.
I'm not sure how you mean that so I'll guess. Personally, I like Trump and I thoroughly dislike Hillary Clinton. Biden seems to me to be just as stupid as Hillary sans the mouth. When I first saw Trump on TV I thought he was a clown but I eventually began to warm up to him and he turned out (as far as I can see) to be a decent guy. He's got brains and he's smart which are attributes neither Hillary nor Biden possesses. So I initially shared your view about the embarrassment of having to choose between Trump and Hillary but I soon changed my attitude and that applies to Trump-Biden as well because I do not see Biden has being able to hold a candle up to Donald Trump. In the end, I guess I do not agree with you.
yeh, i wasn't thrilled w/ Trump at 1sst either but... as time went by

and esp after he showed us that he could keep his campaign promises... and actually get important things DONE for the usa... no wonder most Rs call him Best president ever

Trump 24
yeh, i wasn't thrilled w/ Trump at 1sst either but... as time went by

and esp after he showed us that he could keep his campaign promises... and actually get important things DONE for the usa... no wonder most Rs call him Best president ever

Trump 24
I agree with you. :)
RE what in particular?

T r u m p
That Trump (for many, including me) only looked good compared with Hillary Clinton .... the best of two nincompoops ..... but he turned out to be far better than anyone thought he'd be. 2024? Why not? I don't see anyone else worth the job. He started draining the swamp and he deserves the chance to finish it. No one else wants to do it.

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