I venture to guess Rep. Ilhan Omar was right

They should be made to pay Syria big bucks for the land of which they have been using since the 6 day war.

Sorry, but there are unpleasant consequences for starting a war you can’t win. Losing soldiers, equipment and territory are all on that list.

Well in that case Germany should now be part of the US, and Rome should still own Israel. We should control Iraq.

It has never been a law internationally that you get the land you fight a war on wins the land.

International law? No sovereign nation is subject to it. Syria attacked, Syria lost. Tough shit
They should be made to pay Syria big bucks for the land of which they have been using since the 6 day war.

Sorry, but there are unpleasant consequences for starting a war you can’t win. Losing soldiers, equipment and territory are all on that list.

Well in that case Germany should now be part of the US, and Rome should still own Israel. We should control Iraq.

It has never been a law internationally that you get the land you fight a war on wins the land.

International law? No sovereign nation is subject to it. Syria attacked, Syria lost. Tough shit

Are you pro Russia taking Crimea with force, how about Russia taking Israel and becoming the 2nd Russia. How about Russia annexing Syria, or Iran overthrowing Israel.
Its true, Tramp spoke to Republicans and talked about their PM (Bibi) to American Jews. You must know who they put first, Israel.
They should be made to pay Syria big bucks for the land of which they have been using since the 6 day war.

Sorry, but there are unpleasant consequences for starting a war you can’t win. Losing soldiers, equipment and territory are all on that list.

Well in that case Germany should now be part of the US, and Rome should still own Israel. We should control Iraq.

It has never been a law internationally that you get the land you fight a war on wins the land.

International law? No sovereign nation is subject to it. Syria attacked, Syria lost. Tough shit

Are you pro Russia taking Crimea with force, how about Russia taking Israel and becoming the 2nd Russia. How about Russia annexing Syria, or Iran overthrowing Israel.

You see that as an intelligent reply?
Make up you mind, the KKK is all Christians, and the Democrats are all Satanist. LOL
The most popular and powerful Democrats, KKK included, pretend to be Christians.

If you get confused again, just remember real Christians never support the Democrats' slavery, killing innocent children, or lynchings.
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Pres.Trump isn't unique in fawning over the terrorist state of Israel and its zionist psychopath rulers.

Every American president for the last several decades has kowtowed to AIPAC demands and adjusted U.S. foreign policy to whatever is best for Israel, regardless of how damaging it is to America. ... :cool:
Go Israel, defeat the Satan worshipping mooslime.
My views have changed one way or the other on Israel over the years. The fact is there are still several million people living there. I believe there is corruption in the Israeli government. But so are we. When Trump met Neti the first time to improve relations with Israel, Neti looked relieved in a humble way. He did not look arrogant and like he was owed or controlling. In future years with the Progs relations with Israel will be affected even though the globalists consider Israel and that region the most important part of the world with its history and three religions merging there.
Its true, Tramp spoke to Republicans and talked about their PM (Bibi) to American Jews. You must know who they put first, Israel.
You mean Trump actually spoke to Americans about a foreign leader?

My views have changed one way or the other on Israel over the years. The fact is there are still several million people living there. I believe there is corruption in the Israeli government. But so are we. When Trump met Neti the first time to improve relations with Israel, Neti looked relieved in a humble way. He did not look arrogant and like he was owed or controlling. In future years with the Progs relations with Israel will be affected even though the globalists consider Israel and that region the most important part of the world with its history and three religions merging there.

what you never heard by the lobbyists corporate controlled media here in the western world is citizens in Isreal who try and fight the corruption of their government and want it reformed,are either being murdered or sent off to jail.You never hear any of those facts of course other than the alternative news not controlled by them. thank god for alternative media,the truth would never get out if not for them.

You have that totally backwards.
The KKK supports Israel, because they both hate Arabs and Muslims.
Israel is likely the single most racist country in the world.
No, the KKK supports Hammas and hates Jews. Just like all Democrats.
The kkk was always a democrat controled group when they numbered a milli9n or more.
Now they are a pathic small group very small 5000 members estimated natiion wide while mostly a democrat group there were that many in most local communities.

The bigger groups of white supremist that are known for links to terriosm suck as the national alliance want jews dead.

What you fail to understand is that radical hate groups had reduced in size and power.
Count how many muslims hate jews its in the hundreds of millions do you really know who your defending. You see Most republicans dislike all groups who preach hate be they black muslim white jewish arab Eskimo Asian it doesn't matter.

Democrats only seem to focus on white republicans which are a minority while they ignore the deaths and abuses of others on not just adult men but children and women both abroad and at home
AIPAC among other jewish groups in the US have Trump in their pocket. Trump is bought and always has been. Money is his motivation.
Not exactly…

Representative Omar is correct in that the Israeli lobby enjoys an undue and unwarranted influence in American politics – Mideast policy in particular.

She’s correct that the American right and GOP have pandered to and have appeased the Israeli lobby to the detriment of American foreign policy in the ME.

And she’s correct that important, good faith debate concerning Israel’s policies and the influence of the Israeli lobby is prevented by reckless, irresponsible, and untrue accusations of ‘anti-Semitism.’

Trump is no different than most others on the right in his pandering to, and appeasement of. the Israeli lobby for some perceived partisan gain.
It's funny how you guys don't seem to be bothered by agreeing with the KKK.

And by "funny", I mean "pathetic".

You have that totally backwards.
The KKK supports Israel, because they both hate Arabs and Muslims.
Israel is likely the single most racist country in the world.

That is silly.
Israel is anti-Semitic, not people who criticize Zionist zealots.


Logic and common sense like that never registers with the Israel lovers.:abgg2q.jpg:

You have that totally backwards.
The KKK supports Israel, because they both hate Arabs and Muslims.
Israel is likely the single most racist country in the world.

You're overloading the Israel apologists brains with pesky facts they are going to have a hear attack any second here.LOL
Do you really think you demonstrating your irrational hatred will give anyone a cardiac condition?

You deserve nothing but pity.
AIPAC among other jewish groups in the US have Trump in their pocket. Trump is bought and always has been. Money is his motivation.
What, you demented troll? What happened to Trump being in Putins pocket?

do you always insult when you cant refute facts?

Trump was never in Putins pocket,she was wrong about that but the facts are crystal clear that traiter Trump is no different than traiters Bush and Obama,same as them,he is an ass kisser of warmonger Israel.
As stated many times, and proven over and over, you scum dont deal with facts.

you scum ignore pesky facts that Israel is a warmonger and Trump is a traiter to americans cause of that,you love that faucking triter trump so much who i REALLY thought was going to be different than bush and obama but has proven he is the same by his actions.go over to Israel andlive with them since you love their war mongering ways so much traiter.
Ladies and gentlemen, ^^^^^ this is what it looks like when someone shits their pants in incoherent rage.

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