I took a healthy chunk out of my middle finger today

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Bout the size of a sunflower seed and roughly 3/16ths deep. Wrestling with some copper pipe.
Why is it the littlest injuries seem to bleed the most? Damn thing bled for several hours. Didn't help that I kept banging in on shit all day at work.

Right on the knuckle so flipping liberals the finger is now on hiatus lol
Bout the size of a sunflower seed and roughly 3/16ths deep. Wrestling with some copper pipe.
Why is it the littlest injuries seem to bleed the most? Damn thing bled for several hours. Didn't help that I kept banging in on shit all day at work.

Right on the knuckle so flipping liberals the finger is now on hiatus lol
Ouch. Be careful! Hand injuries are the worst for me, and I've had my share of them.
Bout the size of a sunflower seed and roughly 3/16ths deep. Wrestling with some copper pipe.
Why is it the littlest injuries seem to bleed the most? Damn thing bled for several hours. Didn't help that I kept banging in on shit all day at work.

Right on the knuckle so flipping liberals the finger is now on hiatus lol
If it were me, I'd flip them the bloody finger and yell, "Guess where the blood came from!"
Nothing to sew up. It took it all away. Kinda like how you scoop ice cream. Just wrapped it up and kept on going. Not much you can do when the top layers are just gone ya know
My brother had a similar injury only it was the nail bed of his fingernail, and he was on anticoagulants at the time. Serious bleeding! Hope you got it calmed down.
Worst I ever cut a finger was the time I was washing dishes back in 1979. I pushed the dishrag into the glass, gave it a twist, and the damned glass broke. Cut my little finger to the bone and it bled like a stuck pig. We didn't have BleedStop or Quick-Clot back then, so I wrapped some toilet paper around it until it stopped bleeding.

Most painful injury though, was the time I was prying on a piece of walnut with a 1/4" chisel, to make a powder horn. It slipped and went about 3/4" into my knee, right where the funnybone is. Didn't bleed at all but I got dizzy and had to lay down because of the pain. I still have that damned chisel somewhere in the garage.

Then there was that time back in the 80's when I was a bricklayer. We had those things called "corner poles", which were 8-foot long pieces of steel angle iron. I was setting a brick on the floor and a corner pole fell over, catching me right on the tip on my right index finger. Ended up with a steel pin in it, and a shitload of pain killers.

I once saw a bricklayer next to me cutting a brick with the edge of his trowel. Someone said something to him, he looked up, and lopped off the first joint of his thumb with the edge of the trowel. Ouch. True story.
My brother had a similar injury only it was the nail bed of his fingernail, and he was on anticoagulants at the time. Serious bleeding! Hope you got it calmed down.
I did. It's just dry and UGLY now lol
Worst I ever cut a finger was the time I was washing dishes back in 1979. I pushed the dishrag into the glass, gave it a twist, and the damned glass broke. Cut my little finger to the bone and it bled like a stuck pig. We didn't have BleedStop or Quick-Clot back then, so I wrapped some toilet paper around it until it stopped bleeding.

Most painful injury though, was the time I was prying on a piece of walnut with a 1/4" chisel, to make a powder horn. It slipped and went about 3/4" into my knee, right where the funnybone is. Didn't bleed at all but I got dizzy and had to lay down because of the pain. I still have that damned chisel somewhere in the garage.

Then there was that time back in the 80's when I was a bricklayer. We had those things called "corner poles", which were 8-foot long pieces of steel angle iron. I was setting a brick on the floor and a corner pole fell over, catching me right on the tip on my right index finger. Ended up with a steel pin in it, and a shitload of pain killers.

I once saw a bricklayer next to me cutting a brick with the edge of his trowel. Someone said something to him, he looked up, and lopped off the first joint of his thumb with the edge of the trowel. True story.
Yeah I've seen several guys cut fingers off over the years. Always on a table saw. Queasy shit
Bout the size of a sunflower seed and roughly 3/16ths deep. Wrestling with some copper pipe.
Why is it the littlest injuries seem to bleed the most? Damn thing bled for several hours. Didn't help that I kept banging in on shit all day at work.

Right on the knuckle so flipping liberals the finger is now on hiatus lol
Probably because we are older and thinner skinned. Try gloves and be more careful. Doesn't always work for me, as hate gloves, but better than bare skin and flesh.
I did. It's just dry and UGLY now lol

Yeah I've seen several guys cut fingers off over the years. Always on a table saw. Queasy shit
And you've got exposed nerves, so it's going to hurt like crazy! You might think about splinting it in a cage to keep from bumping it.
Table saws and Skil-Saws are the worst. There are more nine-fingered carpenters in this world, than there are whores who are Vice Presidents.

I've run a thousand miles of wood through the table saw over the last 40 years. Never came close to cutting anything off or seen anyone do it. Everyone seems to have a story except me. That's a good thing.
I've run a thousand miles of wood through the table saw over the last 40 years. Never came close to cutting anything off or seen anyone do it. Everyone seems to have a story except me. That's a good thing.
Knock on wood brother. I've seen some TERRIBLE accidents. Worst I've ever done was shot a 16 penny nail through my palm and it came out between my fingers.
20 below zero and hanging soffit rough in on scaffolding that wasn't tall enough. All the guns had the safetys removed for faster work and my fingers were so cold that I couldn't let go of the trigger fast enough. Multiple nails fired and one ricochet off the head of another and straight into my hand.

I got fired for going to the hospital instead of letting the foreman pull it out.
Did you put a tight bandage on it when it happened to stop the blood? Now you must clean the wound and put antiseptic powder on it to stop infections.
Naw, he should just cauterize it!


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