I Thought Bary Said Obamacare Cost Zero/Would Pay For Itself? SOCIALIST LEFT Demanding Congress RAID MEDICARE To Pay For Obamacare AGAIN


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
For all their talk about protecting seniors and Medicare, the progressive left views the program as a slush fund they can raid to pay for their big government scheme du jour.

Among the many, many policy feuds currently engulfing Democrats in Congress as they try to ram through a $3.5 trillion spending blowout, one holds particular irony. The progressive left—which has nailed its mast to the principle of “Medicare for All”—appears outraged that “moderate” Democrats object to raiding Medicare.

These “moderate” Democrats object to drug pricing “negotiation”—in truth a mechanism to impose government-dictated price controls—because they believe, rightly, that those price controls will reduce innovation. But the left, not to mention Democratic leaders in the House, want to ride roughshod over those objections because they need to raid Medicare to pay for the rest of their spending spree.

Remember how Barry told Americans Obamacare would do something no other government program in history had ever done - NOT COST A DIME and that it would PAY FOR ITSELF?
- Sounded good...until they started raiding Medicare


Hey, good news - Pelosi says the Democrats' self-serving, pork-filled, 'Infrastructure' deficit bomb costs absolutely NOTHING.


The biggest consumers of Obamacare are small business people, the self employed.

Why? Because Obamacare gives them group bargaining power. You can get insurance cheaper as a group of ten thousand than you can by yourself.

And a lot of self employed people are trump supporters.

This is why trump said he "would come up with an Obamacare replacement," which he never did.
For all their talk about protecting seniors and Medicare, the progressive left views the program as a slush fund they can raid to pay for their big government scheme du jour.

Among the many, many policy feuds currently engulfing Democrats in Congress as they try to ram through a $3.5 trillion spending blowout, one holds particular irony. The progressive left—which has nailed its mast to the principle of “Medicare for All”—appears outraged that “moderate” Democrats object to raiding Medicare.

These “moderate” Democrats object to drug pricing “negotiation”—in truth a mechanism to impose government-dictated price controls—because they believe, rightly, that those price controls will reduce innovation. But the left, not to mention Democratic leaders in the House, want to ride roughshod over those objections because they need to raid Medicare to pay for the rest of their spending spree.

Remember how Barry told Americans Obamacare would do something no other government program in history had ever done - NOT COST A DIME and that it would PAY FOR ITSELF?
- Sounded good...until they started raiding Medicare

View attachment 545698

Hey, good news - Pelosi says the Democrats' self-serving, pork-filled, 'Infrastructure' deficit bomb costs absolutely NOTHING.

View attachment 545701

Do the words "Individual Mandate" mean anything to you?

No?...well, now you have your reason. Who can we blame for ending that again?
Oh yeah..Republicans and conservatives...who not only made that happen, but also sought to kick as many legs out
from underneath the program as they could...all without EVER offering any alternative of their own.

You know what, never mind, I don't wanna hear it.
You brought this on yourselves. :)
Do the words "Individual Mandate" mean anything to you?

No?...well, now you have your reason. Who can we blame for that again?
Oh yeah..Republicans and conservatives.
You know what, never mind, I don't wanna hear it.
You brought this on yourselves. :)

Pay for your own healthcare, I'm not
The biggest consumers of Obamacare are small business people, the self employed.

Why? Because Obamacare gives them group bargaining power. You can get insurance cheaper as a group of ten thousand than you can by yourself.

And a lot of self employed people are trump supporters.

This is why trump said he "would come up with an Obamacare replacement," which he never did.
McConnell was asked in a personal interview why he did not like being in the Majority and why he would not submit a replacement for Obamacare. Mitch answered that being in the Majority means you are in the light 24/7, and if you make a mistake it is costly. In other words, Mitch would rather be a follower who can snipe at those leading. He also insinuated that proposing a replacement for Obamacare would not appease everyone and would draw criticism.

Mitch should NOT be the leader of the GOP in the Senate, as he is a gutless prick. No politician will ever appease everyone. You're supposed to do your best to come up with a solution that is best for the majority and not worry about appeasing everyone. Mitch is an ass-kisser who does whatever it takes to keep his job.
Do the words "Individual Mandate" mean anything to you?

No?...well, now you have your reason. Who can we blame for ending that again?
Oh yeah..Republicans and conservatives...who not only made that happen, but also sought to kick as many legs out
from underneath the program as they could...all without EVER offering any alternative of their own.

You know what, never mind, I don't wanna hear it.
You brought this on yourselves. :)

Oh please. The enrollment numbers did not drop and in the original bill there was no way to collect the fines unless the person was getting a tax refund.
So what? It got mentioned along with the other one. Pointing out you already pay for other people's heathcare...so stop whining about it. :)
What happened as more people were able to purchase insurance that increased care costs. But then the government also became involved and the costs skyrocketed. If we ever get single payer, the costs are going to make the current real costs look like a mole hill compared to a mountain.
For all their talk about protecting seniors and Medicare, the progressive left views the program as a slush fund they can raid to pay for their big government scheme du jour.

Among the many, many policy feuds currently engulfing Democrats in Congress as they try to ram through a $3.5 trillion spending blowout, one holds particular irony. The progressive left—which has nailed its mast to the principle of “Medicare for All”—appears outraged that “moderate” Democrats object to raiding Medicare.

These “moderate” Democrats object to drug pricing “negotiation”—in truth a mechanism to impose government-dictated price controls—because they believe, rightly, that those price controls will reduce innovation. But the left, not to mention Democratic leaders in the House, want to ride roughshod over those objections because they need to raid Medicare to pay for the rest of their spending spree.

Remember how Barry told Americans Obamacare would do something no other government program in history had ever done - NOT COST A DIME and that it would PAY FOR ITSELF?
- Sounded good...until they started raiding Medicare

View attachment 545698

Hey, good news - Pelosi says the Democrats' self-serving, pork-filled, 'Infrastructure' deficit bomb costs absolutely NOTHING.

View attachment 545701

I mean wow, just wow. First of all, culling savings from Medicare is not "stealing" from Medicare. This is about Medicare negotiating drug prices, period. It makes no sense that Medicare cannot negotiate drug prices. Medicaid does. The VA does. But with Medicare those drug prices are negotiated by PBM, Pharmacy Benefit Managers, and the whole thing is a racket. Let's say that a drug cost a hundred and twenty dollars. The PBM negotiates a discount to eighty dollars. The Medicare beneficiary, with their Part D plan pays a 25% coinsurance on this particular drug. They were paying thirty, do they pay twenty now? No, the price of the drug is a hundred dollars. Twenty dollars gets "kicked back". The beneficiary pays $25. The usual arrangement is for the PBM to get half and the insurance company to get half. The concept is that those "kickbacks" will help keep premiums down. But it is horseshit. It incentivizes insurance companies to keep the prices high because they get a bigger copay from the beneficiary and they get a bigger kickback.

In virtually every other industry such "kickback" practices would be illegal. I mean they prosecute Mafia families for that very type of activity. But in Bush's Medicare Prescription Drug plan they called it a "carve out", virtually legalizing criminal behavior. And the "moderate" Democrats opposed to stopping this activity, Well, there are three, lead by Scott Peters.

Top industry contributor--the Pharmaceutical Industry, more than twice as much donated to his campaign as the second leading industry. His top five contributors, all Pharmaceutical companies.

Then there is Kurt Schrader

Second leading industry, behind Oil and Gas, Pharmaceutical companies.

Finally, there is Kathleen Rice

Top industries at a virtual tie, lobbyists and insurance companies.

These people need to be called out. And you need to get over your Biden Derangement Syndrome. Because of it, you are actually supporting the grifters. In reality, they should be ran out of Congress on a damn rail.

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