I think Trump is going to lose

I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
has incorporated many parts of the leftist agenda while Harris voted for that agenda
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
Agreed, T should have no chance of winning but not for any of those reasons you listed. The responsibility for his up coming loss is on his shoulders. But we all know he never owns up to anything so he will point blame at everything he can and a handful of idiots with back up the nonesense he spews, but at least his reign will be over and we can get back to some normalcy
With the new team : the entire nation will be the NY/California cartel
You as a white guy will be discriminated and made extinct
I disagree and think that is an absolute silly statement... I wouldn’t go around telling people that in the real world... people Will think you’re a loony
interesting are whites being discriminated against in leftists controlled riot cities?
How so?
you tell me how they aren't being discriminated against
T has had much great success, but has many blunders and the environment is the worst
How can you say that----trump has kept many of the illegals out who pollute in mass and destroy the environment. Trump is the best thing going for the environment---illegals are nasty to begin with but overpopulation is killing the environment all together.
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
has incorporated many parts of the leftist agenda while Harris voted for that agenda
Joe has already stated should he get elected, nothing will change. He has not included ONE THING THAT BERNIE SO SUCCESSFULLY RAN ON.

You silly cons are just as gullible as the silly left. Lefties want to believe Joe and Kam are progressives. They clearly aren’t. Cons believe they are commies or Marxists revolutionaries. Jesus!

The elites must laugh at how easy it is to dupe you people.
I only agree with left on guns
They need to be “ reign in “
Here's my question for you, Quasar...if you agree with the left on guns and taking them out of the hands of American citizens...how are we to defend our homes, businesses and loved ones when the left defunds the Police?
You will have shotguns and revolvers
Plenty of fire power
I have a shot gun and several automatics. If liberals continue to neuter the Police in this country I'll add to that arsenal! Why? Because the average citizen will no longer be able to count on the Police responding to their calls for help.

And if Rump loses, the rest of us may have to add to our arsenals to protect us from the Party of the Rumpers.

Yeah right...because so many right wingers took to the streets to loot and burn when Barry was elected! Oh wait...that never happened! It's you liberals that riot when you don't get your way.

Democrats and normal Republicans are one thing but you Party of the Rumpers are another.
I only agree with left on guns
They need to be “ reign in “
Here's my question for you, Quasar...if you agree with the left on guns and taking them out of the hands of American citizens...how are we to defend our homes, businesses and loved ones when the left defunds the Police?
You will have shotguns and revolvers
Plenty of fire power
I have a shot gun and several automatics. If liberals continue to neuter the Police in this country I'll add to that arsenal! Why? Because the average citizen will no longer be able to count on the Police responding to their calls for help.

And if Rump loses, the rest of us may have to add to our arsenals to protect us from the Party of the Rumpers.

Yeah right...because so many right wingers took to the streets to loot and burn when Barry was elected! Oh wait...that never happened! It's you liberals that riot when you don't get your way.

Democrats and normal Republicans are one thing but you Party of the Rumpers are another.

Yeah, right! You don't really have a response when someone points out that it's ALWAYS you on the left that riots...do you? When the Tea Party held protests they even cleaned up after themselves before they went home! When Black Lives Matter and Antifa hold protests it looks like a war zone!
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Everybody thought Trump was going to lose in 2016.

As bad as she was that shithead Crooked Hillary was a better candidate than this Biden clown.

That Harris bitch has the lowest VP candidate rating in the last 50 years. She isn't going to help the ticket.

Biden is a terrible candidate and Trump has been a very successful President, despite Biden's Chicom buddy's infection.

Trump will win by a good margin, just like he did over Crooked Hillary.
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
Agreed, T should have no chance of winning but not for any of those reasons you listed. The responsibility for his up coming loss is on his shoulders. But we all know he never owns up to anything so he will point blame at everything he can and a handful of idiots with back up the nonesense he spews, but at least his reign will be over and we can get back to some normalcy
With the new team : the entire nation will be the NY/California cartel
You as a white guy will be discriminated and made extinct
I disagree and think that is an absolute silly statement... I wouldn’t go around telling people that in the real world... people Will think you’re a loony
interesting are whites being discriminated against in leftists controlled riot cities?
How so?
you tell me how they aren't being discriminated against
Who is “they”?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
Yet she’s against everything Bernie proposed. No medicare for all. No UBI. No student loan forgiveness. She loves the war machine and enriching Wall Street. So, I don’t consider her a leftist or a true progressive. She’s an opportunist just like O and Hillary.
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
Yet she’s against everything Bernie proposed. No medicare for all. No UBI. No student loan forgiveness. She loves the war machine and enriching Wall Street. So, I don’t consider her a leftist or a true progressive. She’s an opportunist just like O and Hillary.
When did Kamala Harris vote against any liberal programs? I go by politicians voting records. Everything else is bullshit!
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
Yet she’s against everything Bernie proposed. No medicare for all. No UBI. No student loan forgiveness. She loves the war machine and enriching Wall Street. So, I don’t consider her a leftist or a true progressive. She’s an opportunist just like O and Hillary.
When did Kamala Harris vote against any liberal programs? I go by politicians voting records. Everything else is bullshit!
What liberal programs has she voted for?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
Yet she’s against everything Bernie proposed. No medicare for all. No UBI. No student loan forgiveness. She loves the war machine and enriching Wall Street. So, I don’t consider her a leftist or a true progressive. She’s an opportunist just like O and Hillary.
When did Kamala Harris vote against any liberal programs? I go by politicians voting records. Everything else is bullshit!
What liberal programs has she voted for?
Well, since she's got a 100% rating from most of the liberal action groups...my guess is that she's voted for ALL OF THEM! (eye roll)
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
What kind of legislation does the VP typically pass?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Well, explain why Biden is surrounding himself with the farleft?
Gun Confiscation carz.
New Green deal Carz?
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
You needn’t worry my poor son. Biden is more conservative than T. So you win either way. Be happy.
Harris is a Mao in a dress and will be the real president if the vermin win
You guys are consuming way too much right wing media propaganda. Both Joe and Kamala are probably more conservative than you both combined.
how can right-wing media get all this misinformation out when leftists controlled mainstream media controls 90% of the media venue?
What makes Harris conservative or Biden for that matter?
Then again Hillary Clinton was a proud Goldwater girl
You do know there is a right wing media. Right? It’s where you get your news.

Name one thing Joe or Kamala have done that can be considered hard left or communist?
Ah, Gipper? Kamala Harris's voting record in the Senate had her as more liberal than Bernie Sanders! For you to claim she's not hard left is rather amusing. Just saying...
Amazingly you can’t see the con. She’s a fraud just like Ears and demented Joe. She is nothing more than an elitist corporatist. She will do the bidding of the ultra wealthy first and foremost.

Oh, I see the "con"! Kamala Harris is another Hillary Clinton. She'll do and say anything as long as it gives her what she wants which is power. She cares about the "little guy" and blacks about as much as Joe Biden does...only at election time and only if they're showing up to vote!
Okay good. We agree.

Cons claiming she’s some kind of crazed leftist aren’t paying attention. They are being duped by their media.
Oh she WILL pass leftist legislation if she thinks it will play well with her base. She's done it before. As I said...her Senate voting record shows her to be more liberal than Bernie Sanders...who is an admitted Socialist!
Yet she’s against everything Bernie proposed. No medicare for all. No UBI. No student loan forgiveness. She loves the war machine and enriching Wall Street. So, I don’t consider her a leftist or a true progressive. She’s an opportunist just like O and Hillary.
When did Kamala Harris vote against any liberal programs? I go by politicians voting records. Everything else is bullshit!
What liberal programs has she voted for?
Well, since she's got a 100% rating from most of the liberal action groups...my guess is that she's voted for ALL OF THEM! (eye roll)
That’s the thing. They’re duping you.

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