I Think Some People Need to Remember Exactly What It Was Like During Trump

I was in a restaurant and the waitress actually spoke to me in Spanish, saying something or other. (Maybe the specials of the day). When I told her I spoke English, she said OK and went to get a waitress who spoke English.

What has happened to this country that customer-facing employees don’t even have to speak English!? Native-born Americans now have to be bilingual, but Spanish immigrants get hired speaking only Spanish?
Oh, no, how awful for you! This is terrible. You had to wait a whole 2 minutes to place your order?

Sweet Evil Jesus, if they put "Karen" in the dictionary, they could put your picture. How do you get through life being this unhappy.

You mean, they couldn't find someone willing to work for less than minimum wage plus tips who speaks English.

Like almost all of your stories, I have questions.

Was it a Mexican restaurant where the majority of the clients are Spanish Speaking?

I go to Chinese restaurants all the time. My wife speaks limited English, but she takes over like a girl boss when we go to a Chinese place.
What myth? It was the case with all my Jewish friends. Their parents were the children of Yiddish-speaking immigrant parents, and when they grew up, they raised their children in English-only homes.

ONE generation.
Nope. People want to believe things about their own family. Over time you start to really believe your own stories, Senator Warren.
I was in a restaurant and the waitress actually spoke to me in Spanish, saying something or other. (Maybe the specials of the day). When I told her I spoke English, she said OK and went to get a waitress who spoke English....
So you weren't harmed in any way. Got it.
I so wish that was true. Today, schools are supposed to deal with forty-seven-eleven languages and dumb down classes to the lowest denominator.
Wish we could go back to tracking the way things were when I was a kid. As things stand now, the ones losing out are the bright ones.
Just like immigrants today.
Nope. People want to believe things about their own family. Over time you start to really believe your own stories, Senator Warren.
You think I don’t know that I grew up with parents who spoke only English in the house, and who were the son and daughter of immigrants?

ONE generation.
You think I don’t know that I grew up with parents who spoke only English in the house, and who were the son and daughter of immigrants?

ONE generation.
That you would generalize your experience as everyone's experience was his point.

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