I still love this song ... Recall if you can when it came out and was #1 all over the world

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
This is played by the original star, Derringer, but this time he plays with Ringo Starr. If you enjoy this song, see if you can locate the original where the original girl dances in front of the band. it is a classic.

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Yet another semi anorexic "waif" .
Why wiggling should equate to dancing is beyond me .

Song is obviously pinched from Twist and Shout .
Bert Berns co-wrote both and you can" hear "that immediately .

All in all . Second rate rehash .
But imho .
probably my fav all time..................this tune was perfectly arranged and produced.....there are so many things going on in this song

A true masterpiece. Glad you brought it here.

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