I Stand On The Side Of Justice And Liberty With The Democrats. I Will Never Surrender To Evil.

It can't happen because Republicans never wanted universal healthcare in the beginning

They will slash Obamacare, cut off Medicaid and subsidies, throw people with pre-existing conditions into the open market and then spend decades blocking any form of replacement

There will be riots in the streets if this happens. Repugs always overreach, even when they don't get the majority of the vote. My only hope is that Trump destroys the Repug Party once and for all.

Cool.. then the rioters will be shot in the streets like that wild animals they are.

Yep, just like the racists who shot black people protesting in the streets in the 1960s. This is what racists like you support.

The 1960's are calling and they want their idiot back

Why, were you in the KKK back then? Have you been hiding ever since? Now that Trump is President, are you grabbing that white robe that's been gathering dust in the basement and putting it back on?


A dimocrap scumbag calling people he doesn't even know 'RACIST!' because he/she/it is all butthurt.

There will be riots in the streets if this happens. Repugs always overreach, even when they don't get the majority of the vote. My only hope is that Trump destroys the Repug Party once and for all.

Cool.. then the rioters will be shot in the streets like that wild animals they are.

Yep, just like the racists who shot black people protesting in the streets in the 1960s. This is what racists like you support.

The 1960's are calling and they want their idiot back

Why, were you in the KKK back then? Have you been hiding ever since? Now that Trump is President, are you grabbing that white robe that's been gathering dust in the basement and putting it back on?


A dimocrap scumbag calling people he doesn't even know 'RACIST!' because he/she/it is all butthurt.


If you support the other Trumpkin bigots on this board, that's the only logical conclusion.
I say fine...kill Obamacare

But show me you have something better and cheaper
Show me how you will transition to the new Republican plan
Show how you will provide coverage to millions of Americans with cancer, heart disease, diabetes and even high blood pressure and cholesterol who are now denied coverage
Kill the individual mandate and show what you will do with the millions who show up in emergency rooms without coverage

Again, I will hold Trump to the same standard as any other President. Take away Obamacare and you had better have something cheaper and better

Cheaper for who? My premiums are up dramatically as are my deductibles. Obamacare is just another gov't redistribution of wealth.

INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

And now you have the Republicans to fix that for you

Republicans take away Obamacare, what will cause your rates to go down? You can go on the open insurance market right now if you think you will find a cheaper rate

Have you checked out things like Medishare? Not insurance, but sharing costs and allows for cheaper plans to be bought.

Would you pay a doctor $1,000/year for your family to see him for routine checkups, inoculations and minor treatments if you could save $2,000/year on insurance premiums? I would. If I was the doctor and could get the cash payment without messing with insurance companies, I'd go for it too. There are ways to get lower insurance costs, but they are not necessarily easy or fun. As it is now, there is no incentive to economize when it comes to health insurance.

Ball is in your court Republicans

Show us a plan that is better and cheaper than Obamacare

Nothing is better than the ACA... the ACA is a fucking disaster.

Then it shouldn't be too hard for Republicans to come up with a better plan.....where is it?
Cheaper for who? My premiums are up dramatically as are my deductibles. Obamacare is just another gov't redistribution of wealth.

INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

And now you have the Republicans to fix that for you

Republicans take away Obamacare, what will cause your rates to go down? You can go on the open insurance market right now if you think you will find a cheaper rate

Have you checked out things like Medishare? Not insurance, but sharing costs and allows for cheaper plans to be bought.

Would you pay a doctor $1,000/year for your family to see him for routine checkups, inoculations and minor treatments if you could save $2,000/year on insurance premiums? I would. If I was the doctor and could get the cash payment without messing with insurance companies, I'd go for it too. There are ways to get lower insurance costs, but they are not necessarily easy or fun. As it is now, there is no incentive to economize when it comes to health insurance.

Ball is in your court Republicans

Show us a plan that is better and cheaper than Obamacare

Nothing is better than the ACA... the ACA is a fucking disaster.

Then it shouldn't be too hard for Republicans to come up with a better plan.....where is it?

Currently in Bush's attic....since 2001.
That's the progressive mind set mind set for you :

"We love Democracy as long as everybody votes exactly the way we want them to"

Woe be unto you evil apostates that didn't vote the way the gub'mint worshipers on the left told you to. :D
LMAO "gub'mint"! Gonna have to steal that one! :D
Get back to me when you're coherent.

I explained to you how the Repug Party has shattered the record for Senate filibusters in the past 8 years. And you've got nothing but lame-ass retorts because you are a dishonest Repug lightweight piece of shit with no facts, no game, and no intellect.

And we both know it, child, so go fuck yourself.
You're not quite sober yet, but keep trying. While you're doing so, consider Obama's attitude when he assumed power. You remember, that whole thing about bringing a gun to a fight, you can come along for the ride, but you have to sit in the back of the bus, that stuff.

Nope, I don't remember that, racist. Why don't you enlighten me....after you explain the Repug's record number of filibusters, of course....which a dishonest Repug lightweight piece of shit can't do, of course.
There's your problem, you don't remember it. Maybe you were in government school at the time and wasn't told about it between Obama praise sessions, or maybe you just weren't paying attention in civics class. Whatever, I just enlightened you. As for the filibusters, Obama made it clear he wasn't going to compromise, so the opposition took him up on it. You do understand why they would do that, right?

Wrong on both accounts. I provided you a fact about the Repubs' filibusters, and you haven't provided shit except for your stupid-ass Repug musings. Provide something substantial other than your lame ass retorts or simply shut up.
Not my problem you weren't taught anything about Obama's attitude in school. I provided you with two things he said. Now, I'm not sure if your problem is that you just can't imagine Obama saying those things (not your fault, I'm sure you were taught nothing about his background and attitude toward the opposition) and can't believe it, or if you're so deeply mired in democrat partisanship that you can't allow yourself to admit he could (though you know he did), but the result is the same. We laugh at you.
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Then it shouldn't be too hard for Republicans to come up with a better plan.....where is it?

Ubercunt is not going to infest the White House with her diseased, disgusting presence

That's a pretty godammed good start
You know, after seeing Obama and Trump's presser, it's really starting to sink in now.

Obama is irrelevant, and just about gone, AND HE'S NOT BEING REPLACED BY HILLARY !!!!!

Can this year get any better than this?!!!!!!
Eliminating ObamaCare is high on the to-do list of Trump and the Repug Party. This country is getting ready to go through 4 years of hell and there will be no compromises between Trump, Repugs, and Democrats.

I say fine...kill Obamacare

But show me you have something better and cheaper
Show me how you will transition to the new Republican plan
Show how you will provide coverage to millions of Americans with cancer, heart disease, diabetes and even high blood pressure and cholesterol who are now denied coverage
Kill the individual mandate and show what you will do with the millions who show up in emergency rooms without coverage

Again, I will hold Trump to the same standard as any other President. Take away Obamacare and you had better have something cheaper and better

Cheaper for who? My premiums are up dramatically as are my deductibles. Obamacare is just another gov't redistribution of wealth.

INEPTOCRACY - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

And now you have the Republicans to fix that for you

Republicans take away Obamacare, what will cause your rates to go down? You can go on the open insurance market right now if you think you will find a cheaper rate

Have you checked out things like Medishare? Not insurance, but sharing costs and allows for cheaper plans to be bought.

Would you pay a doctor $1,000/year for your family to see him for routine checkups, inoculations and minor treatments if you could save $2,000/year on insurance premiums? I would. If I was the doctor and could get the cash payment without messing with insurance companies, I'd go for it too. There are ways to get lower insurance costs, but they are not necessarily easy or fun. As it is now, there is no incentive to economize when it comes to health insurance.

Ball is in your court Republicans

Show us a plan that is better and cheaper than Obamacare
I won't even take the obvious shot and say that any plan would be better. Here's where I think your vision is too narrow. Ask this question, why do we need a government plan in the first place? There are some steps we can take that will lower costs without expensive new bureaucracies or more government power over our healthcare. These are just a few:

1. Opening up competition across state lines among health insurers.
2. Fewer regulations that force all insurance plans to cover things that patients won't need, ala a 60 year old man that has to pay for maternity coverage while a 30 year old woman that has to pay for Viagra. Sex reassignment treatments should be not be forced on society at large to pay for.
3. Wider adoption of tax free healthcare savings accounts.
4. Tort reform that doesn't require an obstetrician to pay 6 figures every year for malpractice insurance.
5. Allowing highly trained nurses to do more things that currently require an expensive doctor's oversight.

Now, obviously that's not going to make every experience for every person fantastically better. What it would do, though, is help to mitigate some of the astronomical cost increases we see regularly. It's a farce now, any way, because healthcare providers routinely charge massive prices that they know will never be paid, insurers pay a fraction of it, and the difference is wiped out. They do it, obviously, to build in enough overhead to get what they actually want in the first place.
And now you have the Republicans to fix that for you

Republicans take away Obamacare, what will cause your rates to go down? You can go on the open insurance market right now if you think you will find a cheaper rate

Have you checked out things like Medishare? Not insurance, but sharing costs and allows for cheaper plans to be bought.

Would you pay a doctor $1,000/year for your family to see him for routine checkups, inoculations and minor treatments if you could save $2,000/year on insurance premiums? I would. If I was the doctor and could get the cash payment without messing with insurance companies, I'd go for it too. There are ways to get lower insurance costs, but they are not necessarily easy or fun. As it is now, there is no incentive to economize when it comes to health insurance.

Ball is in your court Republicans

Show us a plan that is better and cheaper than Obamacare

We both know that isn't going to happen.

Republicans only know three things -- obstruction, hatred for government, and hatred for liberals. They can't actually govern and they already proved that under 8 years of Bush.

It can't happen because Republicans never wanted universal healthcare in the beginning

They will slash Obamacare, cut off Medicaid and subsidies, throw people with pre-existing conditions into the open market and then spend decades blocking any form of replacement

There will be riots in the streets if this happens. Repugs always overreach, even when they don't get the majority of the vote. My only hope is that Trump destroys the Repug Party once and for all.
Destroy? They have more power in Washington right now than they've had in almost a century. Are you sure you saw the same news as everyone else?
Then it shouldn't be too hard for Republicans to come up with a better plan.....where is it?

Ubercunt is not going to infest the White House with her diseased, disgusting presence

That's a pretty godammed good start

Says the racist Repug goober.
You know, after seeing Obama and Trump's presser, it's really starting to sink in now.

Obama is irrelevant, and just about gone, AND HE'S NOT BEING REPLACED BY HILLARY !!!!!

Can this year get any better than this?!!!!!!

Not for the Repugs in Congress. Instead of blaming Clinton for everything, they will actually have to govern. They already proved under 8 years of Bush that they can't do this.

The Sun?

Demonstrations are not riots

You and I have a different idea on what constitutes a demonstration.
Mine doesnt involve burning cars and shooting people.
5 Shot, 2 Life-Threatening Injuries During Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle | Zero Hedge
Seriously. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people protest Roe in Washington, yet you hear nothing about them. Why?

1. Their cause is antithetical to most talking heads on TV.
2. They don't break things, hurt people and loot.
I explained to you how the Repug Party has shattered the record for Senate filibusters in the past 8 years. And you've got nothing but lame-ass retorts because you are a dishonest Repug lightweight piece of shit with no facts, no game, and no intellect.

And we both know it, child, so go fuck yourself.
You're not quite sober yet, but keep trying. While you're doing so, consider Obama's attitude when he assumed power. You remember, that whole thing about bringing a gun to a fight, you can come along for the ride, but you have to sit in the back of the bus, that stuff.

Nope, I don't remember that, racist. Why don't you enlighten me....after you explain the Repug's record number of filibusters, of course....which a dishonest Repug lightweight piece of shit can't do, of course.
There's your problem, you don't remember it. Maybe you were in government school at the time and wasn't told about it between Obama praise sessions, or maybe you just weren't paying attention in civics class. Whatever, I just enlightened you. As for the filibusters, Obama made it clear he wasn't going to compromise, so the opposition took him up on it. You do understand why they would do that, right?

Wrong on both accounts. I provided you a fact about the Repubs' filibusters, and you haven't provided shit except for your stupid-ass Repug musings. Provide something substantial other than your lame ass retorts or simply shut up.
Not my problem you weren't taught anything about Obama's attitude in school. I provided you with two things he said. Now, I'm not sure if your problem is that you just can't imagine Obama saying those things (not your fault, I'm sure you were taught nothing about his background and attitude toward the opposition and can't believe it, or if you're so deeply mired in democrat partisanship that you can't allow yourself to admit he could (though you know he did), but the result is the same. We laugh at you.

Yes, you're going to whine about something Obama said as a young man (and I still don't know what that is) and simply ignore all of the horrible shit that Trump has said over the past 18 months. And you said nothing to justify the Repugs' ridiculous number of filibusters over the past 8 years, you gave your bullshit opinion.

You're a dishonest, piece of shit Repug racist and that's all there is to it.
And now you have the Republicans to fix that for you

Republicans take away Obamacare, what will cause your rates to go down? You can go on the open insurance market right now if you think you will find a cheaper rate

Have you checked out things like Medishare? Not insurance, but sharing costs and allows for cheaper plans to be bought.

Would you pay a doctor $1,000/year for your family to see him for routine checkups, inoculations and minor treatments if you could save $2,000/year on insurance premiums? I would. If I was the doctor and could get the cash payment without messing with insurance companies, I'd go for it too. There are ways to get lower insurance costs, but they are not necessarily easy or fun. As it is now, there is no incentive to economize when it comes to health insurance.

Ball is in your court Republicans

Show us a plan that is better and cheaper than Obamacare

Nothing is better than the ACA... the ACA is a fucking disaster.

Then it shouldn't be too hard for Republicans to come up with a better plan.....where is it?

Currently in Bush's attic....since 2001.
Maybe if you asked nicely, he'd tell you what it is. Don't think you will, though.
You're not quite sober yet, but keep trying. While you're doing so, consider Obama's attitude when he assumed power. You remember, that whole thing about bringing a gun to a fight, you can come along for the ride, but you have to sit in the back of the bus, that stuff.

Nope, I don't remember that, racist. Why don't you enlighten me....after you explain the Repug's record number of filibusters, of course....which a dishonest Repug lightweight piece of shit can't do, of course.
There's your problem, you don't remember it. Maybe you were in government school at the time and wasn't told about it between Obama praise sessions, or maybe you just weren't paying attention in civics class. Whatever, I just enlightened you. As for the filibusters, Obama made it clear he wasn't going to compromise, so the opposition took him up on it. You do understand why they would do that, right?

Wrong on both accounts. I provided you a fact about the Repubs' filibusters, and you haven't provided shit except for your stupid-ass Repug musings. Provide something substantial other than your lame ass retorts or simply shut up.
Not my problem you weren't taught anything about Obama's attitude in school. I provided you with two things he said. Now, I'm not sure if your problem is that you just can't imagine Obama saying those things (not your fault, I'm sure you were taught nothing about his background and attitude toward the opposition and can't believe it, or if you're so deeply mired in democrat partisanship that you can't allow yourself to admit he could (though you know he did), but the result is the same. We laugh at you.

Yes, you're going to whine about something Obama said as a young man (and I still don't know what that is) and simply ignore all of the horrible shit that Trump has said over the past 18 months.

You're a dishonest, piece of shit Repug racist and that's all there is to it.
Dude, you're being stupid. Obama said those things AFTER he was elected. Now, you might have been a child back then, but he was not. I told you what he said, yet you complain you don't know what he said?
You know, after seeing Obama and Trump's presser, it's really starting to sink in now.

Obama is irrelevant, and just about gone, AND HE'S NOT BEING REPLACED BY HILLARY !!!!!

Can this year get any better than this?!!!!!!
Sure it can, for example:

  • Donald Duck names Ivanka as his Press Secretary, thus making White House Press conferences worth watching.
  • Hillary Clinton is indicted, tried, convicted and sentenced to living with a "Basket of Deplorables" on a cattle ranch in Wyoming for the next 25 years.
  • President Obama's teleprompter gets hacked by the Russians during a major speech
  • Congressman Peter King finally admits that he's gay and living a secret life with his lover named Chuck
  • The Detroit Lions Finally get to go the Superbowl
Nope, I don't remember that, racist. Why don't you enlighten me....after you explain the Repug's record number of filibusters, of course....which a dishonest Repug lightweight piece of shit can't do, of course.
There's your problem, you don't remember it. Maybe you were in government school at the time and wasn't told about it between Obama praise sessions, or maybe you just weren't paying attention in civics class. Whatever, I just enlightened you. As for the filibusters, Obama made it clear he wasn't going to compromise, so the opposition took him up on it. You do understand why they would do that, right?

Wrong on both accounts. I provided you a fact about the Repubs' filibusters, and you haven't provided shit except for your stupid-ass Repug musings. Provide something substantial other than your lame ass retorts or simply shut up.
Not my problem you weren't taught anything about Obama's attitude in school. I provided you with two things he said. Now, I'm not sure if your problem is that you just can't imagine Obama saying those things (not your fault, I'm sure you were taught nothing about his background and attitude toward the opposition and can't believe it, or if you're so deeply mired in democrat partisanship that you can't allow yourself to admit he could (though you know he did), but the result is the same. We laugh at you.

Yes, you're going to whine about something Obama said as a young man (and I still don't know what that is) and simply ignore all of the horrible shit that Trump has said over the past 18 months.

You're a dishonest, piece of shit Repug racist and that's all there is to it.
Dude, you're being stupid. Obama said those things AFTER he was elected. Now, you might have been a child back then, but he was not. I told you what he said, yet you complain you don't know what he said?

What did he say? And, again, it's nothing compared to Trump.

You are an intellectually dishonest Repug and that's all there is to it.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

Weren't you supposed to be gone after yesterday. Evidently you're just another lying regressive with no sense of honor.
I'm not going anywhere. If necessary, I will go to jail protesting against Trump's fascist new government. I love my country too much to surrender it to evil. And let's not mince words -- Trump and the Republican Party are pure evil.

I stand with the heroic Democratic minority in the Senate, who will never surrender to Trump and the evil Repug Party, and who now face the awesome responsibility of protecting President Obama's legacy.

ObamaCare will NEVER be eliminated. If you evil Trumpkin fascists think that we are going to allow Trump and the Repug Party to eliminate health care for 20 million Americans, you've got another thing coming. The ironic part is that this 20 million Americans include millions of people who voted for Trump.

You fascist Repugs can continue to suppress the vote of minorities in battleground states such as N. Carolina and Wisconsin. I'm sure it helped Trump steal this election, that's OK. In the long run, good will triumph over evil and decent, real Americans such as my myself will win in the long run. You evil Repugs cannot stop the will of the American people forever, no matter how hard you try. This country is going to leave you racists behind in the long run.

We liberals will NEVER surrender to Trump's fascism. We Democrats who fight for justice and liberty will always win in the long run against intolerance and hatred.

Get ready for a miserable 4 years for you evil racist Trumpkins.

Weren't you supposed to be gone after yesterday. Evidently you're just another lying regressive with no sense of honor.

I was just kidding. I will never surrender to you evil fascist fucks.

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