"I Say Well Done President Obama"


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
This came directly from Monica Crowley, one of THE most staunch ReichWing hacks on the public airwaves to date when asked about her opinion on The President's trip to Asia last week on PBS' 'McLaughlin Group.'

Looks like another point for Obama!!

Its fair to say that a lot of what the president says is spot-on correct. Its just that he needs to re-focus on jobs instead of some of the crazy left-wing shit that he, Pelosi & Reid passed least term.
Lets see if BHO is as smart as Bubba Clinton in being able to win a second term. IMHO he would need to be a lot different than he was the last two years, and I don't mean moving further Left....
This came directly from Monica Crowley, one of THE most staunch ReichWing hacks on the public airwaves to date when asked about her opinion on The President's trip to Asia last week on PBS' 'McLaughlin Group.'

Looks like another point for Obama!!


You guys bitch,bitch,bitch that the president doesn't get any credit,doesn't get any praise.Complain when the right is critical of the president calling them racists when they point out the president is doing a bad job....Here's a woman giving high praise,and I saw her this morning she was totally sincere.And she's called a hack.

The left sure is a classy bunch.

And as far as points.....

I still think the number is hovering close to 10 %

Unemployment that is....:eusa_whistle:
Yet another troll thread from the board's chief dimbulb.
I'd like to see the context of the remark. Probably something like: "Obama failed to conclude a trade treaty with South Korea, even after Bush had negotiated the main points. Instead S.Korea signed a treaty with the EU on virtually the same terms Bush had negotiated. I say well done President Obama, snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory."
This came directly from Monica Crowley, one of THE most staunch ReichWing hacks on the public airwaves to date when asked about her opinion on The President's trip to Asia last week on PBS' 'McLaughlin Group.'

Looks like another point for Obama!!


yes great, what was she commenting on? his golf swing? do you mind terribly telling us what for?
This came directly from Monica Crowley, one of THE most staunch ReichWing hacks on the public airwaves to date when asked about her opinion on The President's trip to Asia last week on PBS' 'McLaughlin Group.'

Looks like another point for Obama!!


You guys bitch,bitch,bitch that the president doesn't get any credit,doesn't get any praise.Complain when the right is critical of the president calling them racists when they point out the president is doing a bad job....Here's a woman giving high praise,and I saw her this morning she was totally sincere.And she's called a hack.

The left sure is a classy bunch.

And as far as points.....

I still think the number is hovering close to 10 %

Unemployment that is....:eusa_whistle:

I watch her rant and wave and spew every week. She's a hack.

I was shocked to see her give our President some credit for ONCE in her miserable life.

Between her and Laur Ingrahm...I dunno which is worse. They're both always screaming and moaning and bitching about Obama and/or the left.
This came directly from Monica Crowley, one of THE most staunch ReichWing hacks on the public airwaves to date when asked about her opinion on The President's trip to Asia last week on PBS' 'McLaughlin Group.'

Looks like another point for Obama!!


yes great, what was she commenting on? his golf swing? do you mind terribly telling us what for?

I think the what for is,and I may be wrong.I think he secured a deal with India to get us 50,000 jobs.....What did you say.That's great We got 50,000 jobs for one of our cities,maybe quite a few cities,maybe a good portion of the country like the mid west or south....

Sorry but I think it's for the whole country,and like the health care debacle these jobs don't kick in for another 3-4 years....

Well done Mr.President,well done indeed....:doubt:
Well I have to admit that BHO has GWB beat...........

Disaster… Obama’s job approval rating drops to 42%.

Gallup tracks daily the percentage of Americans who approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as president. Results are based on telephone interviews with approximately 1,500 national adults; Margin of error is ±3 percentage points.
It took George W. Bush 5 years to reach this same low.
Hat Tip Ed
No wonder some democrats believe Obama should not seek a second term.
This came directly from Monica Crowley, one of THE most staunch ReichWing hacks on the public airwaves to date when asked about her opinion on The President's trip to Asia last week on PBS' 'McLaughlin Group.'

Looks like another point for Obama!!


How is it a point for Obama that a "hack" found some political gain in praising him?
When Owe Bama is tossed out on his ass in the next election, if he can have his shit packed up and moved out of the White House in less than 12 hours, I will say, "Well done, Owe Bama. Now, get out of here."

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