I remember where I was at this time 19 years ago today when some people did something...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
19 Years since 9/11, the first Tower had already been hit. I was unusually late for work that day (technically not, as we had flexible hours, but late by my standards) and nobody was working, a group was around one persons computer watching live coverage of something.

When I was told what happened, it had only been after the first tower was hit. I am embarrassed to say I didn't even know what the World Trade Center buildings were. After the Second Tower hit, it was clear it was a terror attack.

Will never forget those days or images. Especially people who jumped off the buildings to avoid the heat. Never forget taking the bus home as we were all told to go home and it was packed, people all coming home early from the downtown core and it was eerily silent. I looked around at people, wanting to have a conversation, which I normally wouldn't do. I was just shocked and angry, unable to process it all, and I was a world away it seemed.

My how much the world has changed since then. Is there any semblance of care for remembrance of this most recent, and dire history?
19 Years since 9/11, the first Tower had already been hit. I was unusually late for work that day (technically not, as we had flexible hours, but late by my standards) and nobody was working, a group was around one persons computer watching live coverage of something.

When I was told what happened, it had only been after the first tower was hit. I am embarrassed to say I didn't even know what the World Trade Center buildings were. After the Second Tower hit, it was clear it was a terror attack.

Will never forget those days or images. Especially people who jumped off the buildings to avoid the heat. Never forget taking the bus home as we were all told to go home and it was packed, people all coming home early from the downtown core and it was eerily silent. I looked around at people, wanting to have a conversation, which I normally wouldn't do. I was just shocked and angry, unable to process it all, and I was a world away it seemed.

My how much the world has changed since then. Is there any semblance of care for remembrance of this most recent, and dire history?

There is already a thread on this.
Did the 9-11 Islamic Terrorist hate America as much as today's Antifa and BLM Terrorist?

Yeah, very clearly the radical Islamists hated you more. If you see not just one, but, what as it, 19 hijackers?! All willing to give their own lives, none of them backing out when they all had plenty of opportunity to. You know you were dealing with a frightening, irrational rage and evil.

I'm listening to the names of those who died that day being called out at the 9/11 memorial, one that hit me was a womans name "and her unborn child". Just hits home what the SOBs did. There can be no heaven for dogs like those terrorists.
I was on a chatline defending the Republican party for winning a Presidential election in 2000. One person came online and told everyone to turn on the tv. The grim images of the first tower being rammed with vaporish-looking material coming out the other side. Shortly afterward I hearn the anguished sound of a reporter who said as I watched the other tower took a hit. I didn't have to be told that neither hit was accidental.

Soon after it was announced that there was dancing in the streets in the Middle East. Not much was listened to about waiting for all the facts come in The nation was 99% on the side of getting whoever was responsible for the travesty. The commie deep state clammed down when they saw the sleeping giant wasn't listening. The Senate convened to give full war powers to the executive office and if I remember correctly the vote was 99 yea and 1 unpopular nay. America prepared to get rid of Al Qaida. That may have been long enough to review tattle tail photos from space and reviewed international noise online of tears and fears. That's what I recall. I'm certain the Department of Defense was on red alert for many problems terrorists were causing around the homeland. The understanding was that the Sears Tower was a goal, power grids, water sources, phone services, internet communications, and postal packets checked for bombs and toxic chemicals and microfobial agents. Our Administration had our backs. The rabid hate-filled leftist press stfu'd all of an entire week. President Bush did what had to be done with 99% backing of the America. The Leviathans of the left seethed, waiting to damage and weaken executive powers to take America down. It took 7 years for them to score with a weak Clinton puppet who was controlled by a Clinton Sec of State and yesmen filling the rest of the "presidential cabinet."
I was at my desk getting ready to celebrate our chess league's 3rd anniversary ... amazing we lasted that long ... couple dozen games on tap, three IM's lined up for commentary ... we were expecting hundreds of people showing up through out the day ...

Bob Edwards broke into the taped broadcast of ATC on NPR ... "A second commercial jet airliner has crashing into the World Trade Center ... "

We suspended operations so teams could replace their dislocated ... no one died but several were homeless ... one young lady kept sneaking into the area and would give us reports of the clean-up progress ... a very brave soul ...

The chess league is still in operation ... so I guess this is their 22nd anniversary today ... Team 45 45 League ... I guess they aren't celebrating ...
Even after 19 years I find it difficult to read or watch accounts of that terrible day. It's hard to get the image out of your head of two people holding hands as they fall through the air preferring a quick death instead of roasting alive. It's hard to get a handle on the incredible courage of the heroes tho chose to confront pure evil over Shankesville Pa. I've been to ground zero since then and although I am not too impressed by the monument I can't help but feel the emotion and the somber feeling that still lingers in the air. I plan to visit the monument at Shankesvill Pa. one of these days.
I remember hearing about the 1st jet hitting the World Trade Center, and thinking "I don't need to hear this shit".

So I went to a local cocktail lounge to enjoy a few adult beverages. By the time I got there the 2nd jet had already hit the Trade Center and the people in the bar room were demanding that President Bush take action immediately and nuke Tehran and Mecca.

The initial reports I heard from the folks in the joint that day were 250,000 deaths, without a doubt.

Fortunately, W was able to limit the number of people who died to a much more reasonable number.
I remember hearing about the 1st jet hitting the World Trade Center, and thinking "I don't need to hear this shit".

So I went to a local cocktail lounge to enjoy a few adult beverages. By the time I got there the 2nd jet had already hit the Trade Center and the people in the bar room were demanding that President Bush take action immediately and nuke Tehran and Mecca.

The initial reports I heard from the folks in the joint that day were 250,000 deaths, without a doubt.

Fortunately, W was able to limit the number of people who died to a much more reasonable number.

Looking back, I have a respect for Canadas intel that decided to NOT get involved in an expanded war. We provided Special Forces and assistance in Afghanistan on the down low, but, nothing official. At the time, I was quite disappointed in Canada for not coming to the U.S assistance, especially when Britain joined. It seems we had the right idea.

Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. He may have deserved his fate due to who he was and his abuses to his citizens, but, it ended up being a horrible decision. Now Iran is a far greater threat than Iraq was, and, Bin Laden was nowhere to be found.

So, in a rare instance, I give Canada some credit, not that they've treated me with any respect.
I remember hearing about the 1st jet hitting the World Trade Center, and thinking "I don't need to hear this shit".

So I went to a local cocktail lounge to enjoy a few adult beverages. By the time I got there the 2nd jet had already hit the Trade Center and the people in the bar room were demanding that President Bush take action immediately and nuke Tehran and Mecca.

The initial reports I heard from the folks in the joint that day were 250,000 deaths, without a doubt.

Fortunately, W was able to limit the number of people who died to a much more reasonable number.

Looking back, I have a respect for Canadas intel that decided to NOT get involved in an expanded war. We provided Special Forces and assistance in Afghanistan on the down low, but, nothing official. At the time, I was quite disappointed in Canada for not coming to the U.S assistance, especially when Britain joined. It seems we had the right idea.

Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. He may have deserved his fate due to who he was and his abuses to his citizens, but, it ended up being a horrible decision. Now Iran is a far greater threat than Iraq was, and, Bin Laden was nowhere to be found.

So, in a rare instance, I give Canada some credit, not that they've treated me with any respect.

America's decision to get involved with Saddam Hussein was in part due to Mr. Hussein's attempt on a life of a US President before 9/11 even came down. That was a righteous reason to fight, IMHO.
19 Years since 9/11, the first Tower had already been hit. I was unusually late for work that day (technically not, as we had flexible hours, but late by my standards) and nobody was working, a group was around one persons computer watching live coverage of something.

When I was told what happened, it had only been after the first tower was hit. I am embarrassed to say I didn't even know what the World Trade Center buildings were. After the Second Tower hit, it was clear it was a terror attack.

Will never forget those days or images. Especially people who jumped off the buildings to avoid the heat. Never forget taking the bus home as we were all told to go home and it was packed, people all coming home early from the downtown core and it was eerily silent. I looked around at people, wanting to have a conversation, which I normally wouldn't do. I was just shocked and angry, unable to process it all, and I was a world away it seemed.

My how much the world has changed since then. Is there any semblance of care for remembrance of this most recent, and dire history?
I was sleeping !! I was very foolish and never followed any news . I was ok .that is odd but I had no concern and went back to bed
. I was in a depressed year
It has no meaning to me until many hours later and only after the second plane
I remember hearing about the 1st jet hitting the World Trade Center, and thinking "I don't need to hear this shit".

So I went to a local cocktail lounge to enjoy a few adult beverages. By the time I got there the 2nd jet had already hit the Trade Center and the people in the bar room were demanding that President Bush take action immediately and nuke Tehran and Mecca.

The initial reports I heard from the folks in the joint that day were 250,000 deaths, without a doubt.

Fortunately, W was able to limit the number of people who died to a much more reasonable number.

Looking back, I have a respect for Canadas intel that decided to NOT get involved in an expanded war. We provided Special Forces and assistance in Afghanistan on the down low, but, nothing official. At the time, I was quite disappointed in Canada for not coming to the U.S assistance, especially when Britain joined. It seems we had the right idea.

Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. He may have deserved his fate due to who he was and his abuses to his citizens, but, it ended up being a horrible decision. Now Iran is a far greater threat than Iraq was, and, Bin Laden was nowhere to be found.

So, in a rare instance, I give Canada some credit, not that they've treated me with any respect.

America's decision to get involved with Saddam Hussein was in part due to Mr. Hussein's attempt on a life of a US President before 9/11 even came down. That was a righteous reason to fight, IMHO.
Iraq had zero to do with it
I was against both wars
I wanted the USA to cut ties with Saudi

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