I REALLY Appreciate how Humble the Obama's are in this "Great Recession"...

I will never believe there is this much hate for Obama because of his policies. Supposedly that was the reason for hating Bill Clinton too. But I never believed that. Good old Bubba cheated Bush 41 out of a second term. Plus the fact that he was a democrat and a lib was the real reason for all of that conservative hate.

I read once that Obama is so hated because he is a trifecta: (1) Black, (2) Liberal & (3) Democrat!!! And that's the truth.

Conservatives are nothing but whiny, snivelling children that cannot ever lose graciously. But you all keep saying it's his policies you don't like, just like you did with Clinton.

you loved bush?
* knock knock*

Can Rinata come out and play Mrs. Fauxrage?

*wah wah, wah wah wah*

Oh, I see, coloring her Barbie wiht a permanent marker again. Maybe tomorrow.
I will never believe there is this much hate for Obama because of his policies. Supposedly that was the reason for hating Bill Clinton too. But I never believed that. Good old Bubba cheated Bush 41 out of a second term. Plus the fact that he was a democrat and a lib was the real reason for all of that conservative hate.

I read once that Obama is so hated because he is a trifecta: (1) Black, (2) Liberal & (3) Democrat!!! And that's the truth.

Conservatives are nothing but whiny, snivelling children that cannot ever lose graciously. But you all keep saying it's his policies you don't like, just like you did with Clinton.

Who hated Clinton? I loved him. I thought he should have been banging hotter chicks, but I still loved Clinton. I hated Bush to, does that mean I hate white so called conservative republicans? Or does it mean I hate asshole , hypocritical elitists no matter what color they are?

You're a racist. Tell me Rinata, do you hate Obama's white half?
The people with money to spare need to kick it up a bit and spend more, or spend like crazy! :D BUT they need to spend it here, in their OWN country, imo.

those of us, just getting by, need to save what money we can....

BTW, a previous thread on this had an article that said the trip was paid for, including the cost of the plane, by the Obama's and NOT tax payer's money? When did this change to the taxpayers footing 300k?

Problem is we are in a Catch 22. The people with money don't think we've bottomed out. so they aren't going to spend their money yet if they think they can get a better deal later on.

And we shouldnt be relying on spending to move our economy. We need to produce real value.
I will never believe there is this much hate for Obama because of his policies. Supposedly that was the reason for hating Bill Clinton too. But I never believed that. Good old Bubba cheated Bush 41 out of a second term. Plus the fact that he was a democrat and a lib was the real reason for all of that conservative hate.

I read once that Obama is so hated because he is a trifecta: (1) Black, (2) Liberal & (3) Democrat!!! And that's the truth.

Conservatives are nothing but whiny, snivelling children that cannot ever lose graciously. But you all keep saying it's his policies you don't like, just like you did with Clinton.

Actually, it was Ross Perot, but carry on with your ranting.
I will never believe there is this much hate for Obama because of his policies. Supposedly that was the reason for hating Bill Clinton too. But I never believed that. Good old Bubba cheated Bush 41 out of a second term. Plus the fact that he was a democrat and a lib was the real reason for all of that conservative hate.

I read once that Obama is so hated because he is a trifecta: (1) Black, (2) Liberal & (3) Democrat!!! And that's the truth.

Conservatives are nothing but whiny, snivelling children that cannot ever lose graciously. But you all keep saying it's his policies you don't like, just like you did with Clinton.

You can choose to believe reality or not. But then I don't think people hate Obama at all. His policies just really really suck. Socialism doesn't end well.
I will never believe there is this much hate for Obama because of his policies. Supposedly that was the reason for hating Bill Clinton too. But I never believed that. Good old Bubba cheated Bush 41 out of a second term. Plus the fact that he was a democrat and a lib was the real reason for all of that conservative hate.

I read once that Obama is so hated because he is a trifecta: (1) Black, (2) Liberal & (3) Democrat!!! And that's the truth.

Conservatives are nothing but whiny, snivelling children that cannot ever lose graciously. But you all keep saying it's his policies you don't like, just like you did with Clinton.

Might want to stock up on gracious for November. In a pinch, you can just continue with your whiny third-grader routine.

As a matter of fact, I am very gracious when I lose. Do you think that out of all my family members and friends that I don't have any conservatives to deal with?? That figures. However, I don't anticipate that I will need to be a gracious loser in November. But I will have to be a gracious winner. Something you have probably never been.

Stupid comment.
I will never believe there is this much hate for Obama because of his policies. Supposedly that was the reason for hating Bill Clinton too. But I never believed that. Good old Bubba cheated Bush 41 out of a second term. Plus the fact that he was a democrat and a lib was the real reason for all of that conservative hate.

I read once that Obama is so hated because he is a trifecta: (1) Black, (2) Liberal & (3) Democrat!!! And that's the truth.

Conservatives are nothing but whiny, snivelling children that cannot ever lose graciously. But you all keep saying it's his policies you don't like, just like you did with Clinton.

No need to get your panties all in a twist. I don't hate either one of them. Clinton will be compared to the dem presidents who preceded and followed him. Makes him look like a frigging genius!! And Obama? He was indoctrinated, educated, and groomed by socialist radicals to be exactly what he is. Basically, he was grown like a weed. You don't hate the weed. You just pluck it, toss it on the compost heap, and later use it to grow something useful.

I don't have anything in a wad, dear. I'm curious. Where in the world did you get these ideas described above?? There were several good Democratic presidents prior to Clinton. I'm thinking Roosevelt, Truman, and Kennedy. And what "socialist radicals" groomed Obama??

I think you're the radical weed that needs to be picked and just thrown away.
I will never believe there is this much hate for Obama because of his policies. Supposedly that was the reason for hating Bill Clinton too. But I never believed that. Good old Bubba cheated Bush 41 out of a second term. Plus the fact that he was a democrat and a lib was the real reason for all of that conservative hate.

I read once that Obama is so hated because he is a trifecta: (1) Black, (2) Liberal & (3) Democrat!!! And that's the truth.

Conservatives are nothing but whiny, snivelling children that cannot ever lose graciously. But you all keep saying it's his policies you don't like, just like you did with Clinton.

you loved bush?

No, I didn't. I disliked him intensely when the supreme court just gave him the presidency. I sort of liked him and fully supported him after 9/11. I began to dislike him intensely once again when he insisted on invading Iraq, with his stupid ass.

As I've said many times, despite my dislike of him, I really liked Laura and the twins. I still do and always watch interviews of Jenna Bush whenever she's on tv. She's a lovely girl.

Also, I never wished any harm on Bush or his family or criticized their personal life and every damn thing they did.
I don't have time to respond to all of you. This popularity is just too time consuming. Sorry. :cool:
I will never believe there is this much hate for Obama because of his policies. Supposedly that was the reason for hating Bill Clinton too. But I never believed that. Good old Bubba cheated Bush 41 out of a second term. Plus the fact that he was a democrat and a lib was the real reason for all of that conservative hate.

I read once that Obama is so hated because he is a trifecta: (1) Black, (2) Liberal & (3) Democrat!!! And that's the truth.

Conservatives are nothing but whiny, snivelling children that cannot ever lose graciously. But you all keep saying it's his policies you don't like, just like you did with Clinton.

No need to get your panties all in a twist. I don't hate either one of them. Clinton will be compared to the dem presidents who preceded and followed him. Makes him look like a frigging genius!! And Obama? He was indoctrinated, educated, and groomed by socialist radicals to be exactly what he is. Basically, he was grown like a weed. You don't hate the weed. You just pluck it, toss it on the compost heap, and later use it to grow something useful.

I don't have anything in a wad, dear. I'm curious. Where in the world did you get these ideas described above?? There were several good Democratic presidents prior to Clinton. I'm thinking Roosevelt, Truman, and Kennedy. And what "socialist radicals" groomed Obama??

I think you're the radical weed that needs to be picked and just thrown away.

Classic 0bamabot. Rinata was told she thinks.
Man if this were a Republican First Lady behaving this way,the Leftist nutters would be on this board completely freaking out. This extravagant vacation was in poor taste considering how many Americans are currently suffering. Any Leftist defending this,can never be taken serious again on any issue. This just isn't right. Nuff said.
The people with money to spare need to kick it up a bit and spend more, or spend like crazy! :D BUT they need to spend it here, in their OWN country, imo.

those of us, just getting by, need to save what money we can....

BTW, a previous thread on this had an article that said the trip was paid for, including the cost of the plane, by the Obama's and NOT tax payer's money? When did this change to the taxpayers footing 300k?

Why did she not blow all that money here & help support Americans?

Maybe Al Gore sold them on NAFTA

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhwhMXOxHTg"]Gore Pushed for NAFTA 1[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1tHV_fztR4&feature=related"]Gore Pushed for NAFTA 2[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr-aoolb7c0&feature=related"]Gore Pushed for NAFTA 3[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMj5SHK6Yeg&feature=related"]Gore Pushed for NAFTA 4[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZB8TuQ3ITo&feature=related"]Gore Pushed for NAFTA 5[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yATk48Ep5G4&feature=related"]Gore Pushed for NAFTA 6[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnB8NxNIuCA&feature=related"]Gore Pushed for NAFTA 7[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZOXWNXOpjw&feature=related"]Gore Pushed for NAFTA 8[/ame]
i think she should have spent her vacation in the usa, as i already said....those americans with money, need to spend it, in our country.

so, i don't know what your argument is, with me on this?
I will never believe there is this much hate for Obama because of his policies. Supposedly that was the reason for hating Bill Clinton too. But I never believed that. Good old Bubba cheated Bush 41 out of a second term. Plus the fact that he was a democrat and a lib was the real reason for all of that conservative hate.

I read once that Obama is so hated because he is a trifecta: (1) Black, (2) Liberal & (3) Democrat!!! And that's the truth.

Conservatives are nothing but whiny, snivelling children that cannot ever lose graciously. But you all keep saying it's his policies you don't like, just like you did with Clinton.

you loved bush?

No, I didn't. I disliked him intensely when the supreme court just gave him the presidency. I sort of liked him and fully supported him after 9/11. I began to dislike him intensely once again when he insisted on invading Iraq, with his stupid ass.

As I've said many times, despite my dislike of him, I really liked Laura and the twins. I still do and always watch interviews of Jenna Bush whenever she's on tv. She's a lovely girl.

Also, I never wished any harm on Bush or his family or criticized their personal life and every damn thing they did.

gave him the presidency? okay! well the good Lord was looking out for us, because if gore was in office after 911 we would be under muslim control. oh yeah obama and biden are trying to take credit for iraq, are you grateful?
i think she should have spent her vacation in the usa, as i already said....those americans with money, need to spend it, in our country.

so, i don't know what your argument is, with me on this?

I am on your side on this. :beer:

I against Al Gore & the Obama's on their choices. :eusa_naughty:
you loved bush?

No, I didn't. I disliked him intensely when the supreme court just gave him the presidency. I sort of liked him and fully supported him after 9/11. I began to dislike him intensely once again when he insisted on invading Iraq, with his stupid ass.

As I've said many times, despite my dislike of him, I really liked Laura and the twins. I still do and always watch interviews of Jenna Bush whenever she's on tv. She's a lovely girl.

Also, I never wished any harm on Bush or his family or criticized their personal life and every damn thing they did.

gave him the presidency? okay! well the good Lord was looking out for us, because if gore was in office after 911 we would be under muslim control. oh yeah obama and biden are trying to take credit for iraq, are you grateful?

Stupid comments based on nothing.
Bush spent 977 days vacationing at the Ranch or Camp David. That's a 122 days a year, while we were fighting two wars and slipping into the greatest recession since the Great Depression.

Bush Spent 487 Days At Camp David, 490 Days At Texas Ranch During

So was the country in a Economical crisis when Bush became President? It looks like the pesident would be trying to get the economy jump started and then go on vacation.
No, the country was not in an economic crisis when Bush took over. Clinton turned over to Bush a booming economy and a government with a surplus. In 8 years Bush turned that surplus into an 995 billion dollar budget deficit and a country in the worst recession since the great depression. No wonder Bush spent so much time on vacation.

WikiAnswers - What was the total deficit when Obama took office

The "surplus" Clinton had was only there because they took from social security to balance the budget. It was nothing more than a shifting of funds to give the appearance of a surplus.
Here is the link if you care to read:
The Myth of the Clinton Surplus

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