I may not vote this time.

I may wait a season or so and then vote to reelect candidates that actually accomplished something that I support during their term in office. They could be of either party as long as they advance what I consider important. If nothing has improved I will abstain from voting until something does. I'm so sick of feeling like a damn fool each time I cast my vote.

Since Virginia moved all its elections to November, I might vote for some of the state/local stuff. I definitely wouldn't vote for either of the two parties congressional nominees.
We all need to stay involved. I understand the frustration in post #1. The only way to correct it is if regular citizens get involved in their party of choice and push out the fringe and the criminal-minded. In the primary, I only found one democrat I could vote for so I will wait to see what the national convention platform turns out to be and if I can't support it I will end a tradition of Democrat Party affiliation that has been my families affiliation since Andrew Jackson was president.
You can't vote out of office those powerful forces that pull the strings in the background. I have been advocating locally to clean up our lakes, but to no avail. The DNR has a death grip on the lakes and no politician can break it. They are an unelected governing board of our natural resources with their own agenda, that doesn't always serve the general population. They manage our waterways for the benefit of sport fishermen, thus our hyper-eutrophic, weed and algae choked waters.

Notwithstanding many local political candidates run on a 'clean lakes' agenda, knowing full well that their efforts will be limited to programs in the watershed. The actual lakes are off-limits to their efforts.

I talked with a representative of a local 'friends of the lake' community action group, who told me that they faced certain "obstacles" in their efforts to improve that particular lake. That obstacle of course was the DNR. They too had programs within the watershed and along the shoreline, but were forbidden from doing anything in the lake directly.
If nothing has improved I will abstain from voting until something does.

I think in times like these we've got to consider which candidates or party will fuck things up the worst. I've never understood the logic that both parties suck so I won't vote. I guess if you think either party is no worse than the other one, okay I got that. But I vehemently disagree with the predicate, when I see what the democrats want to do if they get the chance, I just cannot see the GOP being as bad as that. Specifically the filibuster, the democrats want to abolish it and if that happens then IMHO all sorts of shit hits the fan that may not be reversible.
I'm an independent moderate conservative; no party affiliation but I mostly vote Republican.
Hey Nutz, don't you realize that by not voting as a Republican, you are empowering the far-left Democrat politicians such as Biden?. How do you think an election would turn out if all us Republicans stayed home, not voting. Get your ass out there and help us rid the government of all DEMONRATS.
I think in times like these we've got to consider which candidates or party will fuck things up the worst. I've never understood the logic that both parties suck so I won't vote. I guess if you think either party is no worse than the other one, okay I got that. But I vehemently disagree with the predicate, when I see what the democrats want to do if they get the chance, I just cannot see the GOP being as bad as that. Specifically the filibuster, the democrats want to abolish it and if that happens then IMHO all sorts of shit hits the fan that may not be reversible.
I would be joining millions of others that don't vote.
Hey Nutz, don't you realize that by not voting as a Republican, you are empowering the far-left Democrat politicians such as Biden?. How do you think an election would turn out if all us Republicans stayed home, not voting. Get your ass out there and help us rid the government of all DEMONRATS.
I'll vote this fall, maybe for the last time. We'll see.
We all need to stay involved. I understand the frustration in post #1. The only way to correct it is if regular citizens get involved in their party of choice and push out the fringe and the criminal-minded. In the primary, I only found one democrat I could vote for so I will wait to see what the national convention platform turns out to be and if I can't support it I will end a tradition of Democrat Party affiliation that has been my families affiliation since Andrew Jackson was president.
Everyone seems to have forgotten How the corrupt democrats stole the 2020 election. I'm betting they do it again.
I may wait a season or so and then vote to reelect candidates that actually accomplished something that I support during their term in office. They could be of either party as long as they advance what I consider important. If nothing has improved I will abstain from voting until something does. I'm so sick of feeling like a damn fool each time I cast my vote.
Not voting is way better than knowingly voting for a bad candidate.
I would be joining millions of others that don't vote.

That's very true. You will be one of millions that are allowing other people to decide who should be our next president. How can that be anything less that dumb-shit stupid? The same logic applies to the House and the Senate this November.
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Hey Nutz, don't you realize that by not voting as a Republican, you are empowering the far-left Democrat politicians such as Biden?
And by not voting as a Democrat, he's also empowering Republican politicians? Same logic, right?
The two parties are polar opposites so it's easy to make a choice. If you are unhappy with the democrat majority, vote for republicans. If you can't support either side you need to do what you can go support the candidates you approve of. I don't concede that the republican party is in any way evil but to paraphrase an old cliche, the lesser of the two evils is better than the evil.
That's very true. You will be one of millions that are allowing other people to decide who should be our next president. How can that be anything less that dumb-shit stupid? The same logic applies to the House and the Senate.
What's the difference? Elect a good candidate and the people continue to live and act "dumb-shit stupid".

I'm not running for office so I can say whatever I want about my fellow citizens. :biggrin: Politicians, and partisans, can only blame the other party, never the voters.

Attendant: "Your Majesty, the people are revolting."
King: "You're telling me?"
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This "old cliche" is the conceit that is killing our nation,.
Nonsense. The lesser of two evils may still be an evil; but the part you overlook is that it is the LESSER evil. It is more preferable.

Let’s say you see Trump as a very flawed human being. But his name is on the ballot. Also on the ballot, for that other main political party, maybe you see the insufferable Shrillary. Or you see Brandon. Or Bernie Sanders.

That’s not even a difficult choice. Any sane person would vote for Trump.
Nonsense. The lesser of two evils may still be an evil; but the part you overlook is that it is the LESSER evil. It is more preferable.

Lesser-of-two-evils is a scam, concocted by the major parties to scare you into voting for them no matter how fucking bad their candidates are.

But every year, a critical mass of voters fall for it. And every year, our "choices" gets worse. Fuck you very much.

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