I may not vote this time.

I may wait a season or so and then vote to reelect candidates that actually accomplished something that I support during their term in office. They could be of either party as long as they advance what I consider important. If nothing has improved I will abstain from voting until something does. I'm so sick of feeling like a damn fool each time I cast my vote.
You never said what you consider important.
If the Democrast gain just a couple seats in the Senate and hold the House they will do away with the filibuster and ram their plans for draconian gun control and the beginnings of a Marxist socialist workers’ paradise through Congress. The Republicans need every vote they can get to preserve our freedom of speech, right to bear arms and our constitutional republic.

Now is the the time all good conservative men and women to rise up and vote to save our great experiment with representative democracy. We need a turnout so large that the Democrats will find it impossible to rig the election no matter how hard they try.
Yep. National elections, without cheating, are won and lost by just a few thousand votes. Your vote matters. Trump's policies are clearly better than han Biden's. Any Republican will be better a choice than any Democrat.

Changing the course of the United States is like steering the Titanic. It's slow and takes time. We're heading for a massive iceberg. It'll take time to move the direction we're heading. This is no time to turn the government over to the American Socialist Party.
I will vote straight Republican in November however. We need conservative policies if we are to delay the destruction of our nation.
If they do the usual "Mayberry Act" there won't be much done but to them, it will be a victory as the Progs will only get 75% of what they want.
The two parties are polar opposites so it's easy to make a choice. If you are unhappy with the democrat majority, vote for republicans. If you can't support either side you need to do what you can go support the candidates you approve of. I don't concede that the republican party is in any way evil but to paraphrase an old cliche, the lesser of the two evils is better than the evil.
I do believe the Republican party is evil. Same for Democrats. Iyou would have to drag me in to vote for either and nobody is man enough to do that.
I do believe the Republican party is evil. Same for Democrats. Iyou would have to drag me in to vote for either and nobody is man enough to do that.
Nobody cares if that's how you feel. Do us all a favor and DONT vote

Just keep bitching on the messageboards if that makes you feel better
And if you fail, if you're party nominates a shitstain - reward them by giving them your vote anyway!

Talk about throwing your vote away.

Well tell me this much, dipshit. I voted Libertarian in the last election. Who did my vote "help" (other than the Libertarian candidate)?
It’s so damn bizzare…how do you not understand that one of the two parties will win…you can play your retarded game all you want…and still one of the two parties will win. You 27 Libertarians will never be able to vote your candidate to a win in a national election….EVER!
There’s nothing noble in the position you clowns take….it’s retarded as fuck and anyone even half sane knows it.
Well tell me this much, dipshit. I voted Libertarian in the last election. Who did my vote "help" (other than the Libertarian candidate)?
You just don't get it, do you? This is still a two party system, and the only winners are going to be a Repub or a Dem. A Libertarian candidate, at this period in time, has no chance. Ergo----you just wasted your vote. Your misguided action is no different than not voting at all.
You just don't get it, do you? This is still a two party system, and the only winners are going to be a Repub or a Dem.
You're the one who doesn't get it. I'm not voting for shitty candidates. Period.
A Libertarian candidate, at this period in time, has no chance. Ergo----you just wasted your vote. Your misguided action is no different than not voting at all.
It's considerably different. If I go on record supporting the Libertarian, it's a clear message to the major party goons: "If you want my vote, you're going to have to do more to protect individual liberty. Otherwise, piss off."

If on the other hand, I voted for a candidate I don't like, out of fear of another candidate that I don't like - I'm also sending a clear message: "You're doing great, keep up the good work!"
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You just don't get it, do you? This is still a two party system, and the only winners are going to be a Repub or a Dem. A Libertarian candidate, at this period in time, has no chance. Ergo----you just wasted your vote. Your misguided action is no different than not voting at all.
Standing up for what you believe in is a good thing. You maintain your integrity. We need more of that.
It’s so damn bizzare…how do you not understand that one of the two parties will win…
It's so damn bizarre that you can't hear what I'm saying: I'm not voting for one of two shitty candidates just because (the media claims) one of them will win. I'd rather go on record as not supporting either.
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It's so damn bizarre that you can't hear what I'm saying: I don't give a shit. I'm not voting for one of two shitty candidates just because (the media claims) one of them will win. I'd rather go on record as not supporting either.
Oh I hear you alright…I hear the ignorance in your position….I hear that you can’t actually rationalize or reconcile such a position for us sane folks. Trust me, I totally get your foolishness….You honestly believe that you and your 26 other LibTarians buddies will revolutionize the American voting system in due time….17 centuries from now.
By electing a bad candidate, you are endorsing their lies and enabling their tyranny. Not voting doesn't disenfranchise you from citizenship and all rights thereof. It does send the message that you won't sully your conscience by supporting someone not fit for office.
Oh I hear you alright…I hear the ignorance in your position….I hear that you can’t actually rationalize or reconcile such a position for us sane folks.
LOL --- ok, that was knee-slapper, right there.
You honestly believe that you and your 26 other LibTarians buddies will revolutionize the American voting system in due time….17 centuries from now.
Nah, you're still not getting it. None of that matters. I'm just not gonna vote for your shitstain candidate. Period. If you want my vote, nominate someone worth a shit.
Everyone lies; the issue is what their history tells about them.
I look at what should be done, and what they propose. Few candidates ever pass my test.

"Americans will do the right thing, after all other possibilities have been exhausted." (paraphrasing Churchill).

The problem is that we never run out of other possibilities. :(
LOL --- ok, that was knee-slapper, right there.

Nah, you're still not getting it. None of that matters. I'm just not gonna vote for your shitstain candidate. Period. If you want my vote, nominate someone worth a shit.
When are you running for office?
It's so damn bizarre that you can't hear what I'm saying: I'm not voting for one of two shitty candidates just because (the media claims) one of them will win. I'd rather go on record as not supporting either.
Free country. You can continue to waste your vote to your heart's content. I just hope that we conservatives will benefit from your misguided actions.

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