I made a "bobcat repeller" for my neighbor.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Hi y'all. I didn't know where to put this post and hadn't visited the lounge in awhile so I thought I'd put it here. So my neighbor lost her husband earlier this year to a rare form of brain cancer. She's been having a tough time, but it's been several months and she seems to be doing better, talking more and getting out a little. I get her mail and trash and help with problems that pop up. Recently she was complaining about an animal that gets on her roof every night, right over her bedroom. She could hear it all hours and it was keeping her up and frustrating her no end. I figured it was probably a bobcat, I had seen one in my back yard about the size of a very large tom cat.

So here's what I did. I got an emergency blinking light that is solar powered like the kind they use around road construction. I put it inside of a cinder block and secured it inside the block with twine so the bobcat couldn't swat it off the roof. I climbed up and put it over her bedroom and low and behold it worked! She said the first night the cat was there for around a half an hour but then left. That was the last night she heard it and that was a over a week ago. She is very happy to be able to sleep undisturbed again. So anyone with bobcat problems, (or any nocturnal animal) try a blinking light.
Hi y'all. I didn't know where to put this post and hadn't visited the lounge in awhile so I thought I'd put it here. So my neighbor lost her husband earlier this year to a rare form of brain cancer. She's been having a tough time, but it's been several months and she seems to be doing better, talking more and getting out a little. I get her mail and trash and help with problems that pop up. Recently she was complaining about an animal that gets on her roof every night, right over her bedroom. She could hear it all hours and it was keeping her up and frustrating her no end. I figured it was probably a bobcat, I had seen one in my back yard about the size of a very large tom cat.

So here's what I did. I got an emergency blinking light that is solar powered like the kind they use around road construction. I put it inside of a cinder block and secured it inside the block with twine so the bobcat couldn't swat it off the roof. I climbed up and put it over her bedroom and low and behold it worked! She said the first night the cat was there for around a half an hour but then left. That was the last night she heard it and that was a over a week ago. She is very happy to be able to sleep undisturbed again. So anyone with bobcat problems, (or any nocturnal animal) try a blinking light.
I was hunting and saw a big cat walking through the woods. It came to the tree line and just sat there looking around. Can you see it? It's very rare to see a Bobcat in the wild. I feel lucky.
Poor hungry kitties!!! I'd be out there with food and cuddles.
I wish!

Thank you for SAFELY and HUMANELY handling a wild animal. It is appreciated so VERY much!!!

You get a hug!

I don't think that bobcat would attack my dog when he's running through the woods. I worry more about the coyote. But even them. As long as I go out there for awhile with him, and walk in the woods, I feel like the coyote and bobcats will run off. But if you leave your dog outside on a leash, I've known people to open their door and find their mauled dog dying. So I don't let my dog go in the woods for more than a couple minutes then I start calling for him.

I used to open the door in the morning and let my dog run free by himself but then he got porcupined. So I have determined there are too many things in the woods that will mess him up to just let him run free out of my sight. As soon as my dog runs in the woods, I start walking out there to back him up. I'm thinking about putting a bell on his collar and I need to get another glow light for at night.

We have these big hawks or some kind of prey birds that circle the dog park. My girlfriend would worry that the bird is going to snatch up her dog. I told her she's crazy. Well, it happened. A hawk tried to snatch up a little dog in the little dog park right in front of the owner. I never thought they would be so bold. And it's not even cold out. Lots of food for the birds to find I can't believe they went for it. I would have thought the risk wasn't worth the reward.

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