I Love Michael Goodwin!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Tell it, Mikey!!!
Reveal the embarrassment of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue....

1."...arguing that America and the West are in decline. But proving that a picture is worth a thousand books, the “selfie” seen ’round the world ends the argument.

2. ....the United States of Obama consists of boobs and bores and is led by a narcissist.

3. President Obama’s flirting with Denmark’s prime minister would be shameful on any occasion. That it happened at the memorial for Nelson Mandela only adds to the embarrassment.

4. ....Iran marches toward nuclear weapons and already there is talk in military circles that a nuclear-armed Iran could mean mushroom clouds in the Mideast....China is flexing its muscles throughout Asia, its ships brazenly confronting ours on the high seas. Russia is expanding its writ in the Arab lands and in Eastern Europe while making casual threats about bombing America. Syria’s Assad uses chemical weapons and Obama and Cameron rattle little sabers before meekly agreeing to become his partner.

5. The sign-language interpreter wasn’t the only fake at the Mandela funeral. Obama and Cameron were posing as world leaders.

6. [Past] leaders understood the consequences if evil prevailed and were committed to victory.

7. .... to provide mutual security and a framework for global peace. That special bond later cemented the Ronald Reagan-Margaret Thatcher partnership that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

8. Hitler’s greatest mistake was being born too soon. If he were on the march now, would there be will in Washington and London to stop him?

9. ...while Obama and Cameron were yukking it up in South Africa, the White House was denouncing bipartisan efforts in Congress to pass more sanctions against Iran. Doing so, it said, would scuttle the feeble interim deal Obama and Cameron accepted. Incredibly, administration arguments echoed Iran’s position.

10. Try to imagine FDR and Churchill siding with Hitler against their national legislatures."
How the West was lost by the selfie president | New York Post
Never heard of him- sounds like a gossip-happy, babbling charlatan- typical TP A-HOLE/HATER...

The funniest part is that PC links to him as if he's some sort of genius, but nothing in the article is anything more than a rehash of the garbage the inmates around here have been tossing around for a week.

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