I lost my temper at work


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Having constant problems with one customer for many months that won’t go away

Finally it blew up on the phone
He said the F word to me a few times

Then I explodes back by calling him an illiterate Texas redneck and a bum

Last week a bunch of nasty blacks left my store after a brief altercation
I mumbled “ get the F out “ and I did not know the lady was near me .
She said what did you say
And I said do you want a receipt and she semi bought it . Thank god for the mask lol
3 weeks ago I went mad crazy with a deaf lady .
I was in a bad mood and failed to communicate with her and I was very vociferous and nasty
. She told her friend outside and I had to lie saying that I was feeling dizzy and that I needed to sit down.
Having constant problems with one customer for many months that won’t go away

Finally it blew up on the phone
He said the F word to me a few times

Then I explodes back by calling him an illiterate Texas redneck and a bum

Last week a bunch of nasty blacks left my store after a brief altercation
I mumbled “ get the F out “ and I did not know the lady was near me .
She said what did you say
And I said do you want a receipt and she semi bought it . Thank god for the mask lol
The "inclusion" gang at the state and federal employee level will hang the phone up if you use the f-bomb, and they get to keep their job and their benefits. Just say'in. Why should they get to choose and you (the store person) have to put up with it? Hopefully you can keep your job and your customers, but no guarantee on that, 'eh?
I own the store until March 2017
Not going to hang on that long
My policy is ignore and defuse the situation which I do 95 percent of the time
My franchise is working me 3-4 times harder than I have ever had to and my salary is the same
In response , I rarely answer the phone and rarely ever return any phone calls
I am at the cross roads
When my back office computer crashed ; the corporate technology department was very slow to fix the problem
I own the store until March 2017
Not going to hang on that long
My policy is ignore and defuse the situation which I do 95 percent of the time
McDonalds is paying $14/hr to start in my area, plus benefits after a while. As long as they give me a job in the back making excellent burgers, I'm thinking its not a bad way to go compared to owning my own business and working 80hrs a week only to make $5/hr after taxes. I dunno.

Just smile and wave, bro, smile and wave.

My parents think it’s a bad idea as I may get drunk and depressed and use it on myself .
I would like a carbine rifle ?
That would be accurate and easy
As long as MC D has a path to assistant manager

I am becoming more and more “ unglued and lackadaisical “

My parents think it’s a bad idea as I may get drunk and depressed and use it on myself .
I would like a carbine rifle ?
That would be accurate and easy
Oh. . I wasn't thinking about you using it on yourself or others...

I remember I had a good friend, his brother exhibited many of the same beliefs and high tensions you do.

He found it very, VERY therapeutic to go to the range and fire off some rounds. He also went out to a club somewhere and blew shit up with a really big gun too.. .

I'm not sure these places would like you fire under the influence, but then, gun culture has never held much of a fascination for me.
As long as MC D has a path to assistant manager

I am becoming more and more “ unglued and lackadaisical “
With your psychological profile?

If I were you? If you are healthy, join up to the government now, before they fully organize these death camps. You will make a perfect death camp coordinator. You are a bigot, and love to bully people.

It doesn't seem like you will have any problems taking large sums of money from the government to liquidate the STATE's enemies.
Wtf ??
I am the one that is being bullied and assaulted everyday
I rather die than ever support the evil tyrants of the Xiden administration
I am a honest and fair guy
I am not sure why you turned on me but I am going to not respond back
Serving the public is a really difficult job.

There are a lot of human beings who are brazen and refuse to stay in their lane.

I urge young people who are just starting out to consider a career that does not involve serving the public. The fewer human beings you have to meet, the better.
I am a honest and fair guy
I am not sure why you turned on me but I am going to not respond back
your not fair to vegas.....a lot of the shit you say about how it is, is bullshit.....and yes you tell the truth about the shitty areas....but the good parts....you are way off....
your not fair to vegas.....a lot of the shit you say about how it is, is bullshit.....and yes you tell the truth about the shitty areas....but the good parts....you are way off....

He is right Vegas has been overwhelmed by un-desirables and a work force of Asians....try and find an American dealer in any of the casinos.

I lived in Vegas for years....watched it boom from 75000 people to over 2 million.

Once a town for the working class to go and have a cheap vacation to a town for the rich milennials to go to-- to party and do their drugs and for high rolling asians to launder drug money.

The most corrupt city in America....like a 3rd world country policed by dirty cops that were fired elsewhere....very trigger happy....they like to shoot white people knowing there will be no ramifications.

All they have to do is say I thought he was going for a weapon.

If you go to Vegas .....make sure to avoid any police...if pulled over for a traffic violation....smile and say yesir, yessir and nothing more if you value your life.

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