I Just Sent Pat Toomey $50!


Senior Member
Jul 24, 2008
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The ultra Conservative, Southerner Republican wants to challange Arlan Specter in the Republican primary and I say "You Go Pat!!!"

The state that fired Rick the prick Santorium will surely not elected the Southern Politician Toomey and that means yet another Democratic Senator!!! :clap2:
Well, if the Republicans continue to act in an extreme partisan manner, 2010 may well see a 70 Dem Senate.
Well, if the Republicans continue to act in an extreme partisan manner, 2010 may well see a 70 Dem Senate.

If Rush Limbo is allowed to keep his leadership post in the GOP that may very well happen
ha, you never know what can happen in 2 years
ha, you never know what can happen in 2 years

It will be interesting to see Jeb Bush running in 2012 as the odds on favorite to unseat Obama and the Dems. Honestly, I hope that doesn't happen, because if it does, it will mean that things have become dramatically worse. But I wouldn't be against it.

One good thing; Jeb would make a much better Prez than GW.
The Republicans seem to be returning to their roots as a true conservative party. They lost their way when Reagan was elected.

If they were truely conservative instead of religious right, tax cut and spend nut balls, I might vote for them.
Sorry they were only spend thrifts under GW Bush. Reagan if You'll recall had a Democratic Congress and like it or not Congress is the people responsible for the spending especially state side. The only Budget that Reagan came close to getting through the Democrats who dominated the House for all of his eight years was his first one in 1981 that was for 1982 after that the Democrats in general spent aboput 50% more than Ragan requested every year and then bitched about the deficit they had created.

Hell I'm beginning to wonder if Obama can find enough quasi honest Democrats to fill his cabinet.
Sorry they were only spend thrifts under GW Bush. Reagan if You'll recall had a Democratic Congress and like it or not Congress is the people responsible for the spending especially state side. The only Budget that Reagan came close to getting through the Democrats who dominated the House for all of his eight years was his first one in 1981 that was for 1982 after that the Democrats in general spent aboput 50% more than Ragan requested every year and then bitched about the deficit they had created.

Hell I'm beginning to wonder if Obama can find enough quasi honest Democrats to fill his cabinet.
most people dont know how things are supposed to be done in our government
some think POTUS is supposed to be on the ground directing traffic in an evac situation
Well, if the Republicans continue to act in an extreme partisan manner, 2010 may well see a 70 Dem Senate.

I believe the opposite is true. If people like Arlen Spector get their way, there may well be 70 Democrats in the Senate by 2010 simply because more and more conservatives will abandon the GOP. Toomey may get the nod anyway since Spector has disgraced America by supporting the deficit-spending bill.
Sorry they were only spend thrifts under GW Bush. Reagan if You'll recall had a Democratic Congress and like it or not Congress is the people responsible for the spending especially state side. The only Budget that Reagan came close to getting through the Democrats who dominated the House for all of his eight years was his first one in 1981 that was for 1982 after that the Democrats in general spent aboput 50% more than Ragan requested every year and then bitched about the deficit they had created.

Hell I'm beginning to wonder if Obama can find enough quasi honest Democrats to fill his cabinet.

You shouldn't make things up. People can check them and prove you wrong.

No, Reagan's tax cuts were a "Trojan Horse" to lower tax rates for the rich according to Reagan's own budget director, Phil Stockman. And Reagan's budgets were passed not by the Democrats, but by an alliance of all Republicans and a few Southern Dixiecrats. Reagan and Bush's tax cut and spend policies are responsible for 90% of the National Debt.

Well, if the Republicans continue to act in an extreme partisan manner, 2010 may well see a 70 Dem Senate.

I believe the opposite is true. If people like Arlen Spector get their way, there may well be 70 Democrats in the Senate by 2010 simply because more and more conservatives will abandon the GOP. Toomey may get the nod anyway since Spector has disgraced America by supporting the deficit-spending bill.

That doesn't even make sense..sorry. Because one of three RINO's vote with dems like they always do,even though the rest of the repubs including McCain are out publicly and very vocally AGAINST the bail out....somehow the conservatives are going to punish the GOP anyway? Not going to happen. The conservatives are going to wake up and take back seats after watching the dems trash the constitution and the ecomomy over and over. They were stupid for letting the dems have complete control in the first place. I hope they get shafted big time during this so called "pay back" to the GOP if they act like childish idiots as you suggest.
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