I just received an Urgent letter from President Trump


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Dear Mr “Rightwinger”

I’m not one to mince words, so I will get right to the point.

I need your help and I need it NOW.

The Big Government Socialist Democrats running against me for President along with their allies in Congress and the left leaning special interest groups- are continuing their massive, nonstop propaganda campaign and bogus witch hunts to destroy me and the Republican Party.

Working with the Liberal mainstream media- who is spreading their fake news 24 hours a day- they are doing everything they can to defeat me in the November Presidential election and capture complete control of our lives, our families, our businesses and our government.

We can’t let that happen.

Mr “Rightwinger”, today I am asking you to join key Republicans in New Jersey and across the country who are making a commitment to support me and our agenda by becoming a Charter Member of the Republican Presidential Task Force.

With your help today, we will create an army of dedicated Americans who will battle back against those who are working to defeat me and take our nation down a disastrous path to Big Government Socialism.
Just think of all the help I can offer President Trump once I am a Charter Member of the Republican Presidential Task Force.
Best Go F Yourself Donald ad I've seen in quite some time.
He is threatening to sue over the shit HE SAID. :rolleyes:

Has no one explained to Donald Trump how the Streisand Effect works yet? His campaign has apparently been sending laughably ridiculous threat letters to various TV stations that have been airing an advertisement put together by a group called Priorities USA, criticizing the President's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The ad highlights Trump's repeated statements playing down the virus and insisting that he had things under control, even as the numbers of infected started to rise exponentially.​

Best Go F Yourself Donald ad I've seen in quite some time.
He is threatening to sue over the shit HE SAID. :rolleyes:

Has no one explained to Donald Trump how the Streisand Effect works yet? His campaign has apparently been sending laughably ridiculous threat letters to various TV stations that have been airing an advertisement put together by a group called Priorities USA, criticizing the President's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The ad highlights Trump's repeated statements playing down the virus and insisting that he had things under control, even as the numbers of infected started to rise exponentially.​

As a member of the Presidential Task Force, I will look into it.
Where's the link? This thread needs deleting.

It’s in my mailbox

Trump sends me personally signed letters, not links
How cute. Rightwinger has a new friend.

Do you think he will invite me to Mara Lago?

Probably, but don't go to Mar-a-Lago. They have bedbugs and multiple health code violations. ;)

Best Go F Yourself Donald ad I've seen in quite some time.
He is threatening to sue over the shit HE SAID. :rolleyes:

Has no one explained to Donald Trump how the Streisand Effect works yet? His campaign has apparently been sending laughably ridiculous threat letters to various TV stations that have been airing an advertisement put together by a group called Priorities USA, criticizing the President's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The ad highlights Trump's repeated statements playing down the virus and insisting that he had things under control, even as the numbers of infected started to rise exponentially.​

As a member of the Presidential Task Force, I will look into it.

I started getting questionnaires in 2018 from the RNC as a "valued member of the Republican Party".
Always dutifully took the time to answer them and mail back postage paid.
Not sure why they ultimately removed me from the list. :D

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